Odisee vzw

Dienst Internationale Relaties/International Relations Office

Warmoesberg 26

1000 Brussels


Please send a digital version of this file no later than 16 March 2018
to the International Relations Office.

Candidates for a Generic Grant are ranked on the basis of these data in order for the International Relations Office of Odisee to take a reasoned decision to allocate a grant in case the number of grants should not be sufficient.[1]



  2. Student is dependent on his/her parent(s) or another person
  3. Mention all persons who are officially living at your address (in case of divorce of your parents, you should only mention the details of the parent on whose address you are registered and the data of the new partner, if applicable).

Surname and name / Date of birth / Dependenton parents?[2] / Profession or other activity
Situation as it will be on 31.12.2018
If your brother/sister is a student: specify the type of studies on 31.12.2018 (pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult or higher education)[3] / Has anincome?
(salary, replacement income, pension, …) / Disabled?
% or number of points[4]
Mother/partner / ...... / ...... / / / ...... / Y/N / ......
Father/partner / ...... / ...... / / / ...... / Y/N / ......
Sister(s)/Brother(s) / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......
...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......
...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......
...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......
...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......
Other / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ...... / Y/N / ......


2.1.2.Civil status of the parent/guardian who is responsible for the student (tick boxes):

O UnmarriedO Married

O Legally cohabitatingO Actually cohabitating*

O Actually divorcedO Legally divorced

O Widow(er)

Since: …………………………………………………………………………………
In case of actual or legal divorce, is alimony being received:Yes/No
(add proof of alimony by means of copy of bank statements)

*In case of actually cohabitating with a new partner:

  • Is there a child of both partners?Yes/NoIf yes: since …………………….
  • Is the student fiscally dependent on the new partner?Yes/No

2.2.Student is an independent or single student, legally cohabitating, married or with child(ren)

In this case you need to prove your status on the basis of which you apply for a grant. Specific conditions apply for this situation. More info or questions?

Contact the Social Services’ office of STUVO+ at your campus.

 Independent student (=own income in 2017 and/or 2018) or single student (= social aid from OCMW/CPAS, orphan, foster care, …)

Surname and name / Date of birth / Profession or other activity
Situation as it will be on 31.12.2018
In case of a student:specify the type of studies on 31.12.2018 (pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult or higher education)[5] / Has an income?
(salary, replacement income, pension, …) / Disabled?
% or number of points[6]
Partner / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 1 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 2 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 3 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child4 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Other / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......

Add your income of 2017 and 2018 (by means of monthly pay slips or attestations with amounts received per month).
In case you have received a study grant from the Flemish Community in 2017-2018: add the letter with the decision of the Department of Scholarships.

 Married, legally cohabitating or cohabiting with a common child

Marriage/legal cohabitation/date of birth child since: ……………………… (date: dd/mm/yyyy) with …………………………………… ………………… (full name partner)

Surname and name / Date of birth / Profession or other activity
Situation as it will be on 31.12.2018
In case of a student: specify the type of studies on 31.12.2018 (pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult or higher education)[7] / Has an income?
(salary, replacement income, pension, …) / Disabled?
% or number of points[8]
Partner / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 1 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 2 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child 3 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Child4 / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......
Other / ...... / ...... / ...... / Y/N / ......

Add your own income AND yourpartner’s income as of the date of marriage/legal cohabitation/date of birth of your oldest child by means of monthly pay slips, attestation with the amount of the benefits per month, …
 In case you are married before or in 2016: add the income tax statement with income year 2016, taxation year 2017.



My proof of income is in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian

My proof of income is NOT in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian. I will provide a translation in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian and fill in the declaration below:

I, …………………………………………………………………………………………, hereby certify that the provided information is an exact and accurate translation of the original in ………………………………………………………… and that it contains reliable, accurate and truthful information


Send this form including all annexes to before 16 March 2018.


[1]Data is used to determine the allocation of a Generic Grant and is only used for follow-up purposes afterwards. Third parties cannot get access to these data. You can invoke your right of access in accordance with art. 10 of the Belgian Law of 8 December 1992 by sending a letter to the General Manager of vzw Odisee, Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels.

2TO BE ADDED in case of foreign nationality: copy of the identity card

3 Delete as appropriate

[2]Delete as appropriate

[3]Mention the situation as it will be on 31.12.2018. Note!Adult education (CVO), HBO5 and Syntra are not considered as higher education.

[4]Add a recent disability certificate stating the percentage or points of disability.

[5]Mention the situation as it will be on 31.12.2018. Note!Adult education (CVO), HBO5 and Syntra are not considered as higher education.

[6] Add a recent certificate stating the percentage or points of the disability.

[7]Mention the situation as it will be on 31.12.2018. Note!Adult education (CVO), HBO5 and Syntra are not considered as higher education.

[8] Add a recent disability certificate stating the percentage or points of disability.