Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Public Comment
Consent Agenda
Approval of Bills
Old Business
New Business
Reports: Police
Monday, May 16, 2016
Mahnomen City Hall
6:30 P.M.
COUNCIL PRESENT:Lee, Gieseke, Durant,Schouveiller, and Wiemer
OTHERS PRESENT: Sue Kraft,Mitchell Berg, Carl Malmstrom,and members of the public.
Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wiemer.
Durantmade a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of item 8b. A Certificate of Support for the White Earth Tribal Community College for a USDA grant. The motion was seconded by Schouveiller and the motion passed 5-0.
Shawn Moore and Maria Thomas spoke about two breakins at King’s Corner and another one at the Garage. Wiemer mentioned the White Earth Police Department will be notified to do more patrolling to enforce curfew.
Leemade a motion to approve the following items on the consent agenda:
  • Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2016
  • Approval of April City Checks: 53801-53902
The motion was seconded by Schouveillerand the motion passed 5-0.
Schouveiller made a motion to approve theMay 16, 2016 payment of bills for $14,441.34. The motion was seconded byLee and the motion passed 5-0.
Berg presented the response from Ottertail Power Company (OTPC) regarding the memo sent to OTPC from the April 4, 2016 City Council Workshop. Leon Kremeier, from OTPC, provided a summary of their response. Some of the responses, include but are not limited to:
  • A 10 year non-renewable franchise agreement
  • Placing Mahnomen on the top of the list for LED street lighting, once approval is granted by the MN PUC
  • Partnering together on various pilot projects, provided the projects are both feasible and viable for both parties
  • Donation of over 2,000 LED light bulbs, with the condition that the bulbs be given out to Mahnomen residents free of charge
After there was some discussion, Berg suggested the Council could either approve the agreement or extend the current agreement to continue the negotiations. Berg indicated of his experience with franchise agreements, this agreement was a pretty standard templated agreement.
After some addition discussion, Schouveiller made the motion to approve Ordinance 2016-6: An Electric Franchise Ordinance contingent upon final approval of the city attorney. The motion was seconded by Durant and the motion passed on a 5-0 vote.
Berg presented a request from the American Legion to amend their Club License to serve alcohol both within the Quonset building and along the piece of property they own between both buildings for an event on June 10-12, 2016.
Lee made the motion to approve an amendment to the Isaacson-Bjorge American Legion Post 31Club License to permit the on-sale consumption of liquor for an event to be held on Legion and Auxiliary property, from June 10-12, 2016 with the following conditions:
  • All alcohol sales shall be confined within a secured area (i.e. fenced in and/or enclosed with a building).
  • No alcohol can be brought off-premise or out onto the street and no outside alcohol shall be brought onto the premise from outside the secured area.
  • Sales of any outdoor alcohol shall cease at 12:45 am and all patrons must leave by 1 am.
  • The American Legion shall notify White Earth and the Mahnomen County Dispatch office of the event.
  • If any portion of the fence is to be brought onto city property, the city shall require that a certificate of liability be presented to the city naming the city naming the city as an additional insured.
The motion was seconded by Durant and the motion passed on a 5-0 vote.
Lee made a motion to approve the certificate of support to the White Earth Tribal Community College for a USDA grant. Gieseke seconded the motion and the motion passed on a 5-0 vote.
Berg suggested it might be preferable to convene a police committee meeting to discuss the policing issues with the Sheriff and the White Earth Police Department rather than to have them discuss things during a regular City Council meeting. After some further discussion, there was consensus to convene a Council workshop instead. Durant made the motion to call for a City Council workshop to meet at 5:30 pm on June 20, 2016. The motion was seconded by Gieseke and the motion passed on a 5-0 vote.
Mayor Wiemer presented a report on the fire department.
Administrator Berg provided his City Administrator’s report.
Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm. The motion was seconded by Durant and the motion passed 5-0.
Mitchell Berg, Administrator Dave Wiemer, Mayor