Apply Counting Strategies to Solve Simple Everyday Problems & Justify Answers

Apply Counting Strategies to Solve Simple Everyday Problems & Justify Answers

Year 1 PLAT MARKERS Term 4 Weeks: 1-5 / Year 1 PLAT MARKERS Term 4 Weeks: 6-10
Whole Number
  • apply counting strategies to solve simple everyday problems & justify answers
  • use the term 'is the same as' to express equality of groups determine whether 2 groups have the same number of objects & describe the equality
  • recognise that there are different coins & notes
  • exchange money for goods in a play situation
Addition and Subtraction
  • Userecorda rangeof mental strategiestosolve additionsubtraction problemsinvolving12 digitnumbers
  • Countingonorbackto findthedifferencebetween2numbers
  • Usingdoublesneardoubles
  • Chooseapplyefficientstrategiesforaddsub
  • Use =signtorecordequivalentno.sentencesinvolvingaddition,tomeanisthesameas,rather thanasanindicationtoperformanoperation
  • Checkgiven no.sentencesto determine iftrue/false explainwhy
Multiplication and Division
  • Model division by sharing a collection of objects equally into a given number of groups to determine how many in each group, eg determine the number in each group when 10 objects are shared between two people
  • Model division by sharing a collection of objects into groups of a given size to determine the number of groups, eg determine the number of groups when 20 objects are shared into groups of four
  • Describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using the given group size, eg when 22 objects are shared into groups of four, there are five groups of four and two objects left over
  • Use everyday language to describe the possible outcomes of familiar activities and events, eg 'will happen', 'might happen', 'won't happen', 'probably'
  • Describe any parts of units left over when counting uniform informal units to measure area (Communicating.)
  • Compare, indirectly, the areas of two surfaces that cannot be moved or superimposed, eg by cutting paper to cover one surface and superimposing the paper over the second surface
  • Use computer software to create a shape and use a simple graphic as a uniform informal unit to measure its area (Communicating).
  • Record areas by referring to the number and type of uniform informal unit used, eg 'The area of this surface is 20 tiles'.
  • Estimate areas by referring to the number and type of uniform informal unit used and check by measuring.
  • Discuss strategies used to estimate area, egvisualising the repeated unit (Communicating, Problem Solving).
3D Objects
  • Manipulate and describe familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms
  • Identify cones, cubes, cylinders and prisms when drawn in different orientations, eg
  • Select and name a familiar three-dimensional object from a description of its features, eg find an object with six square faces.
  • Sort familiar three-dimensional objects according to obvious features, eg 'All these objects have curved surfaces'.
  • Distinguish between 'flat surfaces' and 'curved surfaces' and between 'flat surfaces' and 'faces' when describing three-dimensional objects (Communicating).
  • Recognise familiar three-dimensional objects from pictures and photographs, and in the environment.
/ Whole Number
  • . use and explain mental grouping to count and to assist with estimating the number of items in large groups
Fractions and Decimals
  • Record two equal parts of whole objects and shapes, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half (), eg
  • Describe two equal parts of a collection, eg 'I have halves because the two parts have the same number of seedlings' (Communicating)
  • Record two equal parts of a collection, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and fraction notation for half (), eg
  • Place objects on either side of a pan balance to obtain a level balance
  • Sort objects on the basis of their mas.s
  • Use a pan balance to find two collections of objects that have the same mass, eg a collection of blocks and a collection of counters.
  • Use drawings to record findings from using a pan balance.
  • Describe the path from one location to another on drawings.
  • Use a diagram to give simple directions (Communicating).
  • Create a path from one location to another using computer software (Communicating).