Application for Product Certification

CoC Type / Certification
Area / New Certificate / Revision
Certificate of Conformity - Weighing Equipment
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI),
EU-Type examination - ANNEX II, module B of Directive 2014/31/EU
Automatic Weighing Instruments (AWI),
EU-type examination - Module B of MID-directive 2014/32/EU
Multi-dimensional Measuring Instruments,
EU-type examination - Module B of MID-directive2014/32/EU
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWI),
Unit verification -Module G of NAWI-directive 2014/31/EU
Automatic Weighing Instruments (AWI),
Unit verification -Module G of MID-directive 2014/32/EU
Multi-dimensional Measuring Instruments,
Unit verification - Module G of MID-directive 2014/32/EU
Evaluation Certificate for module – WELMEC Guide 8.8
Part Certificate for module – WELMEC Guide 8.8
Forward to / Forward application to (preferable per e-mail):
Force Certification
Venlighedsvej 4
2970 Hørsholm
Att: Jens Hovgård Jensen
All received information will be treated with confidentiality.
Applicant data / Applicant Name and address
Company Name
Contact person
Telephone no.
VAT. No.
Legal Status
Place of manufacturer[1]
The holder of the certificate will be the applicant, unless otherwise agreed.
Your Product / Specification of product
Type of product
Product Name
Description and use of products
Product Requirement / Technical specification or standard to comply to
Document no. / Designation
Documentation / Enclosed Documentation
(Test reports, Classification reports, Drawings, Installation and operating instructions, issued certificates)
No / Document ID. / Revision / Designation
Risk / Risk analysis and assessment (mandatory for new type examination certificate)
Risk analysis and assessment has been performed. Document ID:
As harmonized standard(s) / normative documents are used for the type examination it is assessed that no further risk analysis is needed
Manufacturer / Brief Information regarding manufacturer's Quality System:
Short description of manufacturer's organisation, number of employee and products:
Company Size
Production certification(s)
Agreement / Applicant confirm to the following:
• to deliver all necessary information needed for certification to Force Certification.
• always to comply with the terms and conditions of certification
• to use the certification mark only on products included in the final certificate
• to confirm that the same application for certification of conformity has not been submitted to another notified
• to inform the Force Certification on any customer complaint(s)related to the certification of product(s)
• to conduct necessary actions to evaluate and find resolution of complaints
• not to use granted certification in an manner which might bring orceo ertificationdnot to make any statement
regarding your product certificate, which might be considered as misleading
• only to use certification to indicate that products are certified as being in conformity with the specified standards
• to cover all expenses in connection with application for certification licence and defined follow up as given in
relevant technical specification, standard or directive.
• agrees to allow Force Certification to submit certificate and its adjoined report to relevant authority on request of
such authority
Signature / Signature of the applicants representative:
Place and date: ______
Signature: ______
Name and position in the company: ______
Form: DQF-300.07.01– rev 5
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[1]Must be specified if the applicant is not the manufacturer. The manufacturer must accept the certification process.