Please return your completed form to Angela Davies at BASC. Please note – you are not covered by this additional insurance until your application has been accepted by BASC and you have received written confirmation from BASC that cover is in force. In certain circumstances payment of an additional premium may be required to secure cover.

Surname / Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/OtherPlease specify
BASC membership number / Expiry
Telephone No. (day) / Fax No.

Trained hunter?

Large Game / Small game / Both / Not held / Awarded by
Please give the following information concerning your current or intendedgame / venison sales activities
Frequency and volume of sales
Value of sales / £ per annum
To whom do you sell shot game / venison?
Is any of the game or venison you are selling shot by someone else? Yes / No (if “yes” please give details)
Any other information you consider relevant to this application
/ BASC use only: / Extra premium required
Assessed by
Premium paid on
I confirm that the information I have provided is a true statement of my large and small game sales and I hereby apply for insurance cover; I undertake to promptly notify BASC in the event of a change in the level or nature of these sales. / Payment method
CM updated
Date / Member notified

The Policies provide cover for each member of The British Association for Shooting and Conservation Limited. The Policies cover recreational activities of wildfowling, stalking, the shooting of game, deer, vermin and any other lawful quarry, target shooting including clay shooting, airgunning, conservation, hawking, archery, angling and ferreting, gundog working and training (“BASC activities”).

Occasional sales

BASC recognises that some members sell part of their bag;for most peoplesales are occasional so cover is provided under the BASC members’ liability policies and they have nothing further to do.

Regular sales

Other members regularly sell part of their bag, and, for some,these sales can reach a more significant level even though their shooting activities are recreational. If any member’s small game[1]and/or large game[2] sales routinely reaches £300 in any period of a monththen BASC needs to be told, and by telling us that you are a regular seller of part of your bag means that BASCwill continue to insure you, free of any additional charge,as long as your shooting activities remaindemonstrably recreational. Simply complete and sign this form and either post it to BASC or email it to .

More significant sales

For membersshooting recreationallywhose income from the sale of their bag runs at a more-commercial level, exceeding £3,600 per year,an insurance cover extensionis available for a small additional premium. If you feel you could be in this category then please email us at or complete the application form and send it together with your remittance for £25 which will provide you with cover until the end of your current membership and will be included with future renewals. However, if your current membership has three or fewer months to run, this initial payment will continue to provide you with cover for the first 12 months after you renew[3].

Commercial shooting activities

Shooting and related activities that are not recreational[4]are not covered by the BASC members’ policies but we can still help by putting you in touch with trade members who are specialist insurance brokers; for more details contact

[1]Any wild bird or small mammal intended for human consumption which therefore includes duck, pigeon and rabbits

[2]This includes wild boar and wild goats as well as venison

[3] You have up to 90 days in which to renew your membership, if you fail to renew within that time your membership, your insurance and this offer will all lapse.

[4]For example: you charge for your services, perhaps as a pest controller or as an approved witness; your shooting is undertaken as part of your work as a professional gamekeeper, stalker, ghillie or guide; you shoot with the intention of generating an income from the sale of game meat; or you are selling days.