Regulation 413 – Car parking
Property address:
Provide reasons why relaxation of the applicable Building Regulation should be applied to your situation
and demonstrate how your proposal meets the applicable Ministers Guidelines. Please note – all Ministers Guidelines must be addressed. Pursuant to Clause 4a of Schedule 2 of the building Act 1993, Council must refuse consent if the proposal does not comply with the Minister’s Guidelines.
To ensure that car parking is adequate for the needs of the residents.
Decision Guidelines
(a) The anticipated residents are likely to generate a lesser demand for car parking;
(b) The provision of car parking on the allotment would reduce the on-street car parking by equal to or more than the number of car parking spaces that would be provided on the allotment;
(c) The dimensions of the allotment provide insufficient width and/or depth to enable the provision of the required car parking on the allotment;
(d) The location of existing development on the allotment provides insufficient width and/or depth to enable the provision of the required car parking on the allotment;
(e) The availability of public transport and on-street parking would lessen the demand for car parking on the allotment;
(f) The provision of car parking is consistent with any relevant local planning policy or parking precinct plan in the relevant planning scheme.;
ADJOINING OWNERS COMMENT FORM /Application for Report and Consent – Building Act 1993, Building Interim Regulations 2017
An application is being made to the City of Ballarat to vary a Building Regulation regarding proposed Building Work at a property which adjoins your property.Under Section 188 of the Building Act 1993, Council must provide adjoining property owners with an opportunity to view the plans and provide comment regarding a proposal that may affect them.
For comments to be considered, this comment form and copy of the plans must be signed by the legal owner of the relevant property and returned within 10 days of receipt.
Note - Signatures from persons renting the property will not be accepted.
For further information regarding this comment form please contact Councils’ Building Services Unit on 5320 5650 or in person at ‘The Phoenix Building’, 25 Armstrong Street South, BALLARAT.
I, (insert name)
am the owner of the property at
(your property details).
I have sighted and signed the attached plans (drawing numbers ) for the
proposed works on the adjoining property.
I am aware that the proposed works are designed outside the siting requirements prescribed by Regulation(s) (please specify Regulation number(s)) of the Building Interim Regulations 2017 and - (Please clearly circle the below option that is applicable)
(a) Do not object to Council issuing consent to the proposed siting of the building / structure pursuant to Part 4 of the Building Interim Regulations 2017, or;
(b) Object to Council issuing consent to the proposed siting of the building / structure pursuant to Part 4 of the Building Interim Regulations 2017.
Should you object, please provide your reasons for the objection in order for Council to take your concerns into account.
Signed ______Date ______
ADJOINING OWNERS COMMENT FORM /Application for Report and Consent – Building Act 1993, Building Interim Regulations 2017.
An application is being made to the City of Ballarat to vary a Building Regulation regarding proposed Building Work at a property which adjoins your property.Under Section 188 of the Building Act 1993, Council must provide adjoining property owners with an opportunity to view the plans and provide comment regarding a proposal that may affect them.
For comments to be considered, this comment form and copy of the plans must be signed by the legal owner of the relevant property and returned within 10 days of receipt.
Note - Signatures from persons renting the property will not be accepted.
For further information regarding this comment form please contact Councils’ Building Services Unit on 5320 5650 or in person at ‘The Phoenix Building’, 25 Armstrong Street South, BALLARAT.
I, (insert name)
am the owner of the property at
(your property details).
I have sighted and signed the attached plans (drawing numbers ) for the
proposed works on the adjoining property.
I am aware that the proposed works are designed outside the siting requirements prescribed by Regulation(s) (please specify Regulation number(s)) of the Building Interim Regulations 2017 and - (Please clearly circle the below option that is applicable)
(a) Do not object to Council issuing consent to the proposed siting of the building / structure pursuant to Part 4 of the Building Interim Regulations 2017, or;
(b) Object to Council issuing consent to the proposed siting of the building / structure pursuant to Part 4 of the Building Interim Regulations 2017.
Should you object, please provide your reasons for the objection in order for Council to take your concerns into account.
Signed ______Date ______
3 \\\files\Growth & Development Division\Community Amenity\Building\Forms\2016 - 2017 Forms\Report and Consent New 09/06/2017