Asha for Education / 2


Please send fill out this form and send back to Asha for Education within 3 weeks from the time you receive this form. Thank you for your time and patience.







Name of the organization - Sankalp Welfare Society

Organization description - NGO involved in providing education to the poorest of the poor

Date of establishment - 13 July 1996

Contact person(s) Aradhana Gupta / Radhika Sethi

Phone number 9810278051/ 9811814947


Address Plot 4119, DLF Phase IV, Guragon 122002

Location (village/town) Gurgaon

Description of area Urban


Number of children currently enrolled in the project 700+

Ages of the children 4 to 16 years

Standards taught Pre KG to Class VIII

Number of boys 70%

Number of girls 30%

Number of teachers 29

Number of MALE teachers 14

Number of FEMALE teachers 15

Current Teacher/student ratio 1 to 25/30

Salary of Teachers Rs 750 to Rs 3000

School timings 9 am to 1 pm (morning shift) and 2 pm to 4 pm (afternoon shift)

School days Mon to Fri

Over all school attendance percentage 80 to 85%

Medium of instruction Hindi

Economic background of the parents of the children Below Poverty Line (employed as construction workers, domestic servants, rickshaw pullers etc)

Is the school in a rural or urban area Urban

Is it a residential school? No

How far away are the homes of the children? 2 to 5 km

How do the children get to school? On their own, mainly walking

School days Mon to Sat

FCRA Number: regn no: 172270030/ SB 038104000129398 , IDBI Bank, Guragon

Below are some general questions regarding the project. Since your feedback is valuable to us, please make your answers as detailed as possible.

Please tell us the progress of the school in the last 6 months (usually from April to September of the current year based on typical April 1 – March 31 school year in India)

·  Sankalp completed ten years in July 2006.

·  Vidyarthi programme –

Seventy students have been enrolled in Government Schools for higher studies (in classes V, VI and IX). All expenses relating to these students refreed to as “vidyarthis” is borne by Sankalp. The students are picked and dropped from school. Snaklp ahs also rogainsed post school tutorials and computer classes for the vidyarthis.

·  Outreach programme –

Sankalp has opened two outreach centres at construction sites in Gurgaon. These centres run both crèches and litrecay programmes.

·  Library

Sankalp ahs joined hands with Pratham, another NGO to start a full fledged library within the premises of school 1. All classes have a libgbary period as aprt of their curriculum.

How do you think the school has improved in the last 6 months?

·  Better qualified teachers have been hired an d regular training progarmmes are conducted for the staff

·  A co-ordination committee which comprises the management and heads of the various schools ahs been formed. This committee monitors the progress of the different programees of Sankalp.

·  Sankalp works six days a week with Saturdays being a non teaching day. Various extra curricular activities are conducted on Saturday. A drama workshop is currently in progress.

·  The computer lab has been revamped and computer classes have been included a saprt of the curriculaum for the older children

·  A PT teacher has been hired; yoga classes are conducted by a volunteer.

What are the problems you have faced in the last 6 months?

Sankalp is awaiting renewal of the lease of the premises of School 1

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of this project over the past 6 months?

As very effective.

·  Increase in reach

·  Inroads in relationships with corporates for monetary and volunteer support

·  Recognised NGO in the community

·  Increased awareness and participation by community

Please give examples of activities at the project in the last 6 months. Please give details.

·  Participation in the Delhi Half Marathon

·  Educational outings and picnics

·  Performance by Sankalp children at private schools

·  Diwali and christmas mela conducted by corporates and community

·  Drama workshop and yoga classes

Please explain how Asha funds were used in the last 6 months.

See attachment

Please send fill out this form and send back to Asha for Education within 3 weeks from the time you receive this form. Thank you for your time and patience.


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Commander Choudhary


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