U.S. Departmentof State


(This application isfor positionsrecruited by theU.S.Mission under the

OfficeofOverseas Employment's InteragencyLocal Employment RecruitmentPolicy)


1. Position Title / 2. Grade
3. Vacancy AnnouncementNumber / 4. Date Available for Work(mm-dd-yyyy)
5. LastName(s)/SurnamesFirstNameMiddle Name
6. Other Names Used
7. CurrentAddress / 8. Phone Numbers
10. Are you aU.S.Citizen?
11. Do you have permanentU.S. Residentstatus (greencard)?YesNoIfyes,provide number.
12a.U.S. Social Security Number(for U.S.Citizens/Permanent U.S. Residents)

12b.CountryIdentification Number
13.Areyoulegallyeligible to work inthiscountry?YesNo
Ifyes,Mission HR mayrequire verification of eligibility.Pleaseattach copies ofalldocumentation that confirms yourlegal eligibilityto workinthiscountry(e.g., work permit, residency permit).
14. If hired, are there accommodations the Mission needs toprovideso thatyou can performalltheessentialfunctionsand duties of the position?
15. If youare applying fora position thatincludes driving a U.S.Governmentvehicle,doyou have a currentand valid driver'slicense?
YesNoNot Applicable
Ifyes,Class/Type of License

Ifyes,have you operated a vehicle without incidentfor the pastthree years?


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16. Whatdays are youavailableto work as partof aregularly scheduled workweek?(Checkallthat apply.)
17.Do any ofyour relatives or members ofyour household work for the United StatesGovernment?YesNo
Ifyes,provide the details below.If youneed more space,use an additional sheetofpaper. (SeeInstructions for Completing the DS-174for thedefinitionofrelatives and membersof household.)
Name / Relationship / Agency, Position,and Location
18. Are you claiming preference inhiring under U.S. law, including the Foreign Service Actof 1980,based upon your status aseither a U.S.CitizenEligibleFamilyMember(USEFM) or U.S.Veteran?See Instructionsfor Completing the DS-174for additionalinformation aboutthe USEFMand U.S.Veterans hiringpreference.(Checkonly one.)
Yes,I ama U.S.Citizen EFMand also a U.S.Veteran.Yes,I ama U.S.Veteran.
Yes,I amaU.S.Citizen EFM.No,I amneithera U.S.Citizen EFM,nor a U.S.Veteran.
Have you invokedthis preference for aprior positionatthis post/Mission?YesNoIfyes,which agency?Date(mm-dd-yyyyy)
Ifclaiming eligibilityfor U.S. Veteran preference,you must attach acopyof yourmostrecentDD-214,Certificate ofRelease or Discharge fromActive
Duty.Ifclaiming conditional eligibilityfor U.S.Veteranspreference,you must submit proof ofconditionaleligibility.
19. Graduate School
NameofSchool, City,StateorCountry / DatesAttended
To / Did yougraduate?
YesNo / Degree/Diploma / Major Subject
Undergraduate College/UniversityName ofSchool,City,State or Country / DatesAttended
To / Did yougraduate?
YesNo / Degree/Diploma / Major Subject
High School/GED orCountryEquivalentName of School,City, State or Country / DatesAttended
To / Did yougraduate?
YesNo / Ifno,highestgradelevelcompleted.
Other,e.g Technical/VocationalSchoolName of School,City, State or Country / DatesAttended
To / Did yougraduate?
YesNo / Certificate/Diploma / Major Subject


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20.List yourlanguages, the appropriate competency levels,and your primary/first spoken/native languageusing the language standardsbelow.Youmayonly identifyoneprimary/firstspoken/nativelanguage.
Language IndicatorsLevelIBasicKnowledge
LevelII Limited Knowledge
LevelIII Good WorkingKnowledge
LevelIV Fluent
LevelV Professional Translator/Interpreter
Language Level To: / Speak / Read / Write
Include all work experience,paid and voluntary. Startwith your present or most recentwork experience.When describing work,listspecificduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.Includesupervisory responsibilities and thenumber ofemployees supervised.Go intoasmuchdetailaspossible forworkexperience thatdirectly relates to the advertisedposition.Include all periods of unemploymentand the reason. (Useadditional pages,asneeded.)
21a.Job Title(If U.S.Government, include the series and grade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)


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21b.Job Title(If U.S.Government, include the series and grade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)
21c.JobTitle (IfU.S.Government,include the seriesandgrade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)


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21d.Job Title(If U.S.Government, include the series and grade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)
22. Listprofessional licenses, certifications,typing/keyboard skills,computerskills,formal andonline training, and other skillsand abilitiesyou considerrelevant to the position.Include the license or certification number andattach acopy ifthe license or certification isa requirement ofthe position.Iflicensedin the U.S., pleaselist thestateofissuance.Iflicensed inanother country, please list the province/state/region and country of issuance.(Useadditionalpages,as necessary.)
23.Listprofessionalorganizations,associations,awards, honors, fellowships, and publicationsyou consider significant.
24. Listthree personalreferences who arenotrelativesor former supervisorswhocan speak knowledgeably of yourworkperformance.
Name / Address / Telephone / Occupation
25. Icertify that, to the bestof my knowledgeand belief,all ofthe information on and attached to thisapplication is true, correct,complete,andmadeingoodfaith.Iunderstand thatfalseorfraudulent informationonorattached tothis application may be groundsfor not hiringme,orfortermination/dismissal after Ibegin work,and may be punishableby fine or imprisonment accordingto this country's lawor U.S. law.Iunderstand thatanyinformationIvoluntarilyprovideonorattached to thisapplicationmay be investigated.
Signature / Date(mm-dd-yyyy)


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21_.Job Title(If U.S.Government, include the series and grade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)
21_.Job Title(If U.S.Government, include the series and grade)
From (mm-yyyy) / To(mm-yyyy) / Salary per Year inU.S.Dollars or Local Currency / Hours per Week
Employer'sName and Address / Supervisor'sName and ContactInformation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Were you a supervisor in this position?YesNoIfyes,howmany people did you supervise? / MayHR contactyour supervisor?YesNo
Describeyourmajorduties/responsibilitiesand accomplishments.
Reason(s) forLeaving(Do not write "N/A" or "notapplicable".)


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1.You mustapply for Missionpositionsusing the DS-174.
2.Make sureyou are eligible to apply.For example, the Missionsometimesrestrictsrecruitmentto current Mission employees.
3.TheMission HumanResourcesofficemustreceive your application package by the closing date on the Vacancy Announcement.Otherwise, youlose consideration forthe position.
4.Providing your U.S.Social Security Number(for U.S. CitizensandLegal PermanentResidentsofthe U.S.),orcountry identification number(foreveryone else), as well asallotherpersonalinformation,is voluntary.However,MissionHRisunableto process your application ifyou do notvoluntarilyprovidethe information requested in the DS-174.
5.Under U.S.Lawincluding the Foreign Service Act of1980,as amended,U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members and U.S. Veterans receive apreference inhiring, subjectto Mission HR confirmation of eligibility.
6.Positionsstaffed by theU.S.Missionrequire thatU.S.citizen males overage 18 and born after December 31,1959,register withthe United StatesSelective Service System,or have an exemption fromthe U.S. Office ofPersonnel Management(OPM).
7.U.S.lawand regulation do notallowU.S.Governmentemployees toappoint,hire,promote, or recommend their relatives or Members ofHousehold for employmentat theMission.
8.Federalcivilianannuitantsmayhave their salaries or annuitiesreduced ifemployed by the Mission.
1.Typeorprintclearlyinink.MissionHR doesnotconsider application packagessubmitted inpencil.
2.Youmay complete theapplicationinEnglishoryourprimary/firstspoken/native language.However, ifthe Vacancy Announcement states thatallcandidates foremploymentmustsubmittheirapplicationsinEnglish,thenyou must submit theapplicationinEnglish.
3.Ifyou need more space for an answer,attach an additional sheetof paper.In the top rightcorner of each sheet, include your complete name, theposition title, and theVacancy AnnouncementNumber.
4.Answer all questions on the DS-174that apply to you fully and in detail.Ifyou do notanswer allquestions fully and in detail,youmay delaytheHuman Resources reviewofyour application and you maylose consideration for the position.Ifa question on the DS-174 does notapply to you,then write "N/A"(Not Applicable) in the boxor space provided.
5.Attach copiesofalldocumentationyoubelieveisrelevanttothe position,your eligibility,and your qualificationsto theDS-174.Thisincludeseligibilitydocumentationsuch asa copyofyourworkpermitorresidencypermit.It also includes qualifications documentationsuch ascopies ofcertificatesoftraining, licenses, proficiencies, publications,andeducationaltranscripts.Ifyou are notsure what documentationyou mustsubmit,contactthe Mission HR office. DO NOT ATTACH ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.


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Block1.PositionTitle -Providetheposition title stated onthe Vacancy Announcementormediaadvertisement.Block2.Grade -Provide the grade ofthe position(FSN and FP/FS).Example:FSN-8;FP/FS-6.
Block3.VacancyAnnouncement Number-ProvidetheVacancyAnnouncementNumber.
Block4.Date Available forWork-Providethe date you are available to startworking,ifyou are offered the position.(Example:06-01-2012.)
Block5.Last Name(s)/Surname-Provide your last name or surname.
First Name- Provide your firstor given name.
MiddleName-Provide yourmiddlename.
Block6.Other Names Used -Listalltheothernames,includingnicknames,youuseorhaveusedin thepast thatare notin Block5.
Block7.CurrentAddress -Provide your completecurrentaddress, including apartment number, building number,mailing code, and otherresidential identifiers.
Block8.Phone Numbers - Provideyour daytime, evening,and mobile numbers,including country,regional, area, or citycodes, as appropriate.Block9.E-mailAddress -Provide youre-mailaddress.(Example:.) Ifyou don'thave an e-mail address, write "N/A."Block10. U.S.Citizenship -Checkthe appropriate box.
Block11. Permanent U.S. Resident Status - Check theappropriate box. If youcheckyes,provide your permanentresidentstatus number.
Block12. 12a.U.S. SocialSecurityNumber and/or12b.CountryIdentification Number-Provide your U.S.Social SecurityNumberoryourCountryIdentificationNumber.If you have both a U.S.SocialSecurity Number and a Country Identification Number, provide bothnumbers.
Block13. Confirmation ofEligibility-Certify thatyou are legally eligible for employmentinthe countrywhere theMission is located by checkingtheappropriate box.Attach copies ofthe required paperwork (e.g., work permit, residency permit),ifappropriate.Donot attachtheoriginaldocuments.Ifyouarenot sureyouneedtosubmitproofofeligibility paperwork,orwhatpaperwork you need tosubmit,contacttheMission HR office.
Block14. Accommodations -Check theappropriate boxand provide explanatoryinformation, asappropriate.
Block15. Drivers License -Answer this questiononlyif theposition you are applying for requires driving a U.S.Government vehicle. List thetype ofLicense youhave.(ExampleA:Class A, to drive any tractor-trailerorcombination of motor vehicle andtowed vehicle where thetowedvehicle exceeds a grossweight of4,600 kilograms.) Attach a copy ofyour currentlicense to the application.Check"Yes" or "No"to indicate whether you havedriven withoutincident withinthe lastthree years.
Block16. Availability-Check all the days you are available to work as partofa regularly scheduled work week. A regularly scheduled work weekisthe official workweek set by the supervisorbased upon the assigneddutiesandresponsibilitiesof theposition. Following arethreeexamples ofregularlyscheduled work weeks:
a.Mondaythrough Friday,8:00 a.m. until5:00 p.m.
b.Mondaythrough Thursday,8:00 a.m. until12:00p.m.and Friday, 8:00 a.m. until5:00 p.m.
c.Saturday throughWednesday,7:30 a.m. until4:30 p.m.
Block17. Relatives-Check the appropriate box.Ifyou check "Yes," then listall relatives or members ofyour householdwho currently work for the
U.S.Government. Relativesandmembers of household include father,mother,husband,wife,unmarried partner of theopposite or samesex,son,daughter, brother, sister,uncle,aunt,firstcousin,nephew, niece,father-in-law,mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,brother-in-law,sister-in-law,stepfather,stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter,stepbrother,stepsister,halfbrother,and halfsister.


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Block18. Preference in Hiring -Checkthe appropriate box.You may only check one box.

U.S.CitizenEligible FamilyMembers(USEFM)-For purposes ofreceiving a preference in hiring for a qualifiedposition, a USEFM is anindividualwhomeetsthe following criteria:

1.U.S.citizen; and

2.The spouseordomesticpartner ofthe sponsoring employee, or a child of thesponsoring employeewhois unmarriedand atleast 18yearsold;and

3.Listed on the travel orders ofa sponsoring employee,i.e., a direct-hire Foreign Service,Civil Service,or uniformed servicememberwho is permanently assignedto or stationedabroad at aU.S.mission,or at an office ofthe American Institute in Taiwan, and whoisunder ChiefofMission authority, and either:

a.Residesat thesponsoring employee's postof assignmentabroad or, as appropriate, atan office of the American Institute inTaiwan; or

b.Residesataninvoluntaryseparate maintenance allowance (ISMA)location, authorized under3FAM 3232.2.If residing atanISMA location,the individual willnotbe listedonthe sponsoringofficer'stravelordersbutwill haveaformSF-1190 processedauthorizing ISMA.

Other familymembers or dependentson direct-hireForeign Service,Civil Service, or uniformed services member's travelordersare notUSEFMs or AEFMs for purposes of3FAM8200.

Ifyou claimstatus asa U.S.Citizen EFM,Mission HR mayneed to verifyyour status and eligibility.Mission HR'sdecision oneligibilityforthe preference as aUSEFM is final.


Ifyou claimstatus asa U.S.Veteran,you must attach a copy ofyour DD-214, Certificate of ReleaseorDischarge fromActive Duty. Failureto provide acopy ofyour DD-214 to MissionHRbythe closing dateoftheVacancyAnnouncementmeansyouloseeligibilityfor the hiringpreference.

Mission HR's decisiononeligibilityfor U.S.Veteranspreference afterreviewingthe DD-214,orconditionaleligibilitydocumentation,is final.

USG Missions do notuse points inapplying the hiring preference for USEFM or U.S. Veteran candidates.USEFMand U.S.Veterancandidates generally have an equal preferencein hiring;however,a U.S. Citizen EFM who is also a U.S.Veteran receivespreference inhiringbefore allotherpreference candidates.Under U.S.lawincluding the Foreign ServiceAct of1980,as amended, to receive apreferencein hiring,USEFMand U.S.Veteran candidatesmustbefully qualified before receiving firstconsiderationfor the advertisedposition.


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Block19. Education
1.School -If you have graduatestudies beyond a Bachelors degree or host country equivalent,startin the first block, "GraduateSchool."Ifyou have college/universitystudies,startin the nextblockdown,"Undergraduate/College University." Ifyou did notattendcollege/university, start with the "HighSchool/General Educational Development(GED)" block.(The GEDtestsarea group offivetests whichwhenpassed,certifies thatthetakerhas AmericanorCanadian high school-level academicskills.)Use theTechnical/Vocationalschoolblockforallother formaleducation.Listthe name ofthe school,city and state.(Example:ClemsonUniversity, Clemson, South Carolina,USA.)
2.Dates Attended -List thedates using themm-yyyy format. (Example: 08-2000.)
3.Graduate -Check either "Yes" or "No."
4.Degree/Diploma and Major Subject -If youare acollege/universityortechnical school graduate,indicate your degreefield under"Degree/Diploma."
Ifyou double majored in school, list your major andminor fieldsof study under "Major Subject." (Example:Major:Economics; Minor:History.)
Ifyouhaveuniversitystudiesbutdidnot graduate,check "No" in the "Graduate"box, write "N/A" in the "Degree/Diploma" block,and write"Generalcourse work" in the "Major Subject" block.
Ifyou havegraduate studies but did notgraduate, check "No" in the "Graduate" box, write "N/A" in the "Degree/Diploma" block andwritethe area of graduate work you were pursuing in the "MajorSubject" block. (Example:"Psychology.")
Ifyouhavetechnicalschool,vocationalschool,orotherformal school education butdid notgraduate,check "No"inthe "Graduate" block,write "N/A" in the "Degree/Diploma" block,andwrite the main technicalor vocational course work you took.(Example: Welding.)
Block20. The Mission assesseslanguage proficiencyusingthe followingstandards:
LevelI=Basic KnowledgeLevel II =Limited Knowledge
Level III= Good Working KnowledgeLevel IV =Fluent
Level V=Professional Translator/Interpreter
Youmustlistyourlanguageproficiencyusing the Level I-V standard. You must identify one and only one language asyour primary/firstspoken/nativelanguage.Ifyouarebilingualor multi-lingual,youmayonlychooseonelanguageasyour primary/first spoken/nativelanguage. If you arenotproficient inallthree components ofthe language(speaking,reading,and writing),then listyour proficiency in thecomponentsthatapply and write "N/A" in thecomponents thatdo notapply.
Following is an example ofhowto complete Block 20:
Language Level To: / Speak / Read / Write
Primary-Spanish / IV / IV / IV
English / IV / IV / IV
Italian / II / II / I
Arabic / I / N/A / N/A
Human Resources mayrequire testing in one or all languagesyou include in your application.


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Block21. WorkExperienceincludesallpaidandvolunteerwork, including internships, fellowships, and grants.Include all ofyour work experience.Listyour currentor mostrecent paid or volunteer workfirstinBlock21a.andworkbackwards. Include all periodsof unemployment and thereason for the unemployment.Use additional pages,if needed.
1.Job Title -Use official jobtitlesonly. If youhave work experience with theU.S.Government,include the job title,series (ifyou know it),and the grade.
Example1- Voucher Examiner,Series420,Grade 7Example2- Accounts Manager
2.Dates of Employment -Provide the dates ofemployment using the mm-yyyyformat.
Example- From: 08-2000To: 09-2008
3.Salary-Make sureyou provide your annualsalary, not weekly or monthly salary.Youmay provide salaryin either U.S.dollars or thelocal currencyof theMission where you are applying. If youhave asalaryhistory thatisnotdenominatedin U.S.dollars or the localcurrency ofthe Mission whereyou are applying,convertthe salaryto U.S. dollars and provide iton the application.
4.Hours per week-Provide the hours ofyour regularly scheduled workweek.
5.Employer's Name andAddress -Provideyour employer's complete name andaddress.
6.SupervisoryExperience -Answer "Yes"ifyou werea supervisor in thisposition and indicate thenumber ofemployees supervised.
7.Supervisor's Name and Contact -Provide the name and contact information ofyour immediatesupervisor while inthisposition. Ifyou do notknowyour supervisor's e-mail address, put"N/A." Indicateif Mission HRmaycontactyour current supervisor.
8.Duties/Responsibilities andAccomplishments -It isyourresponsibilityto demonstrate that you arequalified forthe position forwhich you are applying.Read theadvertised position requirements(e.g.,priorwork experience,computer skills,customer servicework) on the Vacancy Announcementormedia advertisement.Thendescribeyour duties/responsibilities and accomplishments in thepositioninasmuchdetailaspossible.Makesureyouincludeall formaland informalsupervisory responsibilities. Indicate thepercentageoftime you spentperforming foreach majordutyand responsibility(e.g.,20percent).Use additional pages,if needed.
Ifyouhada major changeofdutiesand responsibilities while you worked forthe same employer,then describe each role asaseparate job (i.e.,complete block21a,then block21b).
9.Reason forLeaving -Always state the reason you left your previousemployment.Ifyou are currently employed,then put"currentlyemployed"inthe "Reason for Leaving" block.You may not put"N/A" for "Not Applicable"as the reason for leaving.Ifyou wereterminated, or voluntarily or involuntarilyseparated,then state whyinspecificterms.
Example:"Iwas involuntarilyseparatedbecause of a Reduction-In-Force in my division."
Block22. Include keyboard,computer, professional licenses/certifications,formal and online training,and other skills and abilitiesyou have thatdirectlyrelate to theposition you're applying for,orthat youconsider relevanttoyour candidacy.Ifa license or certification is a requirementof the position(e.g.,electrician certification, Registered Professional Nurse),then youmustattach acopy to your application. Do notattachthe original license or certification.Ifyou do not attach a copy toyour application,you may lose consideration for the position.
Ifalicenseorcertification isnotarequirementofthe position,you may attach copies oflicenses/certifications toyour application that youbelieve are relevant to or strengthen your candidacy.Donotattachoriginaldocuments.Mission HRhasthe authorityto require proof ofanything you state inyour application package.
Block23. Listprofessional organizations, associations,awards,honors,fellowships,and publications youhavethat directly relate to thepositionyou're applying for,orthat youconsider relevanttoorstrengthen your candidacy.MissionHRhas the authorityto requireproofofhonors,publications,oranythingelseyoulistinBlock23.
Block24. Listthree personal references.Ideallythey areindividuals who knowyouprofessionallyandcan commentonyour suitability foremployment atthe Mission. Personal references may not be relatives or members ofyour household.You may wish to informpersonalreferences thatyou are including their names and contact information inyour application since Mission HRmay contactthem.
