SURNAME: Khidirov
FIRST NAME(S): Irisali
Affiliation and official address: Institute of Nuclear Physics of Academy Sciences of Uzbekistan , Tashkent, 100214, Uzbekistan
Tel: 8-10(99871)-289-34-64 (office)
8-10(99871)-289-34-64 (home)
Fax: 8-10(99871)-150-30-80
Date and place of birth: 01 February 1947, Shimkent, KazakhstanNationality: Uzbekistan
Education (degrees, dates, universities)
Decrees and Dates Conferred:
Teacher of physics, 1969
Ph.D. - physical and mathematical sciences, 1983
Doctor of physical
and mathematical sciences, 1998
Educational Institute:
The Tashkent Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ural State University , Ekaterinburg, Russian
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates)
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, engineering, 1971-1976
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, Junior scientist, 1976-1988
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, Senior scientist, 1988-1995
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, Senior scientist, 1988-1995
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, Head of Laboratory , 1995-Present
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbekistan AS, professor of Solid State Physics , 2007
Specialization (specify)
(i) Main field
Solid State Physics
(ii) Other fields
Structural phase transformations, interstitial alloys and solid solutions (carbides, nitrides, hydrides),
intermetals and hydrides of intermetals, superconducting ceramics and other ceramics.
(iii) Current research interest
Hydrogen Materials Science
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Member of International Editorial Board of International Scientific Journal for Alternative energy and ecology.
Publications (list selected publications on page 2 of curriculum vitae)
-Number of papers in refereed journals: 80
-Number of communications to scientific meetings: 120
-Patents: 4
- Number of books: 2 , , 24 Proceedings
Recent selected publications for last 10 years
1. Khidirov I., Mukhtarova N. N., Padurets L. N., et al. Isotope effect in the hydrogen distribution in the solid solution TiN0.40H0.19D0.19// Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2008. V. 53. # 4. PP. 504-514.
2. Khidirov I., Sotvoldiev D. I. Oscillating time dependence of internal friction in -irradiated nonstoichiometric titanium
carbide and hydrogen influence on it// Int. Sc. J. for Alternative Energy and Ecology. 2008. № 3. С. 94-100.
3. Salikhbaev U.S., Baytelesov S.A., Khidirov I.G., et al. Reactor irradiation influence on microstructure and micro hardness of SAV-1 AND AMG-2 aluminum alloys// Int. Sc. J. for Alternative Energy and Ecology. 2008. № 9.
4. Khidirov I., Sotvoldiev D. I., Zaynobiddinov S. Z. Instability of Instability of dislocation -defective systems and time dependence of internal friction in in -irradiated titanium carbide//Report of Academy Sciences of Uzbekistan. 2008. № 6. С. 67-71.
5. Khidirov I., Padurets L. N., Zaginaichenko S. Yu., Sultanova S. Kh. Isotopic effect in hydrogen and nitrogen solid solutions in – Ti// In book “Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials”. NATO Security through Science Series-A: Chemistry and Biology. Dordrecht, The Nitherlands: Springer and NATO Public Diplomacy Division. 2007. PP. 63-74.
6.Khidirov I., Sultanova S. Kh., Mukhtarova N. N, Phase transformations and ordering of antiphase domains in cubic карбогидридах the titan at the lower limit of homogeneity range. Int. Sc. J. for Alternative Energy and Ecology. 2006. № 4. С. 24-32
7. Khidirov I., Sultanova S. Kh., Mirzaev B. B., et al. Long-Period Structures in Titanium Carbohydrides Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2005. V. 50. № 8. РР. 1351-1355.
8. Khidirov I., Sultanova S. Kh., Mirzaev B. B., et al. Phase transformations and ordering of antiphase domains in the cubic titan carbohydride at the lower limit of homogeneity range. Int. Sc. J. for Alternative Energy and Ecology. 2004. № 11. С. 8-14
9. Коlesnik V. G., Мukhtarova N. N., Urusova E. V, Yuldashev B. S., Khidirov I. Investigation of the influence of microwave fields on molybdenium concentrate. Tsvetnye metally (Russia). 2001. № 12. p.p. 99-102.
10. Khidirov I. Ordering and demixing processes in a solid solution of nitrogen and hydrogen in -Ti. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2001. V. 46. № 3. PP. 499-505.
11.Khidirov I., Padurets L. N. Ordering in nitrogen and deuterium solid solutions in -Ti. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2001. V. 46. № 9. PP. 1413-1418.
12. Khidirov I., Em V. T., Mukhtarova N. N. et al. The conductive properties and structure of nonstoichiometric rhombic phase of YBa2Cu3O7-x obtained by means of longtime vacuum annealing at low-temperatures. Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki (Russia). 1998. T. 24. № 17. C. 90-95.
13. Khidirov I., Em V. T., Mukhtarova N. N. et al. The conductive properties and structure of nonstoichiometric rhombic phase of YBa2Cu3O7-x obtained by means of longtime vacuum annealing at low-temperatures. Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki (Russia). 1998. T. 24. № 17. C. 90-95.
14. Khidirov I., Baktibaev K. O., Em V. T. Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Hydrogen Distribution in the Substitutional Solid Solution TiN0.26H0.15. Inorganic Materials. 1998. V. 34. № 5. PP. .456-457.
15. Khidirov I. Neutron Diffraction Study of TiCxNyHz. Inorganic materials. 1996. V. 32. No. 5. PP. 512-515.
16. Khidirov I., Kurbanov I. I., Mukhtarova N. N. Crystal Structure of new Phase in System Ti-N-H. Crystallografiya. 1996. V. 41. No. 3. PP. 450-456 (in Russian).