Christ Church

Ghana Mission 2018

Application for Mission Service

Name: ______Phone: ______

Date of Birth: ___/___/_____ Age: ____ Address:______

E-mail: ______Occupation:______

Each team member will be expected to raise approximately $3500.00 on their own to pay for their portion of the mission trip. This takes some work on the team member’s part, but the ability to write donation letters and speak to friends and family about the mission makes you a better missionary. When you physically go out and talk to people about the necessity of the mission and about the work to be done for God, you are preparing yourself to minister to the people you will encounter on the mission. Do you anticipate having a problem raising the money?

Yes or No _____

Prior to departing for Ghana, each team member will have to submit a medical questionnaire to the leadership team that outlines any current or past medical conditions, daily medications, allergies, medical insurance info, emergency contacts, etc. Will you have a problem with submitting this information? Yes or No _____

The work you will be doing in Ghana is labor intensive. You will be working outside the entire day in temperatures that could top 100 degrees. Regular breaks for shade and hydration will be required. Are you physically capable to work in these conditions? Yes or No_____

Teamwork is required!!! The mission team will be divided into 2-3 teams. Each team will have a building group and a medical group. You will be assigned to either a medical or building group depending upon your training, experience, and/or request. You will be expected to work together to accomplish your group’s goal. If you have time to spare you will be expected to help the other group accomplish their goal and/or participate in ministry with the local residents. You should enter this mission with a servant’s heart and a team oriented mindset. Can you work well with others to accomplish a goal? Yes or No_____

Throughout the trip there will be procedures and rules to follow. This is primarily for your safety and the safety of the team as a whole. You will also need to be respectful of local customs so that you do not disrespect the people you are trying to serve. An overview of our expectations and of the local customs will be provided before we leave. Will you be able to follow the rules and direction of team leaders? Yes or No_____

Ghana Mission Application Page 2

Your Responses to the following questions will not automatically disqualify you from this trip, but they will be used as a point for discussion about why you want to go to Ghana and what God wants to do in your life through this trip. Please be Honest. If you need additional space or if you want to type your answers, you can attach sheets to the end of the application.

When and how did you become a Christian (Your Testimony)?

What difference has your relationship with Christ made in your life in the past year?

What do you regularly do to grow in your relationship with Christ?

Why do you want to be a part of this trip?

List three expectations you have for this trip.

If Applicable, explain any previous criminal history and/or issues with drug or alcohol dependency.

I understand that all missions are important and that this project is a God given call. I have answered all of these questions truthfully. I consent to a criminal background check and I will abide by all expectations outlined in this application. If selected, I understand that I will have many responsibilities before and during the trip which I am prepared to carry out.

Applicant signature: ______Date: ______

For Parent or Guardian if Mission Applicant is under 18

I understand that my support is crucial to my student’s growth in Christ. I understand the responsibilities outlined to which my student is committing. I understand that if expectations are not met, my child may not be allowed to participate in this mission project.

Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______

Please scan this application and email it to

The subject line should be - your name – Ghana applicant