/ E-Safety Policy

Approved by Governors: April 2013 Due for Review: Autumn 2015

Linked to:

·  Safeguarding Policy

·  Anti Bullying Policy

·  Confidentiality Policy

·  ICT


This policy is complimentary to other Kingsmead School policies, particularly those relating to Child Protection, Safeguarding and Behaviour.

This policy has taken account of the following documentation:

·  The Byron Review (Safer children in a digital world) – Dr Tanya Byron 2008

·  The safe use of new technologies – OFSTED 2010

·  Data Protection Act 1998

·  Teacher Standards 2012

·  Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adult who work with Children and YP in Education Settings 2009

·  SWGFL – School E-safety template policy

Introduction and Rationale:

Kingsmead School is committed to the use of the internet and other expanding technologies within education. Whilst the growth of digital information technologies is positive and provide many learning opportunities, it also carries with it potential risks if misused. As in any other area of their lives, students are vulnerable to inappropriate material, illegal activities and danger. By being better informed of the issues and potential risks, students will be more able to recognise when they might be in danger and to take proactive measures to safeguard themselves. Similarly, advances in technology offer new challenges for staff and it is equally important that they are mindful of both the risks and challenges, as well as the benefits to facilitating effective learning.

Under our duty of care, Kingsmead School has the responsibility to use new technologies in order to equip students with the skills to access life-long learning and to further themselves in employment. To achieve this, Kingsmead School has a commitment to provide ICT equipment and internet access, as well as clear guidance on its safe use, as part of the students’ learning experience.

This policy addresses the issues surrounding the safe and secure use of the Kingsmead Schools ICT resources. Students are not required to bring any personal electronic device into Kingsmead School, and do so at their own risk (see section 1f and 7c of this policy).


To ensure that all students and staff are aware of the opportunities and dangers provided by the ever expanding area of ICT and are best placed to protect themselves and use the equipment appropriately and safely.

Objectives and Procedures

1  Educate students in the correct use of electronic systems;

a.  There will be an age specific curriculum education students in all aspects of E-safety and safe online behaviour. Curricular provision will be reviewed regularly by Head of ICT

b.  Kingsmead School will raise the profile of E-safety through themed days, activities and the ICT and PSHCE Curriculum

c.  Students will required to sign an AUP covering all IT devices, email and network use. (Appendix 5)

d.  Students will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them or their location

e.  Students will be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read using internet sources and raise awareness on how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.

f.  Students will be made aware of how to report abuse/inappropriate material

both within and outside of Kingsmead School through ICT and PHSCE.

g.  Social Media will be encouraged where possible and relative to curriculum, but alongside awareness sessions will be delivered to students in respect of privacy settings, keeping themselves safe and general safe use of social media sites.

h.  During the standard school day, students will be expected to only use personal electronic devices for education purposes only. Any misuse of these, or any mobile technology will be addressed in accordance with the Kingsmead Schools Behaviour Policy and/or Safeguarding Policy

2  Train staff in the appropriate and corporate use of electronic systems:

a.  E-mails will be used for Kingsmead purposes only and use will be in accordance with the staff AUP (Appendix 1and 2) and terms and conditions of employment.

b.  Staff will gain training regarding E-Safety and information during the recruitment process (this includes the AUP).

c.  Staff will use a corporate signature for all emails sent to external agencies (Appendix 3)

d.  When sending emails to external agencies, staff will, where appropriate and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 secure personal information and/or use secure email access. (see also confidentiality policy)

e.  In line with other communication, when emailing parents/carers staff will not disclose personal details of other students.

f.  The Virtual Learning Coordinator and Safeguarding Officer will be trained as a CEOP ambassador and will ensure that all staff embed e-safety into all areas of the curriculum, gain access to updated resources and are offered regular training.

3  Inform and empower parents/carers to be fully aware of their child’s use of electronic systems, including personal devices:

a.  Kingsmead School will raise awareness amongst parents/carers through incorporating e-safety into formal evenings and events over the course of an academic year

b.  E-safety awareness will form part of the agenda for student consultations

c.  Kingsmead School’s website will provide links to where parents can get further support and guidance.

4  Manage web filtering, email and portable storage

a.  Kingsmead School will provide a web filter that will screen all student and staff usage of the internet. The filter will be set at a different level of sensitivity for students and staff. This will be reviewed monthly by ICT Support Services to ensure adequate safeguarding is in place. Head to ensure that the web filtering methods selected are appropriate, effective and reasonable.

b.  In addition to providing a web filter, all use of the internet will be recorded and monitored by the network manager (LEAD Academy IT Services) to ensure the continued safety and security of its users. Where inappropriate use of the internet is discovered, action will be taken in line with procedures in section 8 of this policy

c.  The Kingsmead School will operate a virus protection software for all clients on the Kingsmead network. Firewalls and security devices will also protect the system from intrusion and malicious damage.

d.  Emails sent within the Kingsmead School will be secure. External emails will contain a disclaimer (see appendix 3)

e.  In the event that staff or students discover an unsuitable site it will be reported to the Head and/or Business Manager.

5  Manage existed and emerging technologies

a.  Guidance will be provided for staff on the use and security of Kingsmead School laptops both in and out of school as part of the contract signed when school laptops are issued.

b.  New and emerging technologies (including hardware, software and applications) will be researched by Head of ICT where they will be examined for education benefit. A risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed. (See appendix 3 and forms A,B,C and D) This will be monitored by the School Business Manager.

c.  Kingsmead School will have e-safety committee. The committee will meet termly to review e-safety provision across the School.

6  Protect personal/sensitive data – including adherence to the Data protection act 1998

a.  The Kingsmead School AUP will emphasise that user areas are secure and strong passwords ensure their files and Kingsmead School identity are private

b.  Only authorised personnel will be able to edit data held on the systems and appropriate restrictions will be placed on certain folders to limit access to appropriate staff only, for example, folders containing CP logs.

c.  It is the responsibility of staff to ensure the security of any personal, sensitive, confidential or classified information contained in documents or software.

d.  It is similarly the responsibility of staff to ensure the security of sensitive information that is either; faxed, copied, scanned, printed, transferred electronically, emailed or held on an electronic device, such as, a portable hard drive or memory stick. This is particularly important when shared printers/copiers or public areas are used.

7  Managing social networking and personal publishing

a.  Kingsmead School will block student access to any social networking sites.

b.  Although unable to access social networking sites on the schools system, opportunities will be provided in the curriculum for students to discuss safe social networking in context in accordance with objective one. In some vocational provisions where social media is encouraged to promote the work and accreditation of young people ie Music Production there are clear policies and procedures in place and supervision of these activities.

c.  Instances where students have posted or sent inappropriate, offensive, abusive or explicit messages/photos will be dealt with according to section 8 of this policy and with adherence to our Behaviour and Safeguarding policy.

8  Manage the use of systems through a robust acceptable use policy (AUP):

a.  The School will ensure that the student AUP (Appendix 5) is signed by every student and parent/carer of students at the school as part of their induction process

b.  Staff at the school will agree to abide by an AUP as part of their employment contract with the school

c.  Inappropriate use of the schools ICT system by students will be dealt with in accordance with the behaviour policy with the addition that it will be reported to the Head Teacher. An incident report form should be completed (see incident reporting and recording policy) subsequent action will be identified in accordance with the behaviour policy.

d.  Inappropriate use of the schools ICT system by staff will be dealt with in accordance with the Disciplinary and Dismissal Policy procedures

9  Procurement of hardware, software or apps

a.  The school has a formal IT ordering and purchasing protocol that must be followed when purchasing additional hardware, software or apps. (See appendix 3 and attached forms 1 to 4)

b.  All purchases must link to the curriculum and School Development Plan.

c.  The Head of Subject or relevant budget holder must complete the purchase application and subsequent evaluations.

d.  All purchases are subject to budget capacity

e.  Staff and students must not attempt to download any programmes or apps.

f.  All installations will be carried out by the IT Contractor.

Duty of Care

Teachers and other education staff are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority; manage risk; use resources; and protect pupils from discrimination and avoidable harm. All staff whether paid or voluntary, have a duty to keep young people safe and to protect them from sexual, physical and emotional harm. Children have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity. It follows that trusted adults are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils. Failure to do may be regarded as professional neglect. (DCSF Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education Settings. March 2009)

/ Staff Acceptable use (AUP) Policy

The AUP applies to all Kingsmead School staff including any temporary staff, associate staff, contractors and visitors. The agreement applies to anyone accessing any part of the Kingsmead School systems whether on site, or remotely from off site.

As an employee/representative of the Kingsmead School, you may have access to confidential and potentially sensitive information stored on the network and systems. You may also have access to electronic devices supplied to you by the School such as laptops/netbooks or mobile phones. You are responsible for any school equipment in your care including your user account and email, their contents and activity.

Staff are bound by the Data Protection Act 1998

You must not under any circumstances:

·  Access, store, distribute or print material from any medium which:

o  May bring the school name into disrepute

o  May compromise the safety of the school, its students or employees

o  May be deemed offensive to your colleagues

o  Is considered to be illegal or inappropriate

·  Install, copy, or bring into school software which is not correctly licenced for use

·  Allow anyone else to access your email account, email or internet services

·  Allow anyone else to know your password

·  Change any computer files that do not belong to you or that you do not have access to

·  Distribute or store any pirated software

·  Plagiarise work without acknowledging the source

·  Leave your computer unattended without ensure you have either logged off your account or locked the computer – this is to prevent anyone else accessing or using your account.

·  Store sensitive or personal information about staff or students on portable systems eg memory stick, laptop, ipad unless encrypted.

Kingsmead School provides fast and reliable internet and email access to all staff which has a filtering service which attempts to block illegal, unwanted and potentially offensive material. Content which passes these filters is not necessarily deemed to be acceptable by the Kingsmead School. Therefore, if you find any material which is inappropriate, offensive, illegal, controversial, or which is generally not suitable for staff or students to access, please contact the Head of ICT who will attempt to block it.

When using Kingsmead School internet and email system for both school and personal use, you must:
(Personal use is outside of contracted hours only)

·  Not use the internet or email for any illegal or inappropriate purpose

·  Not engage in any on line activity that may compromise your professional responsibilities or reflect poorly on Kingsmead School’s reputation and image.

·  Not use impolite or abusive language

·  Not send or receive copyright materials without permission.

·  Not use the internet to bring into Kingsmead School, in any form, materials that would be unacceptable on paper.

·  Only use the approved secure email system for any Kingsmead School business

·  Only use the approved Kingsmead School email or other approved communication systems with students or parents/carers, and only communicate with them on appropriate business.

·  Ensure that any private social networking sites/blogs/twitter accounts etc that you create, or actively contribute to, are not confused with your professional role. NB: access to Social Networks, eg Facebook, and personal email accounts is prohibited during your contracted hours.