Appendix 5c (2)
Appraisal Objective 2 – Pupil Progress
Academy 2013/14 Priority – Improve the quality of teaching and learning across the Academy to achieve consistently Good teaching and an increase in consistently Outstanding teaching which leads to consistently Good or better progress.
Name: ______ANDREW ANOTHER______
Objective:In the class I teach the percentage of pupils identified by the Academy target setting process will meet their target and half of the pupils identified to exceed their target will also be achieved.
Actions to be undertaken
/ The Teachers’ Standards relevant to the Actions / Timelines and Quality Assurance / Evidence of Impact / Monitoring and Evaluation(a)Identify underachieving boys and determine the reasons for their underachievement.
(b)Observe AST and engage in a professional discussion about appropriate and effective intervention strategies. Develop and implement at least three intervention strategies drawn from research undertaken.
(c)Monitor, evaluate and report on the strategies. Incorporate and embed most effective strategy in practice. / Make accurate and productive use of assessment (6)
Sets high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils (1) / Identification by …….
Assessment by ………
Report to LM by ………..
Observation by ………..
Reflections on feedback from AST recorded by ………
Strategies identified by ……..
Implemented by ……..
Feedback from AST
Discussion with LM by ……….
Report completed by ………
In practice by ………. / Markbook
Classroom organisation
Report log
Observation notes
Lesson plans
Classroom observation
Pupils work
Assessment data
Work scrutiny / AMBERidentification complete by 30/9
Data used to monitor progress 15/10
AMBER pupils given regular feedback 10/1
GREEN demonstrates clear understanding of relevant teaching strategies 15/4
AMBER insufficient evidence of all pupils’ learning needs being addressed. Further classroom observation and pupil feedback agreed 1/11
AMBER Able pupils not sufficiently challenged 3/3
GREEN 15 pupils on track to exceed targets 30.4
Lesson Observations will take place in line with what is required to ensure consistently Good or better teaching.
A minimum of two working days’ notice would be given in advance of an observation. Lesson Observations have been agreed for:
Date: …………………………………...... Period: …………………………… Class: ………………………………………………………………………
Date: …………………………………...... Period: …………………………… Class: ………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Observations will be confirmed at a later date
Name of Teacher: ……………………………………………………… Signed by Teacher …………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....
Name of Team Leader: ……………………………………………… Signed by Appraiser ………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....
Appendix 5c (1)
Appraisal Objective 1 – Teaching and Learning
Academy 2013/14 Priority – Improve the quality of teaching and learning across the Academy to achieve consistently Good teaching and an increase in consistently Outstanding teaching which leads to consistently Good or better progress.
Name: ______ANDREW ANOTHER – MPR 4-6______
Objective: All your teaching in the Academy will be consistently Good or better with evidence of Outstanding features.
Actions to be undertaken based on areas which need to be developed to achieve Good.
/ The Teachers’ Standards relevant to the Actions / Timelines and Quality Assurance / Evidence of Impact / Monitoring and Evaluation- Improve the quality of lesson planning, both short term and long term.
- Using the Academy template as a basis plan one lesson per week in detail and submit to Head of Faculty / Appraiser for approval / discussion.
- Ensure the plan keeps teacher-directed talk to a minimum and there is an engaging starter activity.
- Ensure the plan has a range of ways that pupils work - as a group or as an individual.
- The plan should incorporate strategies to ensure pupils have been challenged and the lesson has pace.
- On a fortnightly basis submit to the Head of Faculty the medium to long term planning of lessons which includes an evaluation of how the lessons have worked out. This should include homework set.
Standard 4
- Prepares and delivers consistently Good and Outstanding lessons.
- Ensures that the pacing of lessons is well orchestrated and transitions between whole class teaching and group and individual work are seamless.
- Regularly sets homework that is stimulating and fosters learning outside the classroom by incorporating innovative approaches.
- Submit one lesson plan per week which is detailed to Head of Faculty up until end of November 2013.
- Observe Academy staff who are skilled at quality starters and also pacey lessons which will be observed 1st November. 3 x 10 minutes to look at the start of each of these 3 lessons. By end of Autumn Term.
- Lesson observations 2 x 30 minutes during Autumn Term to look at both group work and pace of lessons. By end of Autumn Term.
- Quality lessons plans: Weekly feedback on submitted lesson plan. Review the strategy in November and continue if further improvement required.
- Lesson Drop-Ins/Learning Walks: Write up of the lesson drop-ins showing good starter activity.
- Classroom Observation by Appraiser or Head of Faculty or SLT Faculty Link: Lesson observation write-ups and work scrutiny.
- Survey of pupils in one or two classes at start of the year and end of the year: Evidence from the survey re pupils’ enjoyment of lessons and their views on progress.
Green: Starters in lessons are a strengths and lead to good pupil engagement.
Green: The lesson plan enables the teacher to deliver lessons which have a range of activities, individual, group or whole class work which leads to pupil progress.
Lesson Observations will take place in line with what is required to ensure consistently Good or better teaching.
A minimum of two working days’ notice would be given in advance of an observation. Lesson Observations have been agreed for:
Date: MONDAY 18TH NOVEMBER Period: 1 Class: 9Z - ICT
Date: MONDAY 25TH NOVEMBER Period: 5 Class: Year 13 ICT
Lesson Observations will be confirmed at a later date
Name of Teacher: ……………………………………………………… Signed by Teacher …………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....
Name of Team Leader: ……………………………………………… Signed by Appraiser ………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....