July 8-9, 2002

Approving Pending Purchase Orders

All open orders in Orbis (i.e. orders with statuses A, B, C or D) have migrated to Voyager as pending orders using migration funds. The migration fund name ends in “Conversion” (e.g. AFRGEN Conversion) and the migration fund code ends in 999 (e.g. AFRGEN999). Before you can receive or pay for items on these purchase orders, the PO’s must be approved. Before they can be approved, you need to check the Purchase Order Type and change the fund.

1. CheckThe Purchase Order Type

Most orders were loaded as firm orders. If that is not the PO type for your order, please choose the correct PO type from the drop-down menu. There are 6 Purchase Order types:

  • Approval
  • Continuation
  • Depository
  • Exchange
  • Firm Order
  • Gift

It is important to choose the correct type, so that we will have accurate statistics when we run reports by PO type in Voyager.

2. ChangeThe Fund

The only way we could load the Orbis funds in open orders into Voyager was to map them to a migration fund ending in 999. In Voyager, the allocated fund codes are the same as the fund names in Orbis, but without the year at the end. (Example: AFRGEN02 becomes AFRGEN.)

Since there are no expenditure class codes in Voyager, we are keeping track of the different formats by using reporting funds. The reporting fund codes have the same basic fund code as the allocated fund (AFRGEN) plus a 3-digit expenditure class code. Since we only have 10 characters for the fund code, the initial zero is dropped. Example:

AFRGEN + the expenditure class code for monographs (0105) minus the initial zero = AFRGEN105.

The fund name is AFRGEN Monographs; the fund code is AFRGEN105.

Since the migration funds existed only for the purpose of the data migration, you need to change the fund from the conversion fund to the correct reporting fund.

Migration reporting fund name: AFRGEN Conversion

Migration reporting fund code: AFRGEN999

Correct reporting fund name: AFRGEN Monographs

Correct reporting fund code: AFRGEN105

You need to know the expenditure class code to choose the correct reporting fund code. If it is not obvious, check Orbis for this information.

To ChangeThe Fund:

While the order is still pending, highlight the line item and, with the Quick Line Item on, click on Details.

In the fund line, delete the word “Conversion” and type in the 3-digit expenditure class code (in this case, 105). Do not leave a space between the fund name and the number.

Click on the red check box to verify the fund. It will replace the fund code with the fund name.

Be sure to click on SAVE!

3. Approve the Purchase Order After Making All Necessary Changes

All open orders were loaded with the order status “Pending”so we could make the maximum number of changes to the purchase order. Once you have made the necessary changes to the purchase order, click on APPROVE. You should use the RECEIVE ON APPROVE option (which will automatically receive the materials as the purchase order is approved) to receive the status D orders on your list from Suzanna.

To make changes to the PO after it has been approved:

Some things cannot be changed at all once the PO is approved:

  • pre-paidcopy of a line item
  • order site
  • currency

After an order is approved, you can still change the following information:

  • fund
  • intended location
  • ledger/fund data
  • line item price
  • notes and instructions to vendors
  • purchase order type
  • vendor code
  • subscription information for serials

The purchase order type remains editable after the PO is approved. Notes and instructions to the vendor for the PO or the line item may be added or edited at any time.

The Edit Approved Line Item Data dialog box is used to change:

  • intended location
  • line item price
  • ledger/fund data

Highlight the line item and from the Line Item menu, select Edit Approved to get the dialog box which will allow you to make these changes.

To change the vendor code after the PO is approved, go to the Vendor History tab and click on Change Vendor.

When should you make these changes to the Purchase Order?

There are many ways to integrate these procedures into your workflow. You can update the PO’s at the point of receiving items or paying invoices.


Suzanna will run a report of the status D monograph orders for each unit. These items have been received but not paid in Orbis. You should receive these items in Voyager as you update your purchase orders.

For the remaining open orders (status A or C) you can either:

  1. Ask Suzanna Lengyel to run a report of all your open monograph orders as of the end of the fiscal year and work from that list. [Email This way you can also set up claim intervals as you go through your open orders.
  1. Wait to request a report until September or October. Update your purchase orders as you receive incoming books. Your list will be smaller in a month or two and you can use it to follow up on any open orders that haven’t yet been received.


The purchase order does not have to be approved to do check-in in the serials module or the MFHD, but it does need to be approved for invoicing to take place. If there is an obsolete price in the record which migrated from the Estimated Price field (AMT)in Orbis, please delete it, as it willcause a commitment when the PO is approved. Units which expect to pay for their serials on these records in the fall need to approve these purchase orders in Voyager before then. If your unit used VITLS to record the payments for your serials, then you have about six months (until EDI is implemented) to approve your periodical purchase orders.

Deposit Accounts

We will be keeping track of items paid for by deposit accounts (i.e. prepayments to the vendor) using a special Deposit ledger (DP FY03) containing dummy funds. Deposit accounts are most commonly used for approval plans, such as Blackwell’s. When you receive an item that has been prepaid using a deposit account, select the appropriate dummy fund from the Deposit Ledger. The ledger is organized by library, by vendor, and by expenditure class code. Be sure to enter the correct price.

Acquisitions units need to tell Roy Bohlander how much money to allocate to each deposit fund.

For the first year, this will be an experiment. You may keep track of your deposit account balances one of two ways:

  1. As commitments. You will not create invoices for your deposit materials.
  1. As expenditures by creating invoices and paying them with the dummy funds. When you approve the invoice, you get a dialog box that says, “Are you sure you wish to approve this invoice?” There are 2 Approve Options:

a)Print voucher/check request

b) Receive on approve


These are dummy funds and the items have been prepaid, so you do not want to generate a check. There are no PTAEO numbers in the deposit funds, so a check will not be generated, but checking Print voucher/check request will send the information to a file where it will generate an error report and cause confusion.

Check Receive on approve if you want the items on the invoice to be received at the same time as the invoice is approved. Then click the Yes button and the invoice will be approved.

Currencies & Exchange Rates

To view Exchange Rates in Voyager, go to Ledgers and Funds on the List Bar and choose Currency. When you select a currency from the menu on the left, the conversion rate displays in the Conversion Rate box in the center of the screen. The box to the right shows when the conversion rates were last updated.

The Fiscal Support Team will continue to maintain the bibliographic record of exchange rates so staff can print out a list of exchange rates if they want to. To access this record in the Cataloging module, do a title search on “Orbis Exchange Rates” or “Exchange Rates for Yale University Library.” You may also go to Record > Retrieve by record ID > Bibliographic and search on “3198082.”

For a list of currencies, see the appendix.

Vendors in Voyager


The easiest way to search vendors in Voyager is by the vendor ID (if you know it). You can search vendors by name in Voyager, but they must be searched exactly as they were entered in Orbis. Since there was very limited space in Orbis, many vendor names had to be abbreviated.

Example: American Association for the Advancement of Science was entered in Orbis as AMER ASSN FOR ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE and also as AMER ASSN FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE

The best way to search vendors is to use the phrase search in Voyager. A phrase search on “ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE” doesn’t work, however, because those words are on 2 different lines in the vendor record. (SEE 6AMAS15002). There are also hundreds of vendor records entered under THE.

For these reasons, we are keeping VENDOWEB ( ) as a reference tool. Because the name search is a keyword search, you don’t need to worry about initial articles. (You still have to search a vendor name the way it was entered.) You can search by vendor name or address to call up the vendor ID. VENDOWEB will not be updated, so new vendors will not be added, but it will be a useful tool to search for older vendors. If you still have a printed list of the vendors, keep that for future reference.

New Vendor

You cannot create a purchase order without a vendor code. In Orbis you had the option of putting a D in the vendor field if there was no vendor code. In Voyager, use the vendor New Vendor (the vendor code is also NEW VENDOR) to generate a purchase order. The phrase “New Vendor” will print on the purchase order. You will have to add the vendor’s address to the printed purchase order or envelope before mailing it. Continue to submit requests for new vendor codes to the Fiscal Support Team.

Processing Gifts

Do not create a purchase order for gifts. In the Cataloging module, search for the item. Bring over the bibliographic record. Create a MFHD (holdings) for your location.

  1. If you do not need to record the donor, put the word “gift” in the internal note field (|x) in the 852 field of the MFHD after the location code (|b).

852 8 0 |b sml |x gift

Remember to use first indicator 8 for on order and in process records. Use second indicator 0 for single part monographs and second indicator 1 for serials and multipart monographs.

852 8 0 |b sml |h In Process |x gift

852 0 0 |b sml |h HD229988 |i L65 (LC) |x gift

  1. If you want to record the donor, add that information to the 852 field:

852 8 0 |b med |x gift of Elwood P. Dowd

Reports can be run to count the number of gifts received in a particular year and also to produce lists of gifts from a particular donor.

Claims, Cancels, and Returns (Monographs)

The printed Claim, Cancel, and Return notices are batch jobs that are run centrally. Before generating a Claim, Cancel, or Return, please set the following Workflow options under the Line Items tab:

  • Select Show Line Item Relations > Show Marks/Claims > Marked Line Items and Claimed Line Items. Click OK.

Generating Claims and Cancels

To Mark the line item/copy as a Claim or Cancel from the PO:

  1. Select Line Item.
  1. Click Recv/Mark.
  1. Click on the white box next to the title. It will turn blue, indicating that it has been selected.
  1. Select the Mark Reason (Claim or Cancel) using the drop-down menu.
  1. Click on Mark and then Close.
  1. Deselect the line item and highlight the line below which says Marked/Claimed. Depending on the Mark Reason you selected, either the Generate Claim or Generate Cancel button will be activated.
  1. Click on the button to generate a Claim or Cancel Notice.

Claim Types

For Claims, there are a few extra steps. When you click on Generate Claim, you get a dialog box. The vendor code, vendor name, and claim date are taken from the line item.

Choose a Claim Type from the drop-down menu. The Comment box is for internal notes; the information you enter there will not be sent to the vendor.

The following Claim Types are available:

Can you supply?

Copies received in damaged condition

Does subscription include online access?

Has publication ceased?

Imperfect item(s) supplied

Insufficient copies received

Invoice received but no item

Latest volume not yet received

Missing depository item

Missing exchange issue

Missing gift issue

Missing issue

Missing on approval

Missing volume

Next item on subscription not received

No copies received

Other reason

Please quote price and availability

Please rush

Please send invoice

Please send renewal invoice

Previous item on subscription not received

Second claim. Please respond

Standing order volume not yet received

Subscription paid but nothing received

Third claim. Please respond

Volume not yet received

Wrong item(s) supplied.

The line item now shows a status of claimed in the Purchase Order.

To Update Claims

Highlight the Marked/Claimed line to activate the Claim button to send another claim. When the vendor responds to your claim, you need to update your claim.

  1. Highlight the Marked/Claimed line and click on Update Claim.
  1. Reset the claim date based on the vendor’s response.
  1. Fill in the date of the vendor’s response (Date of Report).
  1. Select a vendor response from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Comment box is for internal notes; the information you enter there will not be sent to the vendor.

The following Vendor Report messages are available:

Beyond acceptable claim period; entire volume can be purchased

Beyond acceptable claim period; issue can be purchased

Book sent to bindery per your instructions

Cancelled as requested as of specified date

Customer must order direct

Discontinued delivery; additional payment required

Discontinued publication

Duplicate of approval selection. Resubmit order if 2nd copy required [68]

Duplicate of standing order. Resubmit order if 2nd copy required

Fund limit exceeded

Issue combined with specified issue

Issue never published due to a frequency change

Issue not included in subscription package

Item not included in subscription package

Never published

No longer our publication [see note for new publisher]

No record of an order; supply order information

No record of payment; supply order number and proof of payment

No response from publisher. Resubmit order if you have more details.

No such issue

Not available; subscription extended to specified date

Not our publication

Not yet published

Not yet received; awaiting supply from the publisher

On back order

Order entered to start on specified date

Other reason [see note]

Out of print

Out of print: available in microform only

Out of print: cannot be replaced or reordered

Out of print: complete volume must be purchased

Out of print. Please resubmit for out of print searching

Out of print. Search discontinued. Resubmit for continued searching

Out of print: searching

Out of print: will reprint and supply

Out of stock indefinitely

Out of stock; on backorder; expect on specified date

Out of stock. Please reorder if still required

Part of a series

Partially filled; expect remainder on specified date

Premature claim; claim again after specified date

Prepayment required

Publication cancelled

Publication delayed until specified date

Publication suspended; resumption unknown

Publisher out of business

Quantity claimed exceeds quantity ordered

Replacement(s) sent

Shipped on specified date; please recheck

Sold; not available

Title changed [see note for new title]

Title not distributed in N. America. Resubmit order to get from UK

Title not distributed in N. America. Order placed with UK distributor

Unable to locate publisher

Unable to locate title

Order Maintenance

To view your marked and claimed items, select Order Maintenance from the List Bar. Click on Problems to view Marked items. You may do a complex search using up to 4 search criteria (e.g. by operator ID, location, vendor, and date marked). You may also generate claims, cancels, and returns from the ProblemsScreen by highlighting the line item and clicking the appropriate button. Once you have generated a Claim, Cancel, or Return, the line item disappears from the Problems Screen. The Cancels and Returns are gone for good. The Claims may be viewed from the Claims Screen in Order Maintenance.

There is additional information in Order Maintenance that you cannot see from the Purchase Order. The Marked/Claimed line in the PO shows how many claims and vendor responses have been sent, but only displays the text of the most recent Claim Type and no Vendor Responses. In the example below, 2 claims have been sent and 1 vendor response received. The 2nd claim was claim type “Second claim.”