Staff should complete this form, approve the proposal through Departmental governance as necessary and then submit it tofor consideration by the Academic Quality and Standards Committee or Board of Graduate Studies as appropriate.

Currency of curricula/learning outcomes:

Learning undertaken more than 5 years prior to the anticipated start date of the Warwick course, is not normally taken into account under the RPL policy. If there are regulatory or PSRB requirements for the learning or experience (or a related award) to be more recent, please specify here:

  1. University of Warwick course to which the standing exemption for applicants is proposed (list any sub-qualifications where relevant):


Note: where the University of Warwick course(s) of study to which the RPL will apply are recognised or accredited by a Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body, please consider how the RPL may affect this and contact for advice.

  1. Credit volume and relevant learning outcomes to be exempted:

What is the total number of credits permitted for exemption towards the programme of study?

(please refer to credit limits outlined in 2(c)(i) of the RPL policy).

  1. Where prior learning is not certificated, how can the necessary achievement, qualification or learning be formally evidenced or verified at the application stage?
  1. The table below should set out how the learning, experience or achievement meets the learning outcomes required for the award of credit towards the relevant module and/or programme of study:

Prior learning required / Learning outcomes for which exemption is sought
Awarding body or organisation recognising achievement / Module*, course, qualification or membership / Relevant subject and/or required result or level of achievement / University of Warwick module: / Qualifications Framework Level / Credit volume

*State Qualifications Framework Level where possible/relevant

  1. Map the previous learningor achievements against learning outcomes and course aimsof the intended course of study:

Prior learning qualification, experience or achievement (learning outcome) / Exempted learning outcome(s) / Relevant Warwick Module name and code
  1. Draft entry for Annexe 1 in the University RPL policy:

Please draft below how you would like the exemption, if approved, to appear in the Annexe 1 table:

(Note: Existing entries can be viewed on the University RPL page here )

Relevant department / Qualification / Exemption / Total credit volume
WMG / PMI Green Belt Course / WMG module ES91L Process Improvement Using Six Sigma / 10 credits at Qualifications Frameworks level 7

Signature and Date: ______

(Course Leader/Director of Studies)

Signature and Date: ______

(Admissions Tutor)