Individualized Treatment Plan – Initial Assessment

Mail to:

Kaiser Permanente

Review Services

2715 Naches Ave. SW, Mail Stop GSW-A3S05

Renton, WA 98057

Date of report:

Patient Name:

Kaiser Permanente Member Number:

Date of Birth:Age:Male:Female:

Patient Address:

Provider Name:

Provider Address:

Lead Behavioral Therapist:

Additional Care Team Names (unlicensed providers):

Date(s) of Initial Assessment:

Developmental level(i.e. social, language, communication, and adaptive behavior) of patient using standardized assessment tool(i.e. Vineland, VBMAPP):

Social Communication and Social Interaction:

Description of targeted behaviors and/or symptoms:

Describe how social communication and social interaction symptoms limit adequate participation in home, school or community activities and/or presents a safety risk to self or others.

Restrictive/Repetitive/Stereotypicalpatterns of Behavior (i.e. stereotyped/repetitive motor movements, insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, highly fixated interests, hyper/hyporeactivity to sensory input)

Description of targeted behaviors and/or symptoms:

Describe how behavioral symptoms limit adequate participation in home, school or community activities and/or presents a safety risk to self or others.

Other areas of concern (if there are other targeted areas of concern such as adaptive/functional deficits, please describe these concerns and how patient’s autistic symptoms are impacting these deficits):

Description of current IEP/school based program:

Description of other current treatment programs (Speech, OT/PT, Medical, Mental Health, Community):

Individualized Treatment Plan

For each targeted area, describe the following:

  • Specific targeted goals and objectives including baseline performance with each goal; specific behavioral objectives that are measurable, conditions under which it will happen;
  • Strategy for generalization of skills:

Social Interaction Social Communication/Interaction (i.e. social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communication, developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships):




Anticipated Timeline for Mastery:

Generalization strategy:

Restrictive/Repetitive Patterns of Behavior (i.e. stereotyped/repetitive motor movements, insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, highly fixated interests, hyper/hyporeactivity to sensory input):




Anticipated Timeline for Mastery:

Generalization strategy:

Other treatment goals (if there are other treatment goals that are adaptive in nature,include relationship of autistic symptoms to these goals):




Anticipated Timeline for Mastery:

Generalization strategy:

Parenting goals (include specific detailed description of interventions with parents including plan for transferring interventions with the patient to parents):




Anticipated Timeline for Mastery:

Specific strategies for coordination of care IEP/School:

Specific strategies forcoordination of care with other current treatment programs (Speech, OT/PT, Medical, Mental Health, Community):

How does ABA treatment not duplicate/overlap with school based or other treatment programs:

Any other relevant information regarding treatment plan:

Discharge Criteria: (specific behavioral goals that when reached indicate patient is ready for lower level of care and/or is not a safety risk, able to adequately participate in home, school, or community activities):

Number of requested hours of service per month for:

Lead behavioral therapist:

Unlicensed provider:

Supervision of unlicensed provider:

Parent training:

Group therapy:

Total number of hours requested: