The Meeting of the Bath Village Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on January 13, 2014 in the Council Chambers at the Village of Bath.

Present: Mayor Troy Stone, Charles McNair, Jodi O’Neill, Barb McIntosh, Christa Holmes, Maven McQuade.

Approval of Agenda: On Motion to approve the agenda as presented.

O’Neill/McNair 01-01-2014

Approval of Minutes: On Motion to approve the minutes as presented.

McNair/McIntosh 02-01-2014

Business Arising from Minutes: none


  1. Dept of Transportation maintenance agreement to be signed.
  1. Financial Statements

Department and Committee Reports:

Legal, Finance and Administration: The budget for 2014 was presented to council. On Motion to approve the budget. This is to certify that on the 13th day of January 2014 the Council of the Municipality of Bath resolved that the sum of 484,427 be the total budget of the municipality, that the sum of 325,503 be the warrant of the municipality for the ensuing year, and that the tax rate(s) for the municipality be 1.4400. The Council orders and directs the levying by the Minister of Local Government of said amount on real property, liable to taxation under the Assessment Act within the municipality of Bath.

O’Neill/McIntosh 03-01-2014

On Motionto certify that on the 13th day of January 2014 the Council of the Municipality of Bath resolved that pursuant to paragraph 189(4) of the Municipalities Act, the total budget for the Village of Bath utility for the ensuing year would consist of total revenues of 194,904 and total expenditures of 194,904.

O’Neill/McIntosh 04-01-2014

The utility rates are as follows: there will be an increase in the fixed cost of $2.00. The residential rates will increase to 107.00 per quarter and institutional will increase to 112.00 per quarter. Meter rates will stay the same.

The Regional Service Commission did not have any meetings this past month.

Environmental Development: Things are still moving ahead with Rankin Development, waiting to have a meeting with government officials. On Motion that Mayor Stone and Council of the Village of Bath and Rankine Developments agree to a six month exclusive and renewable working relationship for redevelopment of the NorthernCarletonHospital building in Bath.

McNair/McIntosh 05-01-2014

Community Development: no report

Recreation: no report

Public Works: Marven reported that he received several phone calls from residents that have water leaks in their homes. Marven is preparing for year end evaluation for the water system.

Public Safety: Councillor McNair has not had any RCMP meetings this month. Mr. Allison has not paid the dog fine he was issued. Mayor Stone will address this issue. Councillor O’Neill had an issue with a dog running at large on his property, Councillor O’Neill spoke with the owner and there have been no other issues.

On Motion to accept the 1stReading of the Building Bylaw as presented.

McNair/O’Neill 06-01-2014

On Motion to accept the 2ndReading of the Building Bylaw as presented.

McIntosh/O’Neill 07-01-2014

On Motion to accept the 1stReading of the Subdivision Bylaw as presented.

McNair/O’Neill 08-01-2014

On Motion to accept the 2ndReading of the Subdivision Bylaw as presented.

McIntosh/O’Neill 09-01-2014

On Motion to accept the Garbage Tender from J.S.Bellis Ltd. in the amount of $20,800 plus HST for 2014.

McNair/O’Neill 10-01-2014

Transportation: Mayor Stone to call Mr. Clouston regarding the signage on new highway and the five year plan ie: Route 105 guardrail and paving.

Roads were a mess every where last weekend because of the freezing rain.

Information Technology Committee: Minutes need to be added to website and the next meeting date should be changed to read 2nd Monday of every month.

Service Clubs, Charitable and Liaison Committee: no report

New Business: There will be a regional meeting at the Bath Fire Hall. This is just and information meeting. There will be government officials from Fredericton in attendance along with local representatives from the local municipalities and LSD’s to discuss amalgamation.

On Motion that Mayor Stone and Council of the Village of Bath and Rankine Developments agree to a six month exclusive and renewable working relationship for redevelopment of the NorthernCarletonHospital building in Bath.

McNair/McIntosh 11-01-2014

Accounts Payable: On Motion to pay the bills as presented with the exception of Minister of Finance bills to be held to a later date.

McIntosh/O’Neill 12-01-2014

Clerk to contact Dept of Transportation regarding the invoice for lane markings.

On Motion to approve the previously paid bills in the General and Utility funds.

McNair/McIntosh 13-01-2014

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Next meeting will be February 10, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.


Signed Date


Signed Date