Name of Contractor: ______

Address: ______

Telephone No: ______

Contractor’s Insurance:

(a)Public Liability Insurance including fire and explosion risks, indemnifying Kilkenny County Council with a minimum limit of indemnity of €6,348,690 for any one accident. (Full copy policy to be submitted with application, confirmation requested from Insurance Company/Broker).

To:County Secretary,

Kilkenny County Council,

County Hall,

John Street,


In consideration of your granting permission to break up the roadway and footway at:-


and make excavations in the same for the purpose of:-


Fee of €63.00 is enclosed.



DATE: ______

N.B.Insurance cover to remain in place until reinstatement works as per drawing No. 1751 B have been completed to the satisfaction of the Council.

See attached Conditions.



(Form B Only)


1.1It will be necessary for the Roads Authority to provide on-site supervision for the period of ______during which it is stated the works will be in progress, and a sum of €______shall be paid to the Road Authority to cover the cost of such supervision. This sum shall be paid before work commences, and shall be index-linked.

1.2Should the works continue for any period in excess of the stated period, the Applicant will incur a further charge to provide for further supervision, which shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis, i.e. € ______per ______or any portion thereof.

1.3A fee of £50.00 shall be payable by the Applicant in respect of each road crossing.

1.4The Applicant shall give a minimum of two weeks’ notice of the date of commencement of the works.


The works shall be carried out fully in accordance with the following specification and in accordance with the attached Drawing No. 1751 B


3.1Pipes shall be laid in grass margins as far as possible.

3.2Where pipes are to be laid in paved surfaces, the following procedures shall apply:

(a)The limits of the area required for excavation shall be marked on road surface and agreed with the Roads Authority.

(b)The paved surface shall be cut through with a road-saw so that a clean straight edge is provided to the limits of the area required for excavation;

(c)Excavation shall be confined within the area thus prepared.

(d)If the paved surface should be damaged beyond the prepared area, the limits of the damaged surface shall be marked, cut out as specified above and removed. The area thus exposed shall be restored as specified in Section 6 below.


4.1Pipelaying operations shall be carried out in such a manner as to minimise inconvenience to traffic, to the public, to property-owners and to residents. In particular, commercial and residential accesses shall be obstructed for the minimum period possible. Where it is proposed to leave opened trenches unattended, arrangements shall be made to provide for all necessary shoring, propping and steel-plate trench covers. These arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Roads Authority (see also Section 5: Traffic Control).

4.2Where temporary backfilling of pipe trenches is necessary, it shall be of equal standard to permanent backfilling as detailed in Drawing No. 1751B.

4.3Pipes laid under rivers or streams, or through culverts or bridges shall be inserted in a suitable sleeve which shall be bedded in and surrounded by 150mm of 25N concrete for a length extending 1 metre beyond either side of the river/stream/culvert/bridge (as applies). Adequate cover of at least 225mm shall be provided over the sleeve.

4.4All spoil, mud, stones and any other waste material arising from the works shall be removed to spoil dumps as soon as possible, and the site(s) of the works kept so as traffic flow on the road is maintained. In particular, any such material deposited (e.g. by construction traffic) on roads outside areas where traffic is controlled shall be removed, and the roads returned to a safe condition immediately to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority.

4.5Materials used in connection with the works (pipes/fittings, precast units, bedding/trench backfill etc) shall not be stored on public roads or road margins. Where such materials are deposited on roads prior to immediate use, adequate warning signs as per Section 5 below shall be erected.

4.6Emergency services (fire, ambulance/medical, Gardai) shall have priority over all operations, and, where necessary, pipelaying shall be suspended and/or temporary backfilling carried out in order to facilitate these services. The Roads Authority shall not be liable for any claims arising from delay to the progress of the works nor from additional works necessarily carried out to facilitate Emergency Service operations.


5.1Traffic control measures are the sole responsibility of the Applicant, and shall be in accordance with the Draft Publication “Guidelines for Traffic Control at Rural Roadwork’s” published jointly by the County and City Engineers’ Association and An Foras Forbartha Teo., June 1986. Such measures shall remain in operation until the works are fully completed to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority.

5.2Additional measures, including the provision of additional signage or temporary traffic lights, which are deemed necessary by the Roads Authority to control and warn traffic and pedestrians at specific locations or types of operation or at particular times shall be provided by the Applicant at the direction of the said Road Authority (see also section 5.4 below).

5.3The Applicant shall erect and maintain adequate warning signs and protective barriers to all trenches, and shall in addition provide and maintain adequate warning lights, traffic cones, barrels, barriers, reflective tape etc. (as appropriate) at all excavations left unattended or open overnight. The adequacy of these arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Roads Authority.

5.4Where pipelines have been laid in road margins, the Applicant shall erect approved “Soft Margin” warning signs and reflective delineators at intervals as directed by the Roads Authority.

5.5All warning signs shall be reflective and shall be kept in a clean, legible and visible condition at all times. The use of non-standard or hand-painted warning signs is not permitted. Damaged signs, or signs deemed to be inadequate by the Roads Authority shall be replaced forthwith.

5.6Where it is necessary to provide temporary traffic lights for the control of traffic in connection with the works the Applicant shall obtain the consent in writing of the Superintendent of the Garda Siochana to the provision of such lights.


6.1All trenches shall be permanently reinstated in accordance with Drawing No. 1751 B to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority.

6.2All road markings, warning signs, direction signs or other signs (e.g. non-statutory signs erected with the approval of the Roads Authority) disturbed by the works shall be restored to an as-new condition by the Applicant, and to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority.

6.3All surface water outlets, roadside drainage channels or gullets, road gullies, surface water drainage pipework, culverts and bridges disturbed by the works shall be restored to full working condition by the Applicant. In particular, road culverts, box-shores and bridges shall be restored/reinstated in a manner approved by, and to the satisfaction of, the Roads Authority.

6.4All roadside amenity areas (e.g. paved and grassed areas, lawns, special features, planting etc.) disturbed by the works shall be restored to their original condition by the Applicant to the satisfaction of the Roads Authority.


7.1The Applicant shall provide the Roads Authority with evidence of adequate Public Liability Insurance, which shall extend to all aspects of the works including the opening and restoration of trenches in Public Roads, and shall include a General Indemnity with a minimum limit of £5million for any individual claim. The Local Authority must approve the insurance before work can commence.

7.2Public Liability Insurance cover shall be extended to indemnify the Local Authority against Third Party Claims, with a minimum limit of €6,348,690 for any individual claim.

7.3The Applicant shall be responsible for the satisfactory performance of reinstatement as per Drawing No. 1751 B until a Date of Completion has been formally agreed between the Applicant and the Roads Authority and confirmed in writing. The Insurance referred to in 7.1 shall remain in operation until the said date of completion.

7.4The Applicant shall provide the Roads Authority with a complete and accurate set of drawings showing “as-constructed” layouts of pipe lines not more than six months after the works have been completed.


8.1The procedure for the temporary closure of a public road or roads is laid down in Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 and in the Roads Regulations made under the Act (S.I. No. 197 of 1993).

8.2Where it is necessary to close any road or roads temporarily in connection with the works, the Applicant shall make application to the Roads Authority in writing at least two months in advance of the proposed closure, giving details of the purpose of the closure, the location and the date(s) and time(s) for which the temporary road closure is required. The costs of advertising and administering the closure shall be borne by the Applicant.

8.3No public road may be closed to traffic at any time nor for any period unless the above procedures have been followed and an Order approving the Temporary closure obtained from the Roads Authority. The Applicant shall adhere strictly to the Terms and Conditions of any such Order.

8.4The Applicant shall erect such traffic warning signs, diversion signs, and direction signs in relation to road closures as may be directed by the Roads Authority.

8.5The Applicants shall give adequate advance notice of road closures, including details of times, dates and routes to be closed, to the Fire Service, the Gardaí, the Chief Ambulance Officer of the South Eastern Health Board. In addition the Applicant shall give adequate notice to the public of forthcoming road closures by means of Community Service Broadcast on Local Radio.