Section 1—Board Governance and Operations

1.1—Legal Status of the Board of Directors...... 1

1.2—Board Organization and Vacancies…………………………………1

1.3—Duties of the President...... 1

1.4—Duties of the Vice-President...... 2

1.5—Duties of the Secretary...... 2

1.6—Board Member Voting...... 2

1.7—Powers and Duties of the Board...... 2

1.8—Governance by Policy...... 3

1.9—Policy Formulation...... 3

1.10—Association Memberships...... 4

1.11—Board Member Training...... 4

1.12—Committees...... 5

1.13—Superintendent/Board Relationship...... 5

1.14—Meeting Agenda...... 5

1.15—Tort Immunity...... 6

1.16—Duties of Board Disbursing Officer...... 6

1.17—Nepotism...... 6

1.18—District Audits...... 7

Section 2—Administration

2.1—Duties of the Superintendent...... 7

2.2—Superintendent Compensations...... 7

Section 3—Licensed personnel

3.1—Licensed Personnel Salary Schedule...... 8

3.2—Licensed Personnel Evaluations...... 8

3.3—Evaluation of Licensed personnel by Relatives...... 10

3.4—Licensed Personnel Reduction In Force...... 10

3.5—Licensed Personnel Contract Return...... 12

3.6—Licensed Personnel Employee Training...... 12

3.7—Licensed Personnel Drug Testing...... 14

3.8—Licensed Personnel Sick Leave...... 16

3.9—Licensed Personnel Sick Leave Bank...... 17

3.10—Licensed Personnel Planning Time...... 18

3.11—Licensed Personnel Sick and Personal Leave...... 18

3.12—Licensed Personnel Responsibilities In Dealing With

Sex Offenders On Campus...... 19

3.13—Licensed Personnel Public Office...... 19

3.14—Licensed Personnel Jury Duty...... 19

3.15—Licensed Personnel Leave - Injury from Assault....20

3.16—Licensed Personnel Reimbursement for Purchase of

Supplies...... 20

3.17—Insult Or Abuse Of Licensed Personnel...... 20

3.18—Licensed Personnel Outside Employment...... 20

3.19—Licensed Personnel Employment...... 21

3.20—Licensed Personnel Reimbursement of Travel Exp..21

3.21—Licensed Personnel Tobacco Use...... 21

3.22—Dress Of Licensed Employees...... 21

3.23—Licensed Personnel Political Activity...... 22

3.25—Licensed Personnel Grievances...... 22

3.25F—Licensed Personnel Level Two Grievance Form....24

3.26—Licensed Personnel Sexual Harassment...... 25

3.27—Licensed Personnel Supervision of Students...... 25

3.28—Licensed Personnel Computer Use Policy...... 26

3.28F--Licensed Personnel Internet Use Agreement...... 27

3.29—Licensed Personnel School Calendar...... 28

3.30—Parent Teacher Communication...... 28

3.31—Drug Free Workplace- Licensed Personnel...... 28

3.31F—Drug Free Workplace Policy Acknowledgement...30

3.32—Licensed Personnel Family Medical Leave...... 31

3.33—Assignment of Extra Duties For Licensed Personnel..40

3.34—Licensed Personnel Cell Phone Use...... 40

3.35—Licensed Personnel Benefits...... 41

3.36—Licensed Personnel Dismissal and Non-Renewal....41

3.37—Assignment of Teacher Aides...... 41

3.38—Licensed Personnel Responsibilities Governing

Bullying...... 41

3.39—Licensed Personnel Records and Reports...... 42

3.40—Licensed Personnel Duty To Report Child Abuse,

Maltreatment Or Neglect...... 42

3.41—Licensed Personnel Video Surveillance And Other

Monitoring...... 43

3.42—Release Of Student’s Free And Reduced Price Meal

Eligibility Information...... 43

3.43—Duty of Licensed Employees To Maintain License In

Good Standing...... 44

3.44—Licensed Personnel Workplace Injuries and Workers’

Compensation...... 44

3.45—Licensed Personnel Social Networking and Ethics...45

3.46---Licensed Personnel Vacations…………………………………....46

3.47—Depositing Collected Funds...... ……46

3.48---Weapons On Campus…………………………………………………..47

3.49---Removal Of Student From Class…………………………...…..…47

3.50---Administrator Evaluator Training………………………………..48

3.51---School Bus Driver use of Communication Devices…..…...48

3.52---Licensed Personnel Health Care Reporting…………………..48

3.52F—Health Care Coverage and TIN Report Form…………….…50

3.53---Licensed Personnel Bus Driver End of Route Review……51

3.54—Work Day……………………………………………………………….…..51

3.55---Retirement of Licensed Personnel…………….………….………51

Section 4—Students

4.1—Residence Requirements...... 52

4.2—Entrance Requirements...... 52

4.3—Compulsory Attendance Requirements...... 54

4.4—Student Transfers...... 54

4.5—School Choice...... 54

4.6—Home Schooling...... 57

4.7—Absences...... 57

4.8—Make-Up Work...... 59

4.9—Tardies...... 60

4.10—Closed Campus...... 60

4.11—Equal Educational Opportunity...... 60

4.12—Student Organizations/Equal Access...... 60

4.13—Privacy of Students’

Records/Directory Information...... 60

4.13F—Objection to Publication of

Directory Information...... 62

4.14—Student Publications and the

Distribution of Literature...... 63

4.15—Contact with Students While at School...... 63

4.16—Student Visitors...... 64

4.17—Student Discipline...... 64

4.18—Prohibited Conduct…………………………………………………...65

4.19—Conduct to and from School

and Transportation Eligibility...... 65

4.20—Disruption of School...... 66

4.21—Student Assault or Battery………………………………………...66

4.22—Weapons and Dangerous Instruments...... 66

4.23—Tobacco and Tobacco Products...... 67

4.24—Drugs and Alcohol...... 67

4.25—Student Dress and Grooming...... 67

4.26—Gangs and Gang Activity...... 68

4.27—Student Sexual Harassment...... 68

4.28—Laser Pointers...... 69

4.29—Intenet Safety and Electronic Device Policy...... 69

4.29F—Student Electronic Device and Internet Agreement.70

4.30—Suspension from School...... 72

4.31—Expulsion...... 72

4.32—Search, Seizure and Interrogations...... 73

4.33—Students’ Vehicles...... 74

4.34—Communicable Diseases and Parasites...... 74

4.35—Student Medications...... 74

4.35F—Medication Administration Consent Form...... 76

4.35F2—Medication Self-Administration Consent Form....77

4.35F3—Glucagon Administration Consent Form………………………….…78

4.35F4---Epinephrine Emergency Administration Consent Form…..…..79

4.36—Student Illness/Accident...... 80

4.37—Emergency Drills...... 80

4.38—Permanent Records...... 80

4.39—Corporal Punishment...... 80

4.40—Homeless Students...... 80

4.41—Physical Exams or Screenings...... 81

4.41F—Objection to Physical Exams or Screenings...... 82

4.42—Student Handbook...... 83

4.43—Bullying...... 83

4.44—Attendance Requirements for Students in

Grades 9-12...... 84

4.45—Smart Core Curriculum and Graduation Requirements

For the Classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017…………………..85

4.45.1-Smart Core Curriculum and Graduation Requirements

For the Classes of 2018 and Thereafter…….………………..87

4.46—Pledge of Allegiance...... 89

4.47—Possession and Use of Cell Phones,

Beepers, etc...... 89

4.48—Video Surveillance...... 90

4.49—Special Education...... 90

4.50—School Lunch Substitutions...... 91

4.51—Food Service Prepayment...... 91

4.52—Students Who are Foster Children…………………………………….….91

4.53—Placement of Multiple Birth Siblings……………………….....91

4.55—Student Promotion and Retention……………………………...92

4.56—Extracurricular Activities- Secondary Schools……….……93

4.56.1-Extracurricular Activities- Elementary…………………...…..94

4.56.2-Extracurricular Activity Eligibility for

Home Schooled Students……………………………………………95

4.57—Drug Screen Test Policy...... 96

4.57A-D—Drug Screen Test Policy Authorization Forms....……99-102

Section 5—Curriculum and Instruction

5.1—Educational Philosophy...... 103

5.2—Planning for Educational Improvement...... 103

5.3—Curriculum Development...... 103

5.4—Staff Development Program...... 104

5.5—Selection/Inspection of Instructional Materials.....106

5.6—Challenge to

Instructional/Supplemental Materials...... 106

5.6F—Request for Reconsideration of

Instructional or Supplemental Materials...... 107

5.7—Selection of Library/Media Center Materials...... 108

5.7F—Request for Reconsideration of

Library/Media Center Materials...... 110

5.8—Use of Copyrighted Materials...... 111

5.9—Computer Software Copyright...... 112

5.10—Religion in the Schools...... 112

5.11—Digital Learning Classes...... 113

5.13—Summer School...... 114

5.14—Homework...... 114

5.15—Grading...... 114

5.17—Honor Roll and Honor Graduates...... 115

5.17F--Honor Roll and Graduate Opt Out Form...... 117

5.18—Health Services...... 118

5.20—District Web Site...... 118

5.20F 1—Permission to Display

Photo of Student on Web Site...... 119

5.20.1—Web Site Privacy Policy...... 120

5.21—Advanced Placement...... 120

5.22—Concurrent Credit...... 120

5.23—Student Participation in Surveys...... 121

5.23F1—Objection to Participation in

Surveys, Analysis or Evaluation...... 123

5.23F2—Permission to Participate in a

Survey, Analysis or Evaluation...... 123

5.24—Marketing of Personal Information...... 124

5.25—Alternative Learning Environments…………………………124

5.25.1—ALE Program Evaluation...... 125

5.26—English Language Learners...... 125

5.27—National School Lunch Ac

Funding Expenditures...... 125

5.28—Wellness Policy...... 125

Section 6—School, Home, and Community Relations

6.1—Communication Goals...... 127

6.2—Relations with School Support Organizations...... 127

6.3—Public Gifts and Donations to the Schools...... 127

6.4—Volunteers...... 128

6.5—Visitors to the Schools...... 128

6.6—Fund Raising...... 129

6.7—Complaints...... 129

6.8—Distribution of Printed Materials...... 130

6.9—Media Relations and News Releases...... 130

6.10—Sex Offenders on Campus (Megan’s Law)...... 131

6.11—Parental/Community Involvement—District.....131

6.12—Parental/Community Involvement—School...... 132

6.13—Personal Conduct at School Activities...... 132

Section 7—Business and Financial Management

7.1—Fiscal Year...... 133

7.2—Annual Operating Budget...... 133

7.3—Millage Rate...... 133

7.4—Grants and Special Funding...... 133

7.5—Purchases of Commodities...... 133

7.5F2-Food Service Commodities Bidder Affidavit...... 135

7.6—Activity Account...... 136

7.7—Cash in Classrooms...... 136

7.8—Personal Property...... 136

7.9—Property Insurance...... 136

7.10—Public Use of School Buildings...... 136

7.11—Use of School Funds for

Non-School Related Purposes...... 136

7.12—Expense Reimbursement...... 137

7.13—Management and Disposal of District Property....138

7.14—Use of District Cell Phones and Computers...... 140

7.15—Record Retention and Destruction...... 140

7.16—Information Technology Security...... 141

7.17—Food Service Prepayment...... 142

7.18—Disposal of Non-Negotiable

Checks or Unclaimed Property...... 142

7.19—Service Animals In District Facilities...... 142

7.20—Electronic Fund Transfers……………………………….…….…143

7.21—Federal Government Grant Funds………………………….…143

7.22—Private Sponsorship of Extracurricular Events…………143

7.22F-Event Sponsorship Agreement……………………………….…145

7.23—Health Care Coverage and the Affordable Care Act…...146

7.24—Fixed Assets...... 147

7.24F—Equipment Transfer Form...... 149

7.25---School Vehicles……………………………………………....…….…149

Section 8—Classified Personnel

8.1—Classified Salary Schedule...... 150

8.2—Classified Personnel Evaluations...... 150

8.3—Evaluation of Classified personnel by Relatives.....150

8.4—Classified Employees Drug Testing...... 150

8.5—Classified Employees Sick Leave...... 152

8.6—Sick Leave Bank- Classified Employees...... 153

8.7—Classified Personnel Leave...... 154

8.8—Classified Personnel Responsibilities in Dealing With

Sex Offenders On Campus...... 155

8.9—Public Office-- Classified Personnel...... 155

8.10—Jury Duty-- Classified Personnel...... 155

8.11—Overtime, Comptime, and Complying With FLSA...156

8.12—Classified Personnel Outside Employment...... 158

8.13—Classified Personnel Employment...... 158

8.14—Classified Personnel Reimbursement of Travel

Expenses...... 159

8.15— Classified Personnel Tobacco Use...... 159

8.16—Dress of Classified Employees...... 160

8.17—Classified Personnel Political Activity...... 160

8.19—Classified Personnel Grievances...... 160

8.19F—Level Two Grievance Form...... 163

8.20—Classified Personnel Sexual Harassment...... 164

8.21—Classified Personnel Supervision of Students.....164

8.22—Classified Personnel Computer Use Policy...... 165

8.22F—Classified Personnel Internet Use Agreement....166

8.23 —Classified Personnel Family Medical Leave...... 167

8.24—School Bus Driver’s Use Of Cell Phones...... 175

8.25—Classified Personnel Cell Phone Use...... 175

8.26—Classified Personnel Responsibilities Governing

Bullying...... 175

8.27—Classified Personnel Leave-Injury From Assault...174

8.28—Drug Free Workplace-Classified Personnel...... 177

8.28F—Drug Free Workplace Policy Acknowledgement...179

8.29—Classified Personnel Video Surveillance...... 180

8.30—Classified Personnel Reduction In Force...... 180

8.31—Classified Personnel Termination and

Non-Renewal...... 181

8.32—Classified Personnel Assignments...... 181

8.33—Classified Personnel School Calendar...... 183

8.34—Classified Personnel Who Are Mandatory

Reporters-Duty To Report Child Abuse,

Maltreatment Or Neglect...... 181

8.35—Release of Student’s Free and Reduced Price Meal

Eligibility Information...... 182

8.36—Classified Personnel Workplace Injuries and

Workers’ Compensation...... 182

8.37—Classified Personnel Social Networking

and Ethics...... 183

8.38—Classified Personnel Vacations...... 184

8.39—Depositing Collected Funds...... 185

8.40---Classified Personnel Weapons On Campus……………….185

8.41--Classified Personnel Health Care Coverage Reporting 185

8.41F Classified Personnel Health Care and TIN Form……..….186

8.42---Classified Personnel Bus Driver End of Route Review..187

8.43---Classified Retirement…………………………………………….…187

Appendix A—Certified Salary Schedule...... 188

Appendix B—Classified Salary Schedule...... 189


Board Governance and operations


By the authority of Article 14 of the Arkansas Constitution, the General Assembly has provided that locally elected school boards will be responsible for the lawful operation and maintenance of its local schools.

While the Board has a broad range of powers and duties, its individual members only have authority when exercising their responsibilities in a legally convened meeting acting as a whole. The sole exception is when an individual member has been delegated authority to represent the Board for a specific, defined purpose. In matters such as personnel discipline, expulsions, and student suspensions initiated by the superintendent, the Board serves as a finder of fact, not unlike a jury. For this reason, the board should not be involved in or, to the extent practicable, informed of the facts or allegations of such matters prior to a board hearing or those disciplinary matters in which the Board could become involved.

It is the policy of the Mena School Board that its actions will be taken with due regard for its legal responsibilities and in the belief that its actions shall be in the best interests of its students and the District as a whole.


Election of Officers

The Board shall elect a president, vice president, and secretary at the first regular meeting following the later of the certification ofthe results of the annual September school election or, if there is a runoff election, at the first regular meeting following the certification of the results of a run-off election. Officers shall serve one-year terms and perform those duties as prescribed by policy of the Board. The Board shall also elect one of its members to be the primary board disbursing officer.

When the position of an officer of the board becomes vacant, the officer’s position shall be filled for the remainder of the year in the same manner as for the annual election of officers after the annual school election. Election of Board officers shall not occur except on a once per year basis or to fill an officer vacancy.


A vacancy shall exist on the Board due to a board member's resignation, felony conviction, the board member no longer residing in the district or the member's applicable zone, or other statutory reason resulting in a board member's removal from the board. The vacated position shall be filled in the manner prescribed by statute and this policy; the successor to the vacated position shall serve until the annual school election following the appointment.

A temporary vacancy exists when a Board member is called to active military service. When such a vacancy occurs, The temporary vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed by statute and this policy. The appointee shall serve until either the Board member who has been called to active military service returns and notifies the Board secretary of his/her desire to resume service on the Board or the Board member's term expires. Should the still active military Board member's term expire, that member may run for re-election. If re-elected, the re-elected Board member's temporary vacancy shall be filled again in the manner prescribed in this policy.

Provided at least a quorum of the Board remains, the Board has thirty (30) days in which to appoint a successor to a vacated position on the Board. If less than a quorum of the Board remains or the Board fails to fill the vacancy within 30 days of the vacancy, the position shall be filled by the county quorum court.


The duties of the president of the Board of Education shall include, but shall not be limited to:

  1. Presiding at all meetings of the Board;
  2. Calling special meetings of the Board;
  3. Working with the Superintendent to develop Board meeting agendas;
  4. Signing all official documents that require the signature of the chief officer of the Board of Education;
  5. Appointing all committees of the Board and serving as ex-officio member of such committees; and
  6. Performing such other duties as may be prescribed by law or action of the Board.

The president shall have the same right as other members to offer resolutions, make or second motions, discuss questions, and to vote.


The duties of the Vice President of the Board shall include:

  1. Serving as presiding officer at all school board meetings from which the president is absent; and
  2. Performing such other duties as may be prescribed by action of the Board.


The duties of the Secretary of the Board shall include:

  1. Being responsible to see that a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the Board are permanently kept and shall;
  1. Record in the minutes, the members present, by name, at the meeting including the time of any member's late arrival to, or early departure from, a meeting;
  2. Record the outcome of all votes taken including the time at which the vote is taken.
  1. Serving as presiding officer in the absence of the President and the Vice President;
  2. Being responsible for official correspondence of the Board;
  3. Signing all official documents that require the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Education;
  4. Calling special meetings of the Board; and
  5. Performing such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.


Establishment of a Quorum

A quorum of the Board is a majority of the membership of the Board. No vote or other board action may be taken unless there is a quorum present. A Board member must be physically present at a meeting to be counted toward establishing a quorum or to be eligible to vote. A majority of the quorum voting affirmatively is necessary for the passage of any motion.

Voting and failure to vote

  • All Board members, including the President, shall vote on each motion, following a secondand discussion of that motion.
  • Failure of any Board member to vote, while physically present in the meeting room, shall be counted as a “no” vote, i.e., a vote against the motion.
  • Only those votes taken by the Board in open session are legally binding. No motion made or vote taken in executive session is legally binding, although a non-binding, unofficial and non-recorded vote may be taken in executive session to establish consensus or further discussion.

Abstentions from Voting

In order for a Board member to abstain from voting, he must declare a conflict and remove himself from the meeting room during the vote. A Board member who removes himself/herself from a meeting during a vote due to a conflict of interest shall not be considered present at the meeting for the purpose of establishing a quorum until the member returns to the meeting after the vote.


The Mena Board of Education, operating in accordance with state and federal laws, assumes its responsibilities for the operation of Mena Public Schools. The Board shall concern itself primarily with the broad questions of policy as it exercises its legislative and judicial duties. The administrative functions of the District are delegated to the Superintendent who shall be responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the District.

Some of the duties of the Board include:

  1. Developing and adopting policies to effect the vision, mission, and direction of the District;
  2. Understanding and abiding by the proper role of the Board of Directors through study and by obtaining the necessary training professional development;
  3. Electing and employing a Superintendent and giving him/her the support needed to be able to effectively implement the Board’s policies;
  4. Conducting formal and informal evaluations of the Superintendent annually or no less often than prior to any contract extension;
  5. Employing, upon recommendation of the administrative staff and by written contract, the staff necessary for the proper conduct of the schools;
  6. Approving the selection of curriculum and seeing that all courses for study and educational content prescribed by the State Board or by law for all grades of schools are offered and taught;
  7. Reviewing, adopting, and publishing the District’s budget for the ensuing year;
  8. Being responsible for providing sufficient facilities, grounds, and property and ensuring they are managed and maintained for the benefit of the district;
  9. Monitoring District finances and receiving, reviewing, and approving each annual financial audit;
  10. Understanding and overseeing District finances to ensure alignment with the District’s academic and facility needs and goals;
  11. Visiting schools and classrooms when students are present no less than annually;
  12. Setting an annual salary schedule;
  13. Being fiscally responsible to the District’s patrons and maintaining the millage rate necessary to support the District’s budget;
  14. Involving the members of the community in the District’s decisions to the fullest extent practicable; and
  15. Striving to assure that all students are challenged and are given an equitable educational opportunity.