Tribal Home Visiting Application 2017

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Can Indian Health Services apply?

Yes, in partnership with a WA State Tribe and with a letter of support from Tribal Council. The application would need to clearly state who would be the grant recipient and how both partners would be fully engaged in the planning process. In addition,Indian Health Services as a federal agency would have to describe approval to be a grant recipient from a State government entity.

  1. Is this application just for home visiting?

Yes, home visiting needs to be the primary service for this funding opportunity. Services that support the objectives of the home visiting program, such as group socializations, may be eligible as a component of the program.

  1. Is this going to be funded by the Home Visiting Services Account (HVSA)?

Yes, these are HVSA state funds.

  1. When will the selections be announced?

March 10, 2017. This information is also available on the last page of the application.

  1. Are you looking for resolution and letter of support? We have a council member that is tasked to over our Division, is this going to suffice to have his approval and letter of support?

A resolution or letter of support would suffice for the application. It would be acceptable to receive in place of a Tribal resolution a letter of support from the designated council member that oversees the division in which the home visiting program would be implemented knowing that the Tribal Council is aware the application is being submitted.

  1. Are families that are involved with CPS/child welfare eligible?

This funding requires that the home visiting services provided are voluntary. CPS/child welfare involved families can receive services as long as they are always voluntary.

  1. How many families are to be served with this funding?

There is no predetermined number of families to be served with this funding. The amount of families served should be determined based on what the community needs.

  1. If awarded funding are there any match requirements?

If awarded the funding there is no match requirement.

  1. Are there any indirect cost calculations or requirements, if so, what are they?

There are indirect cost calculations or requirements that will be used if funding is awarded. The indirect is that we would accept a federally approved rate if you have one, or there are generally two other options – 10% de minimus, or the Department of Early Learning’s rate.