Application/Brief for Exporting Mentor Support

To be completed by the CCoI referred company and e-mailed to:

Applicant Details:

Registered Company or Business Name

Registered with CCoI

/ Y / N / Pending
Contact Name:
Contact’s Function:
Contact #s: /
Work :-
Home :-
/ Mobile –
Fax :-
Email :-
/ Web;-
CRO Company Reg #
if applying in Company name (not business name):
PPS # (if applying in Business name):
Year Established:
NACE Code: / Use this link to retrieve the correct NACE code
Referral Agency Details: CCoI

Name of contact in CCoI:

Telephone #:


Purchase Order #:

Briefing Information
A comprehensive brief will help to provide the best Mentor options for you and maximise the impact of the Mentor
Include copies of business plan and accounts where available

Business Details:

Annual Turnover:
No. of Staff:
Approximate Profit:
Business Plan Available (yes/no):
Accounts Available (yes/no):
No. of visits
(Minimum of 5 recommended)
Briefing Information for the Mentor – continued
Background on Company/ Business and Key Management Experience
Products & Markets
Outline the impact would you expect this mentoring to have on your business

If you wish, you can use additional pages to describe the business and attach.

Please email to

CCoI clients can avail of support through the Enterprise Ireland Mentor Network, subject to approval from their CCoI representative. This mentoring is subject to De Minimis Aid (EU Regulation 1998/2006), which may allow an enterprise to receive up to €200,000 De Minimis Aid over any period of three years. Further information about De Minimis can be found at:

NACE Code is a pan-European classification system which groups organisations according to their business activities. CSO provide an online search facility to find NACE codes for the various NACE categories. By searching the NACE Coder using a keyword/business description it will bring back a list of possible NACE Codes using the NACE Rev.2 Classification system.