Application Form | Joint EB&MR 2018 Coordinator


Below you will find the application for the Joint Executive Board & Member Representatives Meeting 2018. Before filling this in, we kindly ask you to read the questions carefully, as well as the Role Description document of the EFPSA Joint EB&MR2018Coordinator.

Application Details

  1. Complete the application form and submit it along with your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and proof of studies byTuesday 17thOctober 2017 23:59 (CET).
  2. Completed applications will be read and evaluated by the Member Representatives and their respective Member Organisations.
  3. Successful applicants immediately assume their duties after approval from the Member Representatives (MRs) at General Assembly II of the Joint EB&MR Meeting 2017.

Part I

Name | <Answer

Surname | <Answer

Sex | <Answer

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) | <Answer

Citizenship | <Answer

Country/region of residence | <Answer

Email address | <Answer

Skype name | <Answer

University name* | <Answer

Level of study (e.g. Bachelors, Masters or PhD) | <Answer

Year of study in that programme | <Answer

* Please note, if you are currently visiting another university, you should not include this detail. This should be the university you will be graduating/have graduated from.

Part II

Please indicate which country/region you are applying as


Please indicate the preliminary team members, their relevant experience (EFPSA positions held, experience in project management and/or event organising, etc.) and the reasons for their selection, together with your experience in project management and/or event organisation.


Part III

Statement of general motivation

Please describe why your team would like to host the Joint EB&MR Meeting 2018. You can include reasons why you believe your country/region is suitable for hosting the event on both scientific and cultural grounds.(Maximum 300 words)


Potential Location/Venue

Detail potential venues (maximum of three) that could host Joint EB&MR, including information on the location and surrounding area, type of accommodation, total number of places the accommodation holds, ability to host six independent working research groups, potential costs and availability through the month of October.




Please indicate any possibilities of funding available for the Joint EB&MR Meeting 2018. You may name entities you have already contacted (or intend to), entities that have supported you in similar projects before and the extent to which they might support you. (Maximum150words)


Submission Procedure

Completed applications should be saved as a PDF using the following format for the filename: ‘EB&MR2018application_yoursurname_country’.

To complete your application, please provide a copy of your Curriculum Vitae saved as a PDF using the following format for the filename: ‘EB&MR2018application_yoursurname_CV’, as well as a proof that you are/were a psychology student using the following format for the filename: ‘EB&MR2018application_yoursurname_studiesproof’.

Please send your application together with your Curriculum Vitae to Monica Duarte (Secretary General) on the following email address: .

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the EFPSA Events Office via the email .

Board of Management |October 2017| Page 1