Application Form for the TJ Awards 2015
10. Best Customer Service Programme
The TJ Awards are produced in association with DPG plc who are highly regarded as providers of CPD for the L&D profession, award winning management and leadership solutions and CIPD qualifications.
TJ is looking for applications that support best practice in learning and development; the applications should demonstrate that the programme or initiative supports the aims of the business or organisation and makes a positive and measurable difference to the organisation.
For full more information and guidance please download the Judging Guidelines 2015 at
Your NameJob Title
Contact Telephone
Do you want feedback on your entry: Yes (£95 fee) No
Feedback will be sent out by email after the awards are announced at the TJ Awards Gala Dinner in November. Please note TJ and its awards’ judges will not enter into discussion on the content of the feedback.
Title of programme or initiativeNumber of employees in the organisation
[ ] 1 – 49 [ ] 50 - 249 [ ] 250 - 999 [ ] 1000 +
Indicate the sector(s) within which the organisation operates
[ ] Private [ ] Public [ ] Not for profit [ ] Independent
Key dates associated with your programme: start, pilot, roll-out, and completion
Please summarise the organisation’s initiative in 30 – 50 words. If you/they are successful in reaching the final stage this will be used in the publicity material and may be printed in the dinner programme.
Please provide the name of the organisation, including any training partners (if appropriate), as you would like it to appear on any award, certificate or PowerPoint presentation at the Awards ceremony. This must not exceed 70 characters (including spaces) and please check that all spellings are correct.
TJ reserves the right to share the content of this application for internal and editorial purposes. If you do not want this please tick here [ ] or email for more information.
Using a maximum of 1500 words (not including any text already on this application form) please describe the initiative – if you exceed the word count you will lose marks in the first round of judging and reduce your chances of being shortlisted. This will be an important part of the process and gives the judges an overall impression of your project or initiative. Top scoring entries in each category will be shortlisted as TJ Awards 2015 finalists.
TJ is looking for applications that support best practice in learning and development; they should demonstrate that the programme or initiative supports the aims of the business or organisation and makes a positive and measurable difference. Your text should answer all of the questions.
1. What was the business challenge/problem/context that preceded this learning programme? (Not marked)2. What were the specific business objectives, goals or desired outcomes relating to customer service that the business required from this learning programme?
3. What were your LNA or research processes and key findings?
4. What were the learning objectives and key deliverables in terms of customer service?
5. What were the exceptional elements within the learning experience you designed?
6. What made this programme so innovative (for its sector/region/size/context)?
7. What practices did you employ to ensure implementation went as planned, on budget and within deadlines?
8. To what extent were the learning objectives met?
9. To what extent was the customer experience enhanced as a result of the learning intervention and how did you evaluate this?
10. How will the learning be sustained and what steps have you put in place to ensure that the programme is woven into the on- going learning of the business?
11. What could other organisation learn from this programme? Please also describe any initiatives you have undertaken to share your best practice here.
Completed applications should be emailed to as a Microsoft Word Document no later than 5pm on Friday 3rd July 2015. The submission must not exceed a total file size of 2MB. Images and diagrams can be included but should be compressed to reduce their size. Any words within these diagrams will be included in the overall word count but any text already on this application form (such as questions asked) will be excluded from the maximum 1500 words per entry. No supporting documentation will be accepted with this application.
For further information visit email or telephone 01353 865340