Application for Hire of Facilities 2012

Schedule: (Attach separate sheet if required)

Date Begin / Date Finish / Area / Facility / Time From / Time
To / Total Hrs

Intending To Hire During Holidays? (Please Circle) YES NO

Purpose of Hire:______

No of Attendees Expected:______

Standard Hire Fees

See attached sheet for details.

Invoices will be sent to the Billing Address provided at the end of each month.

College Keys

Do you have the following keys to the College? (Please Tick)

College Facility KeyCollege Alarm Key


Facility Key Number/s:

Public Liability Insurance

All hirers MUST have Public Liability Insurance. Please attach a copy of your insurance cover when returning this application.Please note – Unless a copy of your Insurance Cover is received with this application, your organisation will not be permitted to use the College facilities.


No food/drink is to be consumed in the hired area unless special permission has been granted from Hire of Facilities Coordinator and the following agreement has been signed.

We seek permission for food/drink to be consumed in the Hall area/classroom(s).

I will clean the facilities after use to the satisfaction of the Hire of Facilities Coordinator or an appropriate cleaning cost will be imposed.

Signature: ______Date:______


Permission Granted: Signed: ______Date: ______

Terms & Conditions for Hire of College Facilities

  1. No alcohol is to be brought onto the school premises.
  1. No smoking is allowed inside the school boundaries.
  1. No black-soled shoes are to be worn – proper footwear must be worn for games/activities in the Gym.
  1. Any damage must be reported to the Hire of Facilities Coordinator promptly.
  1. The hirer is responsible for supervising behaviour and safety of all participants and spectators involved in the activity.
  1. The key must be returned to the College Administration Office by 10:00am the next school day following the use of the College facilities unless prior arrangements have been made.
  1. The Hirer undertakes to pay the charges for Public Liability Insurance which covers the activities for the hired facility.
  1. No food/drink is to be consumed in the hired area unless special permission has been granted from Hire of Facilities Coordinator and the following agreement has been signed.
  1. If you are not using our facilities on any of the dates shown on you schedule, due to cancellation of the activity, it is important that you contact the College at least one (1) week prior to that date.
  1. Please note if you have arranged to use the facilities for a specified time on your Hire Application Form (ie 4.00pm to 6.00pm) payment must be made for that time. If for some reason you may not need the facilities for that length of time on a certain day/week (eg only 4.00pm till 5.00pm) you must contact the Hire of Facilities Coordinator at least one (1) week prior to that date.
  1. The College reserves the right to change or cancel booking arrangements due to College commitments. The College will endeavour to contact users as early as possible to inform them of any changes to bookings.

I ______on behalf of my organisation, agree to comply with the Terms & Conditions when hiring a Grovedale College facility


Please return to the Hire of Facilities Coordinator at the College Administration Office