Your application should include:
- Employment & Qualification Background - Complete Attachment A
The form is attached for completion. Please complete this information in full. Please do not send a separate CV.
- ‘One page pitch’ - Complete Attachment B
Please complete a ‘one page pitch’ telling us how your skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications makes you the best person for the job. Responses should not exceed 500 words.
Your one page pitch is a chance to tell us why you are the right person for the job. We want to know why you want to work at the Australian Embassy in Tehran, why you are interested in the role, what you can offer us, and how your skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications are applicable to the role. In a nutshell – why should we hire you?
Try not to duplicate information that can already be found in your resume, but do highlight any specific examples or achievements that will demonstrate your ability to perform the role.
- Provide contacts for two referees - Complete Attachment C
You need to provide contacts for two referees who are familiar with your professional as well as personal skills and competences. In most cases referees are not contacted unless you are shortlisted for the position, however if we have a tight timeframe we may contact referees before interviews.
Please note: all sections of this form must be completed in English.
ATTACHMENT AEmployment & Qualification Background
1. Personal Particulars
Title / Surname / Given Name(s)Contact Details – address, telephone contact details, email address
2. Current Employment
Month/YearCommenced / Employer / Position
Brief Description of your duties
3. Previous Positions Held (including movement within an organisation)
Month/YearCommenced / Month/Year
Finished / Employer / Position / Level
4. Academic Qualifications
Year Received / Qualification / Institution5. Other e.g. Training Courses, Awards, Academic Appointments, Publications, Professional Associations, etc
ATTACHMENT B‘One page pitch’
Please complete a ‘one page pitch’ telling us how your skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications makes you the best person for the job. Responses should not exceed 500 words.
ATTACHMENT CReferee contacts
Please provide the names and details of two referees whom the Embassy can contact if you are short listed for the interview. Referees should be current/former colleagues or (preferably) current/former supervisors, and be able to substantiate the claims made in your ‘one page pitch’.
Referee 1
Full name of Referee: / Relation to Applicant (employer/supervisor):Occupation (Position and company): / Phone:
Referee 2
Full name of Referee: / Relation to Applicant (employer/supervisor):Occupation (Position and company): / Phone: