Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
OpenCall for Proposals in relation toIntegration Measures
Application Form
The total amount of funds available for the actions identified for this call, under the Integration Measures national objective is
€1,600,000, split 75% EU funds (equal to €1,200,000 and 25% Beneficiary funds equal to €400,000). Subject to availability of Funds, up to a maximum of 75% of the total eligible cost of projects can be co-financed by the Fund.
The information provided in this application will be utilised to ensure that the project activities are eligible for funding and will be completed within the set targets and complements the objectives set in the Asylum, Migration and Integration National Programme available for download from:
Guidance Notes are also being provided together with the Application Form as part of this open call for applications.
The Applicant must respect the following instructions:
- Applications should be type written and, signed
- This application form is applicable to the following national objectivefalling under Specific Objective 2of the AMIF National Programme.
Specific Objective / National Objective / EU Contribution (75%) / Beneficiary’s Share (25%) / Total
2 / Integration Measures / €1,200,000 / €400,000 / €1,600,000
- 1 spiral bound original copyduly completed and signed in original by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant. Each page must be initialised by the project leader;
- 1spiral bound copy of the application form;
- 1 electronic version on CD or pen drive of this application form must be submitted. It is important that the full application form, including all annexes, are provided;
- Applicants should refer to the notes annexed to this document when completing this form;
- Regulation EU (No.) 516/2014 regulates the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Applicants should be aware of the requirements of this regulation and the rules of its implementation. Regulation EU (No.) 514/2014 is available on:
- Any enquiries about the completion of this form should be sent to until Wednesday21st June 2017.
Applications should be submitted in person to the Funds & Programmes Division, Ministry for European Affairs and the Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, Triq il-Kukkanja, Santa Venera SVR 1141 by not later than noon, Friday23rdJune 2017.
For Office Use Only / Reference Number: MT/2017/AMIF/Date of Receipt:
/ Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014 – 2020
This project proposal may be considered for part-financing bythe European Union
Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds 25% Beneficiary Funds
Sustainable Management of Migration Flows /
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
National Objective – Integration Measures
Please fill in all relevant sections of this application. It is compulsory to annex ALL documents requested in the check list, where applicable. Please consult the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund National Programme to find all the information pertaining to the Specific Objective and the National Objective.
For the application to be considered complete all attachments marked as obligatory need to be submitted at Application Stage. Those documents marked as required should also be submitted at Application Stage however if not so submitted, the Responsible Authority will take note and allow the applicant one week from request by the Responsible Authority to submit the said documents. Only complete applications with all the documents listed hereunder can be reviewed by the Project Selection Committee.
The Responsible Authority requests 1 original spiral bound copy of the application form (each page initialised by the project leader, with final page duly signed by all parties), 1 spiral bound photocopy and a soft copy (on CD or pen drive) of each application and its annexes.
OBLIGATORY: 1 spiral bound grant application in original form, with salient sections duly completed and signed in original by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant (each page initialised by project leader and signed at the back with all applicable signatures)
REQUIRED: 1 spiral bound copy including the annexes to the Application Form
REQUIRED: Soft copy (on CD or pen drive) of the application form and its annexes (preferably in word format in relation to the Application Form)
REQUIRED: Annex I: Log frame on the implementation of the project
REQUIRED: Annex II: Declaration by Partner Organisation (one for each partner organisation) (where applicable)
OBLIGATORY: Annex III: ‘Detailed Budget Estimate Report’ duly completed (Excel Format – including sub-worksheets)
OBLIGATORY: Annex IV: ‘Timescale’ duly completed (Excel Format )
REQUIRED:Annex V: Declaration from the VAT Department (for entities who are claiming VAT as an eligible cost) stating that the organisation claiming VAT will not be recovering VAT for this particular project – applicable also for partners which will be receiving funds from the project)
REQUIRED: AnnexVI: CV of Project Leader ideally in Europass format. The CV of the Legal Representative is required in case the Project leader has not as yet been recruited or assigned at application stage. [1]
REQUIRED: AnnexVII: Organigram/Organisation Chart of the Administration Structure of the proposed project (not of the whole entity)
REQUIRED: AnnexVIII: Correspondence with the State Aid Monitoring Board on the project proposal as per Part 11 of the Application Form
REQUIRED:Annex IX:Declaration from the head of the organisation stating that the organisation is not receiving an operational grant from the European Union budget (required only for all partners)
REQUIRED:Annex X: Proof of Co-Financing for VOs and NGOs[2](applicable for lead applicants as well as for partners which are VOs and NGOs and will be co-financing the project).
The following documentation need to be submitted depending on the category:
VO s / NGO s Category 1 (where the total revenue does not exceed 20,000euro over the last three consecutive calendar years): / Management Accounts submitted of years 2016 and 2015 in line with Schedule 2 of LN492.2001;
Category 2 (where the total revenue for the last three consecutive calendar years is over 20,000euro)but not exceeding 200,000euro / Management Accounts submitted of years 2016 and 2015 in line with Schedule 2 of LN492.2001
Category 3 (where the total revenue
for the last three consecutive calendar year exceeds 200,000euro) / Audited financial statements of years 2016 and 2015 but if year 2016 audited accounts are not available, management accounts are requested (where 2017 is current year) in line with Schedule 2 of LN 492.2001;
New VOs / NGOs, that are registered in 2017 with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations / Management accounts from date of inception; Declaration by treasurer and another signatory that funds are available to match the co- financing share; If the co-financing is to be financed by a loan, sanction letter is to be submitted;
REQUIRED:Annex X: Proof of Co-Financing for Local Councils(not required in case of government bodies, but applicable for lead applicants and partners who are Local Councils which are co-financing the project).
The following documentation needs to be submitted as proof of co-financing:
Audited financial statements of years 2016 and 2015 but if year 2016 audited accounts are not available, management accounts are requested (where 2017 is current year). Where the audited accounts do not provide evidence of sufficient liquidity, assurance from the bank should be presented[3]
REQUIRED:Annex X: Proof of Co-Financing for Private Entities(not required in case of government bodies, but applicable for lead applicants and partners who are private entities which are co-financing the project).
The following documentation needs to be submitted as proof of co-financing:
Audited financial statements of years 2016 and 2015 but if year 2016 audited accounts are not available, management accounts are requested (where 2017 is current year). Where the audited accounts do not provide evidence of sufficient liquidity, assurance from the bank should be presented
REQUIRED:Annex XI: Joint declaration by executive/head/major and treasurer/financial controller/ executive secretarythat funds are available to match the co-financing share. If the co-financing is to be financed by a loan, bank sanction letter is to be requested. (This Annex is not required in case of government bodies but required at application stage in case of VOs, NGOs, private entities and Local Councils which are lead applicants or partners co-financing the project)
REQUIRED: Annex XII: One copy of the Deed of Foundation/Statute/Articles of Association (not required in case of government bodies and Local Councils /required at application stage in case of VOs, NGOs whether they are lead applicants or partners)
REQUIRED: Annex XIII: Copy of certificate of enrolment as a voluntary organisation (where applicable) or a copy of application and acknowledgement (not required in case of government bodies and Local Councils /required at application stage in case of VO’s and NGOs whether they are lead applicants or partners)
REQUIRED: Annex XIV: Financial Identification Form & Bank Details(not required in case of government bodies/required at application stage in case of VOs, NGOs, private entities and Local Councils whether they are lead applicants or partners which are co-financing the project)
REQUIRED: Annex XV: Legal Entity Form (not required in case of government bodies/required at application stage in case of VOs, NGOs, private entities and Local Councils whether they are lead applicants or partners)
REQUIRED: Annex XVI: in case staff costs are beng caimed an Income Tax Compliance Certificate – (a certificate issued not earlier than three months from the date of the application, by the Inland Revenue Department confirming that the organisation has no liabilities in respect of Income Tax or is otherwise honouring an agreement for settling any outstanding amounts) and the Final Settlement and Social Security Contributions Compliance Certificate – (a certificate issued by the Inland Revenue Department confirming that the organisation has no liabilities in respect of the Final Settlement System (FSS) and of Social Security Contributions (SSC) or is honouring an agreement for settling any outstanding amounts) is to be submitted(not required in case of government bodies/required at application stage in case of VOs, NGOs, private entities whether they are lead applicants or partners in case staff costs of their entities are being claimed)
Annex XVI: Other supporting documentation:-
Part 1: Basic Information
Part 2: Partner Organisation(s)
Part 3: Objectives
Part 4: Project Design
Part 5: Budget
Part 6: Complementarity
Part 8: Readiness
Part 9: Visibility and Publicity
Part 10: Conditionality
Part 11: State aid
Part 12: Declaration
Part 1:Basic Information1.1 Title of Project: (10 word title/ 90 characters) This should be indicative of what the project aims to achieve in relation to Integration of Third Country Nationals
1.2 Summary of the project: Please give a short description of your project. The description should provide an overall explanation of what the project is about. Please note that if your project is approved, this paragraph shall be used for publication. Therefore be accurate and include, the activities to be undertaken, the objectives, the duration in months, the countries involved, the estimated number of participants, and the methods applied. This summary should be completed in English. Please be concise and clear.
1.3 Applicant’s Details: Please insert the details of the applicant organisation in the respective fields hereunder.
Name of Organisation (please indicate the name and the acronym if applicable)
Legal Status (kindly tick the appropriate box)
Government entity / Voluntary Organisation / Non-Governmental Organisation
Education/Research Institution / International Organisation / Intergovernmental Organisation
Other (please specify)
Organisation activity level / Local / National / EU Member States / International (within and outside EU Member States)
Describe your Organisation:Please give a short description of your organisation and describe your competencies and motivation to complete the proposedproject.Kindly also provide a summary of any activities that were carried out by your organisation related to the subject targeted by this Fund.
Number of staff employed : Please provide the number of staff employed with the applicant organisation / Full-time staff:
Part-time staff:
Organisation’s main source of finance: Please specify thesource of financing of the organisation eg. Fund Raising, Capital Vote in the Government’s Budget
Postal Address:
Telephone No.: / Email address:
VAT No:(if Applicant is registered with the VAT Department)
1.4 Person authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the applicant (legal representative). Please insert here the name of the Head of the Applicant Organisation or CEO. The same person should sign the Application at the end together with the Project Leader.
Surname: / First name: / Title:
ID Card No.: / Position / function:
1.5 Project Leader (Person in charge of the Project) – Please identify the project leader within the organisation which will be responsibile for the implementation of the project. Kindly Attach CV of Project Leader or Legal Representative if the Project Leader is not yet identifiable. [4]
Surname: / First name: / Title:
ID Card No.: / Position / function:
Telephone: / Fax:
Mobile No.:
Please state experience in project management and in the area of integration of third country nationals. Also indicate level of knowledge of EU funding rules.
1.6 Persons directly involved in the management of the project - List the persons who will be directly involved in the management of the project. The project leader is the person who will heading the management of the project and will have final responsibility of its overall progress.
Name and surname / Position within the Organisation / Role in relation to the project / Email address
1.7 Organisational structure of persons working on the project[5]: Specify the organisational structure of the persons directly involved in the management of the project and kindlyexplain whether the structure of the people managing the project will require any major changes within the current organisation structure, the current role of the people involved, which structure of responsibility will be followed etc.
Part 2: Partner Organisation(s)
2.1 Define the role of the Partner Organisation
- Partners which implement activities and for which they will receive money and will be contributing or not contributing to the co-financing of the project
- Partners (associate partners) which will not be receiving money and will not be contributing to the co-financing of the project but will implement activities
- Partners (co-funding partners) which will not be receiving money nor implement activities but will be contributing to the co-financing of the project.
2.2 List of partners involved in this project
Applicant organisation NOT to be included in the list
Name of Organisation / Country / Address / Amount of co-financing on the total amount of the project (when applicable) / Indicate type of Partner (A, B, or C as per section 2.1 above)
Please attach Annex II: The Declaration by Partner Organisation (one for each partner organisation)
In case of partner organisations, please fill in the details below for each partner organisation
Organisation 1 / Organisation 2
Name of Organisation
Contact person
Role in project
Email address
Web address
Telephone number
Fax number
Organisation 3 / Organisation 4
Name of Organisation
Contact person
Role in project
Email address
Web address
Telephone number
Fax number
If more than 4 partner organisations will take part in the project, please annex additional information to this section. For each partner organisation please attach a Declaration by Partner Organisations (Annex II)
2.3 How will each partner organisation be involved?
Specify in bullet form in a max. of 200 words
Explain how other organisations, if at all, will be involved in the project eg. will they be involved in the management of the project, how much of the share will they take, what would be the role of the different organisations involved etc. The entity from which the project leader is appointed will be the representative lead organisation (Final Beneficiary) and the ultimate responsible co-ordinator of the project.
Part 3:Objectives
3.1Relevance to the Specific Objectives and the National Objective of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Kindly tick the boxes below, as an assurance that the project proposed will be contributing towards the below objectives.
Specific Objective –Integration / Legal Migration / National Objective – Integration Measures
3.2Overall Project Objective
The project should contribute to the National Programme’s Specific Objective and National Objective identifed above and in line with the objectives of the Fund as described in Regulation (EU) No. 516/2014 . The text delineating the national objective with respect to Reception & Asylum is being reproduced hereunder. In this section please describe:
- The general aim of the project.
- How does it support the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund’s objectives;
- Whether and how the planned activities and working methods will achieve the objectives of the National Objective applied for in this project application.
- Describe the strategy which will be utilised in relation to the activities of the project.
“Language training, cultural orientation classes and skills enhancing training to make them more employable will continue to be provided to all TCNs living in Malta. The needs of the TCNs will be continuously assessed and all stakeholders will be involved in identifying the best measures needed to target their needs .” (pg 10 of the National Programme)
[900 characters]
3.3Duration of the project
Please indicate the indicative month and year when the planning on the project commenced, the month and year when the Activities of the project start to be implemented, and finally when the final report on the project will be submitted.)[6]
Start date of the planning of the project:
Date when planning on the project commenced / Start date of the implementation of the project:
Date when the activities of the project start to be implemented / End date of the project:
Date when the final report on the project will be submitted. This date should not exceed 31st December 2022
3.4Date(s) and location(s) of main activities (where applicable)*
The dates identified above (in section 3.3) should be followed and further broken down per activity.
Date / Activity / Location
*Add more rows if necessary