2016 NAVSEA NDT WORKING GROUP @ PSNS&IMF July 19th to 21st 2016

PSNS&IMF Base Access Instructions

Approved IDs to gain access to PSNS Base and Olympic Lodge

  • CAC Badge
  • DoD uniformed services identification and privileges cards (retired Military ID, Retired Civ/Military CAC badge)
  • Rapid Gate ID (Must have Naval Region Northwest Access)

If You don’t have one of the above Approved IDs

  • Option #1 Trusted Traveler

TRUSTED TRAVELER: If you are traveling with someone who meets the above badging requirements they can escort you onto base in their vehicle. (CARPOOLING is preferred anyway due to limited parking)

You can be escorted on base in the vehicle of a Government Employee with one of the approved badges above. The Trusted Traveler procedure allows a uniformed service member or Government employees with a valid CAC, a military retiree (with a valid DoD identification credential), to present their identification token for verification while simultaneously vouching for any vehicle occupants. The number of personnel a Trusted Traveler is allowed to vouch for and/or sponsor at any one time will be 5 persons.

NOTE- SEE Driver’s License Requirements on Page 2 for those being vouched for as a Trusted Traveler


If you are a Foreign National, contractor, or civilian who does not have a CAC Badge or approved badge above, and cannot be escorted on by someone you are travelling with per Option #1, you will need to fill out the SECNAV 5512 Form and submit to Rick Sheridan by June 24th, 2016.

Please scan filled out 5512 and email to or Fax to 360-476-5798 with a cover sheet as it is Privacy Sensitive

NOTE- Your name will be added to the base access list and you will still need to have one of the approved IDs for entry as listed on Page 2 below.

If you have any additional questions please email or

For OPTION #1 and #2 PSNS&IMF Base Access Driver’s License Requirements for those without approved badging

REAL ID REQUIREMENTS- Drivers licenses from Washington, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and New Mexico can no longer be used by guests to... gain access to Naval Base Kitsap installations. Other State Drivers Licenses are acceptable. State enhanced licenses designated as acceptable for border crossings by the Department of Homeland Security will still be accepted.

Drivers licenses from Washington, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and New Mexico that do not meet the REAL ID Act requirements may be used by visitors with another approved form of ID from the list below for access to a Naval Base Kitsap installation:

• Driver's licenses or other state photo identity cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent) from the other 45 states
• U.S. passport
• U.S. passport card
• DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
• Permanent resident card
• Border crossing card
• DHS-designated enhanced driver's license
• Federally recognized, tribal-issued photo ID
• HSPD-12 PIV card
• Foreign government-issued passport
• Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
• Transportation worker identification credential

Link for additional Information