Application for European Ergonomist, Eur.Erg.
Applicant nameTitle
Home address
Home Email
Home phone
Work address
Work Email
Work phone
Date of birth (xxxxxx-xxxx)
Invoice address for fee
For correspondence: Work or Home address? / Work/Home
Agreement to publish name and address on the CREE website / Yes/no
Available as consultant? Displayed on the CREE website / Yes/no
With my information supplied in this documentation I hereby apply for registration as European Ergonomist, Eur.Erg. An application based on the certification requirements here given by CREE National Assessment Board. All claims need, as far as possible, to be verified with attested copies of degrees, certificates etc. I will also follow CREE Code of Ethics.
Applicant´s signature:
Application procedure
Assessment procedure
What are the requirements and how to fill in
Academic programs
Point-giving courses
Other educational programs
Thesis and project work (reports), included in program or courses
Supervised work experiences
Professional work experience
Professional projects
List of publications
CPD - Continuous Professional Development
Annex 1 Requirements overview
Application procedure
Applications from all Nordic countries (except Finland) are handled by CREE/NES Authorization committee which has its office at Chalmers University, c/o the Institution for product and production development. Finland has its own committee.
The authorization committee has the following members that represent different partial areas within the ergonomics:
- Anders Sundin, Semcon AB, Chairman and CREE representative, Contact: 0733-989635,
- Roland Örtengren, Chalmers, Treasurer,Contact: 031-772 3654,
- Ulla Munck
Roland Örtengren and Anders Sundin will answer questions regarding the authorization process including application form and fees.
The application consists of two documents: oneWord-document and an Excel-document.
* Fill in the application according to the instructions. Note that all claims need, as far as possible, to be verified with attested copies of degrees, certificates etc. Documents scanned electronically preferable.
* Use the document CREE Minimal requirements v11 as support (sent to you together with the other documents)
It’s important that the form is carefully filled in to facilitate and speed up the review. Observe that a 10 point course cannot give part qualifications on more than maximum 10 points. If you hesitate or have any questions please contact Roland Örtengrenor Anders Sundin.
* The NES Authorization committeeassessment fee isSEK 4000. The charge concerns persons that are members of a national ergonomic association; otherwise the charge is SEK 6000. Membership in Swedish EHSS cost SEK 375 a year, see To the SEK 4000 comes an additional registration fee of SEK 2000 for the CREE register, see That is, all together SEK 6000 (or SEK 8000 for non ESSH members). The complete fee is to be paid after the application has been approved by the CREE committee.Send an e-mail to Roland in order to get an invoice.
Note. The charges are paid usually by the employer or by the own business. Roland will send an invoice on the amount for the bookkeeping. Contact in that case Roland before payment is done.
* Send the electronic application to: , * Send the printed and signed Signature page, the Word and Excel documents, annexes etc. (scanned is ok) by e-mail or in paper to:
NES Auktoriseringskommitté
c/o Produkt- och produktionsutveckling
Roland Örtengren
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sverige
The registration is valid for 5 years. After these years you must apply for prolongation to be able to use the title. See instructions in the end of the Word document, CPD. The fee for prolongation is SEK 2000.
Assessment procedure
When the application arrives to the secretariat it will be registered and checked that it is complete, that all annexes are added and are numbered etc. All applications are checked by two persons of the assessment committee; partly by one member with approximatethe same educational background as the applicant, partly by the CREE-representative (Anders Sundin). The entire committee gets copies on the application forms. The result of the review is summarized on a form that will be distributed to the committee's members; the originals are archived. Normally it’s enough with the two assessors, in questionable cases, the entire committee participates. The summary form is sent to all CREE Council representatives (17 countries) approximately one month before the CREE Council meeting held somewhere in Europe. At the meeting the CREE-representative (Anders Sundin) presents the applicant and meets possible questions.
What are the requirements and how to fill in
In Annex 1 you can see an overviewon different approaches to meet the minimum requirements.
Use the document CREE Minimal requirements v11 as support and for detailed information about the requirements.
The minimum requirements for registration as a European Ergonomist cover the following three components:
1. Education: Three years at university level, at least one of which is dedicated to ergonomics.
2. Supervised Training: One year(The assessment boardcan permit exceptions to this requirement).
3. Professional Experience: Two years, following supervised training.
Start by saving the Word-document with a new name according to "EurErg Application First name Surname"
Fill in the sections below as far as possible. Continue with the Excel document for point giving courses.
Use your course descriptions and certificates from yourschools/universities, CV and other documents to extract information from, e.g.cut and paste.
Note: Please write in English. If certain words are difficult to translate, write them in Swedish.
Academic programs
Academic exams
((högskole)engineer, physiotherapist, bachelor’s degrees, candidate exams etc.)
For older exams, give the higher number of points as given for similar exam today (ECTS).
No / Education/program / School / Duration (years) / From year / To year / Degree / Points / Annex1
Higher academic exams
(Civilingenjör, Master, Magister, Licentiate, Ph.D., higher exams, e.g. Psychologist, international master and doctoral degrees)
No / Education/program / School / Duration (years) / From year / To year / Degree / Points / Annex1
Other information (facts not fitting the headlines above)
Point-giving courses
Note! You fill in your point giving courses in the Excel-document “Application form for EurErg”
Start by saving the Excel-document with a new name according to "EurErg Application name ".
In the Excel-document, fill in the worksheet 1“Point-giving courses” (see worksheet 2 as an example).
How to fill in:
You need to pay attention to instructions in some cells (marked as red triangles).
1. Start by identifying your education or program you have attended that hasergonomics content.
2. For these programs, list all courses, the years etc. and the number of credit points, ECTS, in column E for each course (Academic points awarded).Of these points, list points related to ergonomics in column F (Ergonomics points accounted for). The course names can be in Swedish. Fill in only as ECTS. If course merits have been given as old credit points (högskolepoäng), convert by multiplying with 1.5.
1 old credit point= 1.5 ECTS
Points Awarded / Ergonomics Points Accounted forProgram No. / Annex / Years / COURSE NAME / 15 / 6
1 / 1 / 1998-2002 / Anthropometry / 5 / 0
1 / 1 / 1998-2002 / Computer supported design / 5 / 1
1 / 1 / 1998-2002 / Anatomy och physiology / 5 / 5
3. Then spread out the points in column F under the relevant headings in columns H through R (Competence areas A-K).Column G automatically sums up all spread out points, i.e. the column G and F should eventually be the same! This step spreading out your points is important but not easy. Therefore you need to think over the content of each of your courses. If you have problems, don´t hesitate contacting someone in the assessment board.
Autosum for A-F. Shall match Erg Points / Principles of ergonomics / Population and general human characteristics / Design oftechnical systems6 / 0 / 5 / 0
5 / 5
Other educational programs
Here you put other educational programs or courses with some ergonomics content, not giving academic credit points.The applicant has to estimate of the number of points based on that:
One week study = 1p = 1.5 ECTS
Educations on "gymnasie" level can be taken up here but points are not credited. The content can be relevant to put forward to give a more complete picture. Please show course plan if possible
Education / School / Period(from year -to year) / Hours / Corresponding points / Annex
Course / School / Year / Hours / Correspondingpoints / Annex
Thesis and project work (reports), included in program or courses
Work included in exams or educations (Master thesis work "examensarbeten", project work etc).
Note, master thesis work "examensarbeten", project work etc included in higher ergonomics education might be possible to count for supervised work up to 6 months.
Points from master thesis work shall be put in Points-giving courses, in the Excel document.
The project reference should for example contain:
Duration (from-to)
Description of content
Report, full reference
Your contribution or responsibility
Possible ref. person
Supervised work experiences
Tasks, projects etc. where the applicant has worked and been supervised by a person that meet the requirements equivalent as for Eur.Erg.
The work need to be done after completed education, at least 12 months of full time work of which 50% contains pure ergonomics activity.
Projects or degree thesis etc. included in higher ergonomic education can be counted in up to 6 months. Points should be inserted under sheet 1. Point-giving courses
Exception from supervised work experiences can be given: If no supervised experience has been obtained, the independent professional practice must be for at least 3 years.
Type of practice: / Company: / Extent: / Supervisors name:I have supervised time within ergonomics of totallyMonths:
Professional work experience
Prior and current
Employments, own activity etc. after completed basis education. State how big proportion of your ergonomic work that is carried out independently
Exclude work that is stated under Supervised work experiences.
WorkNo / Company / Position / Year(from-to) / Ergonomic work, % of full time / Indepen-dence % / Annex1
I have had professional positions within ergonomics of totally Months:
Table over distribution % of content for each work position (content of ergonomics work). The sum for each position don´t needs to be 100%.
Work No / Counseling / Planning, projecting, design and engineering / Applied/practiced research and development projects / Laboratory research / Teaching at university level / Managing1
Complementary description of each work (contents, example tasks etc.)
Work No1
Professional projects
Descriptions and reports from carried out projects in working life.These items are extra important for the assessment procedure.
Reference should contain e.g.:
Duration (from-to)
Description of content
Report/s, full reference
Your contribution or responsibility
Possible ref. person
List of publications
Write or paste your list of publications (journals, articles, reports, books etc.) as full reference, e.g:
Sundin A, Participatory Ergonomics in Product Development and Workplace Design supported by ComputerisedVisualisation and Human Modelling. 2001. Doctoral thesis. Chalmers University of Technology.ISBN 91-7291-046-1.
CPD - Continuous Professional Development
Plan for CPD
Try to write down a plan for how you would like to develop within ergonomics and related areas in your work,from now and during the next 5 years.
A plan how to:
- broaden your ergonomics knowledge.
- deepen your ergonomics knowledge.
- stimulate and transfer ergonomics knowledge in European countries.
My plan:
Future logbook
- to be sent in when applying for prolongation
(This below shall not be filled in when you apply as new applicant. Instead it will be a help for you for the 5 years to come, until a prolongation)
Here you continuously can save information on courses you attend, lectures you have held etc. to try to meet your plan under the coming 5 years. Such information must be submitted when applying for prolongation for another 5 years.
Important to reflect on and to write down is what you have learnt! E.g. new areas, concepts, methods etc.
Attended courses
Date / Number of days or hours / Course name / Content / What have you learnt (examples) / In what way has this affected your work?Attended conferences
Date / Number of days or hours / Course name / Content / What have you learnt (examples) / In what way has this affected your work?Held lectures/Course
Date / Number of days or hours / Course name / Content / What have you learnt (examples) / In what way has this affected your work?Projects
Projects where it has been necessary to learn and/or develop new knowledge (methods, theories, subjects, procedures etc.)
Examples of professional work (Important Items of Ergonomics, Projects & Publications)
Annex 1 Requirements overview
Different approaches to meet the minimum requirements.
For detailed instructions, see the document: CREE Minimum Requirements V11, REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF EUROPEAN ERGONOMISTS (Eur.Ergs.)