International Permaculture Convergence

Application to become a future IPC host

Information about the IPC

'IPC' stands for International Permaculture Convergence, it is a gathering of practitioners of permaculture from around the world. The IPCs started back in 1984 in Australia, and are the key global meeting point for the international permaculture network. Previous IPCs have been held at:

  • IPC1 Rowlands, New South Wales, Australia, 1984
  • IPC2 Breitenbush Hot Springs & Olympia in the NW of the USA in 1986
  • IPC3 Christchurch, New Zealand, 1988
  • IPC4 Nepal 1991
  • IPC5 Copenhagen, Denmark and Gerlesborg, Sweden, 1993
  • IPC6 Perth, Australia, 1996
  • IPC7 Croatia organized in cooperation with Danish Association/European Permaculture Institute, 2005
  • IPC8 Brasil, Permacultura America Latina, 2007
  • IPC9 Malawi, 2009
  • IPC10 Jordan, 2011
  • IPC11 Cuba, 2013
  • IPC12 UK, 2015
  • IPC13 is planned for India in November 2017
  • IPC14?

Factors to consider in choosing IPC14


There has not been a very consistent pattern, but we are wanting to establish a pattern of northern hemisphere / southern hemisphere.

Therefore we are keen to get offers from countries in the northern hemisphere for IPC14.


Timing has been roughly every 2 years, but given that India is happening in November 2017, 2020 may be a more appropriate timing for IPC 14.

IPC aims

  • To improve access to permaculture.

◦Use the IPC to make more people aware of permaculture.

◦Use the IPC website to make it easy for people to connect to permaculture near them.

  • To enhance collaboration within the permaculture network.

◦Further develop our understanding of who is doing what, and how we can increase mutual support and action.

  • To increase knowledge of the benefits of permaculture within society.

◦Use the IPC to make more people aware of the benefits of permaculture, specifically about how it is used in particular contexts and countries.

  • To develop permaculture theory and practice.

◦Invite contributions from researchers and leading practitioners.

◦Use the workshops to increase our knowledge and understanding.

◦Collate workshops, papers and posters into a journal / website for wider dissemination to the permaculture network and beyond.

  • To ensure that there is participation from as many countries using permaculture as possible
  • To ensure funding, sponsorships and good planning enable the convergence to be as affordable as possible to all participants.
  • To make a financial surplus that can feed into the next IPC.

Application form

Please answer the following questions:

1. About the host organisation

  • What is the organisation's name?
  • When was the organisation established?
  • What is your legal status?
  • Please give your website address
  • Does your bank account require two signatories?
  • How often do you produce financial reports?
  • What is your capacity – number of staff / volunteers?
  • Are you able to take online payments? (This can be supported if you do not)
  • How prepared are you to host an IPC – what experience do you already have in hosting large events, e.g. regional convergences?

2. Name of person leading the proposal / key contact

  • Please give the name, email address, phone number (and code) for the lead contact.

3. About the country

  • Are there any potential technological restrictions? Will you be able to host online live-streaming for the IPC?
  • Are there any significant travel challenges for attendees - visas, ease of access, safety? What is the main airport / train station?
  • What is the likely stability of the political climate in four year's time?

4. Proposal for how you will manage different elements of the IPC

Please tell us how you would manage the following aspects of the IPC:

  • Pre-IPC Permaculture Design Course
  • Public Conference
  • Convergence
  • Tours and visits
  • Proposed dates for the IPC (any challenges in terms of weather events?)
  • Reducing the total expenses of attending IPCs. Please specify proposed fundraising sources, i.e., grants, sponsors, etc
  • Time line – what is your basic plan for delivering the IPC – how will you use the 4 years to prepare?
  • How will you minimise the event's negative environmental impact?
  • What is your strategy to promote permaculture on a national & international level at the IPC?

What to do after you have filled in this form

You can submit the application form in advance of the next IPC – this is encouraged. You also need to attend the IPC and be prepared to attend meetings of the IPC Council during the event. You will be given an opportunity to make a presentation and will be asked to answer questions about your proposal.

If your proposal is accepted you will need to sign an agreement that sets out your roles and responsibilities as an IPC host. You will then be supported by the IPC Council and the Friends of IPC group to develop your plans and make the event a real success.

Please email your application to Mugove Walter Nyika & Wes Roe, and also bring a copy with you to International Permaculture Convergence.

You must attend the International Permaculture Convergence in person, in order to make your presentation & bid for convening an IPC, no exceptions.

Email applications to:

Mugove Walter Nyika ,

Wesley Roe,

Process for Selection of Next IPC Convener/Host:

At the IPC there will be a series of meetings where presentations will be heard and evaluated by the IPC Council. The meetings will be public & open to everyone, welcoming comments. A vote will be taken after a meeting of the IPC Council, their recommendation will be presented to the general assembly of those attending the convergence. This will take place at the conclusion of the IPC.