Applied Algebra 2

Rogue Community College

Math 96 – Syllabus – Fall 2017

Place:RWC – CH9AInstructor:Elijah Bunnell

Time:12:00 - 12:50 pm, M – Th Phone: (541) 956-7227


Course ID:MTH96-01Office: W7

CRN:1293709Office Hrs: 1 – 2 M-Th

Prerequisites: MTH63 or MTH60 and RD30, or designated placement test score as shown on current indicator chart.

Note: You should ONLY be taking this class if you are planning to take MTH243: Probability and Statistics, or MTH105: Contemporary Mathematics at RCC. The credit you will receive for this class will not transfer to other institutions.

Required Material:

  • Applied Algebra 2, Doug Gardner, 1th edition, 2014.
  • Graphing calculator such as TI-83 or 84.
  • Graph paper, ruler.

Course Description: Introduces the study and application of linear, quadratic, power, exponential, and logarithmic expressions and functions. Working with real data, the mathematics of curve fitting will be developed making extensive use of the graphing calculator. This course concludes the developmental mathematics sequence, preparing students to move onto MTH105, or MTH243.

Grading: You will receive a grade A-F based on your completion and performance in the listed categories. Your grade will be decided based on a weighted average of the categories and will be assigned as follows:

Homework: Each section we cover will have a homework assignment. You should begin each section’s homework once we start talking about it in class, and should complete each section’s homework as we complete its lecture.

  • Homework will be collected each Monday.
  • Late homework will be penalized 20% per day.

Weight: 10%

In-class Assignments: In-class assignments will be unannounced and given sporadically. These assignments will give you the opportunity to practice problems with the support of your instructor and your classmates. These assignments will be graded mostly on participation.

  • ICAs will be collected at the end class.
  • Late ICAs cannot be turned it late.

Weight: 5%

Tests: There will be 3 cumulative, closed book, closed note tests given throughout the term.

  • Late tests will be penalized 10% per day.

Weight: 15% each

Final: The final exam will be cumulative, closed book, and closed note.

Weight: 30%

Projects: There will be 3 projects during the term involving Excel.

Weight: 10%



In-class Assignments5%

Tests3 × 15% each45%

Final 30%


Academic Integrity: Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught or suspected of cheating could face disciplinary action including, but not limited to; a failing grade on the assignment/test, a failing grade for the course, or suspension from the class. If you are having so many problems that you feel the only way out is to cheat, then you need to come talk with me. I am here to help you succeed. Students are also expected to behave in a manner consistent with the student code of conduct expectations which can be found at under Rights and Responsibilities.

Attendance: It is important to realize from the beginning of the term that this class is not designed to be done in an independent study format. If you do not come to class, your grade will be affected and you will be less likely to succeed in the course. If you cannot attend regularly, please see me immediately to explore alternatives to taking this class. If you are unable to attend a class, please notify me via email or phone.

  • Administrative Drop: students who do not attend at least 50% of the class sessions during the first week of school and who do not contact the instructor to indicate a plan to attend will be automatically dropped from the class during the 2nd week of the term.
  • Refund policy: Students dropping a class by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday of the second week of the term get a full refund. After that there is no refund.
  • Withdrawal from class: A student may withdraw from a class between the Thursday of Week 2 and the Friday of Week 8 at 11:59 pm. (Week 5 during summer term). A grade of W will be assigned.

Classroom Behavior

Expectations for classroom behavior are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, available in the catalog, schedule, and online. Students may not engage in any activity which the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Instructors have the right to remove students from class for not following the Code of Conduct or other specified classroom rules. Expectations for behavior in online classes are similar to what is required in the classroom.

Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence Policies

RCC is committed to ensure that its learning and working environments are free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Therefore, it is a violation of College policy for any employee, student or third-party at RCC to engage in these practices.

In addition, RCC has a zero tolerance for sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner or domestic violence, dating violence and workplace violence. Anyone found participating in any of these activities will be subject to disciplinary action and prosecuted in accordance with RCC policies and procedures and Oregon state laws. For more information, go to

Technology Use: Cell phones and/or IPOD type devices are not to be used during class. Cell phones should be turned off or turned to silent. If for some reason you need to leave your cell phone on vibrate mode during class please speak to me before class begins. Laptop use is acceptable but the use needs to be limited to course related functions such as taking notes.


The College assists in keeping the campus safe, but a safe campus can only be achieved through the efforts and cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff. For information on safety services, go to

Smoking restrictions (Board policy)

Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in designated areas. For more information go to:

Help outside of class: If you are having trouble in this class it is important to seek help early and seek help often. Each topic in mathematics builds on the previous topics, so it is extremely important to stay caught up. Make use of the resources made available to you.

  • The Tutoring Center in the Wiseman building offers free tutoring for RCC students. You do not need an appointment! Tutors are available starting at 8:30 am on weekdays. Check the on-line calendar for more details. There is also tutoring available at both the Riverside and Table Rock campuses.
  • There are many online resources available to you. Log onto your MyLabsPlus account and use the Study Plan button to try additional problems. Watch videos and read lessons at Khan Academy, Purplemath, and YouTube.
  • Feel free to come by my office or send me an email whenever you are struggling. I am on campus for many hours outside of my listed office hours.

Students with Disabilities: Students who believe they may need academic accommodations for a disability such as those related to vision, hearing, orthopedics, learning, psychological functioning, and/or other medical conditions should make an appointment with the Rogue Community College Disability Services office. Any student who feels she or he may need an accommodation for any disability should advise me of this.

  • Redwood Campus (Wiseman Tutoring Center):

Phone: 541-956-7337; Fax: 541-471-3550; Oregon Relay Service: 7-1-1

  • For more information, go to

Deadline to add or drop a class / October 4
Deadline to pay for classes / October 6
Deadline to withdraw, change to audit: / November 17
Registration for next term begins / November 20
Federal Direct Loan application deadline / December 1
End of term / December 8
Grades available online / December 13
Holidays (RCC closed): / November 10, 23, 24
Current hours for Tutoring Centers can be found at:
Current hours for Testing Centers can be found at:
Online Tutoring: As an enrolled RCC student, you have access to our eTutoring services. The link can be found at:


These homework problems must be thoroughly completed and turned in each Monday. Late homework will be penalized 20% per day. All graphs need to be completed on graph paper.


1.1 (1, 3, 6, 10)  

1.2 (1, 3, 5, 11)  

1.3 (1, 3, 5, 7, 8)  

2.1 (2, 3, 6)  

2.2 (2, 6, 8, 9, 10)  

2.3 (2, 3, 7, 8)  

3.1 (2, 3, 6, 9, 10)  

3.2 (3, 7, 10, 11)  

3.3 (3, 4, 8, 9, 10)  

4.1 (1, 4, 6, 7)  

4.2 (1, 3, 6, 7)  

4.3 (1, 3, 6, 7)  

5.1 (2, 3, 5)  

5.2 (1, 4, 5, 6)  

5.3 (1, 5, 6)  

6.1 (4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15)  

6.2 (3, 5, 7, 9, 10)  

This homework list is tentative. Changes will be announced in class.


Mon / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Week 1 Sept. 25 / Introduction
1.1 / 1.1 / 1.1/1.2 / 1.2
Week 2 Oct. 2 / 1.3 / 1.3 / Review / Test 1
Week 3 Oct. 9 / Project 1 / 2.1 / 2.1 / 2.2
Week 4 Oct. 16 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.3 / 3.1
Week 5 Oct. 23 / 3.2 / 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.3
Week 6 Oct. 30 / Review / Test 2 / Project 2 / 4.1
Week 7 Nov. 6 / 4.2 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.3
Week 8 Nov. 13 / 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.2 / 5.3
Week 9 Nov. 20 / 5.3 / Review / Test 3 / Thanksgiving
Week 10 Nov. 27 / 6.1 / 6.1/6.2 / 6.2 / Project 3
Week 11 Dec. 4 / Project 3 / Review / Final Exam / Grade Day

This syllabus is tentative. Any changes will be announced in class.