Application FORM A – ISSUER APPLICATION Supplement 2
Information About THE Listing process
Standard application process
Application Form B must be signed and submitted to the Exchange no later than 5 business days before the application is to be considered by the Listing Committee.[1]
FAST TRACK application process
The Exchangewill only begin a FAST TRACKprocess if the following requirements have been met:
- the Company has performed a pre-audit pursuant to section 2 above, with documented action;
- The Company has satisfied the Exchange’s listing requirements pursuant to sections2.3.5-2.3.8, 2.4.1-2.4.3,and this can be verified;
- the issuer has essentially conducted a legal review, including concerning the honesty and integrity of senior executives and directors;
- the Company has prepared a draft prospectus which is complete in all material respects;
- the Company has contacted the Exchange and given notice of its intention to begin a FAST TRACK process no later than two weeks before the process begins;
- the Companyhas submitted Application FormA no later than one week before the process begins.
Application Form B must be signed and submitted to the Exchange no later than 5 business days beforethe application is to be considered by the Listing Committee.[2]
Start-up meeting
Before the audit process is carried out in relation to the Company's application for admission, the first step is to hold a start-up meeting between the Exchange and the applicant company. There are two main purposes to the meeting:(1) to present the Company and the requirements that must be met for the admission, and (2) to inform the Company about the Exchange’s audit process and to discuss any questions the Company has in relation to this. The start-up meeting is attended by the applicant company and its advisers, as well as representatives from the NasdaqGlobal Corporate Client Group, the Exchange’s surveillance function, and the Exchange Auditor selected to audit the Company prior to the listing.
To ensure the meeting runs efficiently,the Company is requested to prepare a presentation focusing on the following matters:
- A brief description of the Company’s business, history, business model and organization.
- A review of the Company’sfinancial position and profitability, including a description of significant reports and accounting principles.
- A review of the Company’s board of directors and management, including details of previous experience of working in a listed environment.
- A review of the Company’s ownership structure.
In addition, the Exchangerequests that it be provided with the Company’s timetable relating to the listing and other matters which will affect the Company during the listing period, such as:
- whether the listing will be combined with an issue, offer or other financial restructuring;
- whether the Company is planning any changes to the Company’s management or board of directors due to the listing;
- other material changes prior to the listing aimed at satisfying the Exchange’s listing requirements.
The presentation, together with the timetable, should also be distributed in printed form at the meeting.
Advanced ruling
The Companycan apply for an advanced ruling in respect of matters relating to the listing requirements set out in the Exchange’s Rule Book for Issuers. An application for an advanced ruling is usually considered at an ordinary meeting of the Listing Committee, but may also be considered outside of this meeting, provided the Exchange has been notified of the application no later than two weeks prior to the date on which the application is expected to be considered. An application for an advanced ruling must be submitted in writing and should be received by the Exchange no later than three business days prior to the Listing Committee's meeting. The decision will be notified in writing and orally (if the Company so requests) 2-3 business days after the Listing Committee’s meeting.
Listing Committee
The Listing Committee usually holds meetings once a month, but the Exchange may hold extra meetings if the applicant company so requests. At the meeting, the Exchange Auditor gives an account of the results of the audit process. The Listing Committeemay then take any of the following actions:
- approve the Company's application for listing (usually subject to one or more conditions);
- delegate the matter to the Listing Committee's chairman to approvethe Company's application for listing once the Company has satisfied one or more conditions;
- postpone the decision as to whether to approve the Company's application for listing (for example, where the application must be supplemented in some way);
- reject the Company's application for listing.
The decision will be notified in writing within 1-2 business days after the Listing Committee'smeeting in the form of an unattested extract from the minutes. The decision will also be notified orally to the Company’s legal advisor (or as specified) within one business day of the Listing Committee's meeting.
[2]A complete application for a listing and admission to trading will be deemed to exist when the Exchange has received the information set forth in sections 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 of Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers.