Application Form for the “Woman Tenure Track (WTT) Assistant Professor” Position at Okayama University
(Graduate School of HumanitiesandSocial Sciences)
[1]Curriculum Vitae
Name / (Please print your name.) / Nationality / Attach Photo(Approximately height 4cmxwidth 3cm)
Date of Birth / Gender / Female
Phone: / E-mail:
Currently Affiliated Institution / Address
Institution/Department / Position
Phone: / E-mail:
Education / (YYYY/MM) / Format:
Graduated from ○○○High School
Graduated from ○○○ University, School of ○○○,○○○ Degree (Degree type)
Enrolled in ○○○University, ○○○ Department, ○○○Graduate
Same as above Completed (Degree type)
Doctoral Degree / Date Obtained: Degree Name: University Name:
Work Experience and Teaching/Research Achievements / (YYYY/MM) / (Position, Teaching and Research details)
Rewardsand Punishment
( Yes / No ) / (YYYY/MM)
Current Specialization
[2]Intended teaching and research fields
Graduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesDivision: International Society Department: International Comparative Economics
[3]Reasons for applying for the position at Okayama University (Within one A4 size page)
*Please feel free to expand the text boxesbelow to the appropriate size.
[4] Research plan and strategies(About oneA4 size page)
1) Research Topic
2) Summary of Research Topic (About 200 words)
3) Details of the Research Topic
1. 1) Purpose, 2) Background, 3) Details, and 4) Expected Results of the Research. Please elaborate on your plan so thatresearchers in other fields
will be able tounderstand.
2. Please provide the definitions for key terms and concepts in your research in the footnote.
[5] Research Achievements
1) List of publications and conference presentations
1. Please categorize your work byentering the author’s names,paper title, journalname, issue,the first and last page, and year. Underline the applicant’s name if multiple authors are listed. For published books, enter the name ofauthors, title, yoursection, the first and last page, year, and publisher. Exact order is not required, but all of your work must be included.
2. Please indicate3 pieces of your primary work with “○,”and attach 3copies of each book or paper and 1 copy of your other worktothis
application form.An offprint or copy is accepted.
[6] Teaching Experience and Aspirations
1) Teaching Experience (About one A4 size page)
1. Please describeyour teaching experience concerning yourdepartment, graduate school, class subject, and lecture details. In addition, your experienceas a teaching assistant should be noted.
2. Please enter papers, reports, and literary works related to teaching, if applicable. (Statein the same formatas researchachievements).
3. Please listteachingawards or recognitions, if applicable.
2) Aspirations toward Teaching(About one to oneA4 size page)
1. Please describethe relationship between your research and teaching, as well as your desired field ofteaching.
[7] Competitive funds received, application statuses, and funds expected to be awarded during the WTT period
1) Competitive Funding Obtainedby the Applicant and Shared Funding (include representative’s
1.Please enter the name of the funding organization, title, year, andthe total direct expense. Please include the competitive funding from
2.Please indicate if you have been selected as a special researcher (DC1, DC2, or PD) for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
2) Anticipated Funding duringthe WTT Term
1. Please enter information about expected external fundingapplication, funding organization,amounts, if possible.
[8] Letters of Recommendation
Please submit letters of recommendation from one or two researchers (academic adviseror researcher in the related research field). Please
pay attention to the following points:
(1) Please fill outthe reference’s name, institution, and e-mail address below.
(2)Please explain and provideyour referencethe following instructions.
(3) Referencesare free to use any format, but the letter of recommendation must include “Applicant’s name” and “Reference’sname.”
The letter of recommendation must indicate the applicant’s ability to plan research and execute research projects.
Please have the reference e-mailthe letter of recommendation as an attachment directly to
The e-mail’s subject line must read“The Letter of Recommendation for Okayama University WTT Assistant Professor Candidate (Applicant
Name).”A notification of receipt will be e-mailed to the referencein response. References are kindly asked to confirm the receipt of their
letter of recommendation with this e-mail.
Email Address:
1/3 Applicant Name