Approved Minutes Meeting FEBC #2


2015 - 2016

October 14, 2015

Bayh College of Education #210

Present: Veda Gregory, Stephen Patton, John Pommier, Heather Rayl, Jin Park (Secretary), and Noble Corey (Chair).

Absent: Shiaw-Fen Ferng, Mark Green, and Steve Lamb.

I.  N. Corey called meeting at 11:05 a.m.

A.  Election of a Secretary

·  N. Corey asked for a volunteer and J. Park volunteered to be a secretary for the semester since he will be on the sabbatical leave in spring 2016. This position was filled by “acclimation.”

B.  Approval of minutes

·  Motion to approve the minutes from September 30 meeting by J. Pommier and seconded by S. Patton.

·  J. Pommier noted that the minutes did not have the information about the free access to SRC by ISU health insurance covered spouses and affiliate faculty starting spring 2016.

·  The minutes were approved as amended, 5–0–0.

C.  S. Patton suggested using an Outlook calendar for committee meeting dates to remind committee members of the meeting days, and he volunteered to create and distribute it.

II.  Review of health benefit package

·  N. Corey asked the committee for comments or questions from what was presented by C. Barton, D. McKee, and C. Roger at the September 30 meeting.

·  J. Pommier noted that the wellness presentation given at the September 30 meeting was not clear whether the SRC access would be free to “Educational Affiliate” or “Affiliate Faculty.”

·  N. Corey wanted to know the list of the National Preferred Formulary, which will be the new, preferred drug lists covered by prescription drug coverage starting in 2016.

·  J. Park and H. Rayl noted that the National Preferred Formulary list varies by health plan. They found from the Internet that the National Preferred Formulary for Georgia State Health Benefit Plan and the Ohio State University, as examples, is not the same.

·  N. Corey noted that it would be beneficial to see health insurance plans of ten peer institutions that ISU compares to.

·  J. Park noted that ISU’s health insurance plan is better than those of St. Mary Woods and Butler.

III.  Review of charges for this academic year and select one with which to begin

·  V. Gregory suggested reviewing the dependent fee waivers for graduate courses, and the committee agreed to look at it during the next meeting. N. Corey volunteered to look at the benefit handbook and bring copies to the next meeting for the committee’s review and discussion.

·  N. Corey suggested reviewing the summer teaching compensation policy and its implementation after the dependent fee waiver item, and the committee agreed to the suggestion.

·  The order of review of other charged items would be discussed in the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jin Park, Secretary