Application for ECDA Innovation Guidance Project 2017
(Only type-written application formsin word document will be considered)
Innovation Guidance Projects (IGPs) aim to
- improve the quality of preschool programmes and teaching-learning practices
- foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and reflective practices.
Through IGPs, preschools could explore less conventional ideas and approaches to:
- enhance learning experiences for children
- promote community engagement and home-centre partnerships
- modify existing innovations beyond the first year of project implementation
Training is provided, forpreschools selected to participate in IGP, to support the teachers with the knowledge and necessary skills to carry out their IGPs. The training period for IGP 2017 is February-March 2017. The project implementation period is 6 months, from the date of award ofIGP Grant.
Upon completion of theIGP, participating preschools are required to submit a final report and expenditure form with supporting documents as project deliverables.
Preschoolsthat have not received the IGPGrant may take this opportunity toapply for participation in any one of the following 2017 IGPs:
Project 1Title: Stories About Us
Community Partner: National Gallery Singapore
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Aesthetics & Creative Expression and Language & Literacy
Project Aims /
- Equip preschool teachers with skills and confidence to talk about artworks with young children
- Nurture preschool teachers’ creative expression and increase their appreciation of the unique role that art can play in disseminating ideas and information in the early childhood classroom
- Increase children’s art appreciation and help them to express ideas through active discussion of artworks and to recognise elements of art, namely, lines, colours, shapes and textures
- Enhance children’s comprehension skills through responding to questions and talking about the characters or events seen in the artworks
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 10
Project 2
Title: Singapore Little Treasures(SLT)@ The Peranakan Museum
Community Partner: National Heritage Board (NHB)
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World and Social & Emotional Development
Project Aims /
- Offer children an opportunity to explore Peranakan culture and to relate it to their own lives
- Equip preschool teachers with tools to create authentic heritage lessons and learning centres in which they can co-construct knowledge with theirchildren in school
- Experiment with innovative learning experiences within a museum setting where children can learn through play
- Nurture inquisitive learners who are able to engage in museum-based activities through close observation and cooperative learning
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Project 3
Title: Our City in a Garden
Community Partner: National Parks Board (NParks)
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World and Language & Literacy
Project Aims /
- Equip preschool teachers with the knowledge and resources on local examples of plants and animals to create engaging lessons and learning corners
- Raise awareness of our City in a Garden amongst children
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, preschools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood Sector.
Project 4
Title: Make Every Drop Counts
Community Partner: Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore’s National Water Agency
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World
Project Aims /
- Equip preschool teachers with the knowledge on water education and how to effectively engage the children and their families through meaningful activities to conserve, value and enjoy our waters
- Enable children to understand the importance of water conservation
- Encourage children to become an ambassador of water conservation and spread this message to their family and friends
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 25
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, preschools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood sector. Preschools will also track their centre & children’s water consumption to assess the effectiveness of their water education project.
Project 5
Title: Creative Curious Tinkers
Community Partner: Science Centre Board
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World and Aesthetics & Creative Expression
Project Aims /
- Support preschool teachers in setting up a tinkering space that would arouse the curiosity of the children, and planning activities that encourage creative thinking, teamwork and collaboration
- Capture and develop children’s imagination, curiosity and creativity through the “Think, Make, Play, Improve” approach
- Enable children to explore tinkering activities that nurture their discovery of the world, and aesthetics & creative expression
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Project 6
Title: Magnetism
Community Partner: Science Centre Board
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World
Project Aims /
- Support preschool teachers in setting up authentic discovery corners/ environments related to magnets that would encourage critical thinking and arouse the curiosity of the children
- Capture and develop children’s imagination, curiosity and creativity through scientific inquiry
- Provide opportunities for children to engage in open-ended experiments on magnets and some common uses of magnets in everyday life
- Increase children’s observation skills through exploring scientific phenomenon related to magnets such as attraction and repulsion, and many more wonders of magnet
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Pre-schoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Project 7
Title: The Earth We Share
Community Partner: Science Centre Board
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World and Numeracy
Project Aims /
- Supportpreschool teachers in setting up authentic discovery corners/ environments related to Earth Sciences that would encourage critical thinking and arouse the curiosity of the children
- Capture and develop children’s imagination, curiosity and creativity through scientific inquiry
- Encourage children to explore Earth Sciences focusing on topics related to land and water
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Project 8
Title: Simple Machines
Community Partner: Science Centre Board
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World
Project Aims /
- Equip preschool teachers with the knowledge and skills to engage children in meaningful learning and to nurture attitudes of basic scientific inquiry
- Encourage children’s curiosity and sense of wonder for simple machines, by providing authentic learning environments, and meaningful, experiential and open-ended activities
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 30
Project 9
Title: Kindness Starts with Me
Community Partner: Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM)
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Social & Emotional Development
Project Aims /
- Equip preschool teachers with the skills and knowledge to explain the abstract concept of kindness to children and introduce kindness words and considerate acts
- Enable children to identify kind gestures and actsin the various contexts including home, school and the community
- Provide opportunities for children to demonstrate kindness through their words and actions
- Help children differentiate between consideration and inconsiderate behaviours and actions
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: N2, K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 34
Note: As part of the final project deliverables, preschools will co-develop a learning resource to be shared with the Early Childhood sector.
Project 10
Title:Learning Goes Wild @ Singapore Zoo & Jurong Bird Park
Community Partner: Wildlife Reserves Singapore
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World
Project Aims /
- Offer insights on available educational resources at WRS parks (The Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park) so as to equip preschool teachers to plan and conduct innovative and meaningful learning journeys
- Enhance children’s knowledge about the rich biodiversity around us
- Encourage children to explore through hands-on activities, the habitats and characteristics of the different animal species
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: N2, K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 20
Project 11
Title:Learning Goes Wild @ River Safari & Night Safari
Community Partner: Wildlife Reserves Singapore
NEL Learning Domain(s) / Discovery of the World
Project Aims /
- Offer insights about the available educational resources at WRS parks (The River Safari and Night Safari) so as to equip preschool teachers to plan and conduct innovative and meaningful learning journeys
- Enhance children’s knowledge about the rich biodiversity around us
- Encourage children to explore through hands-on activities, the habitats and characteristics of the different animal species
Details / Target participants: Preschool and Senior Preschool teachers
Target Preschoolers: N2, K1, K2
Max number of participating preschools: 20
Preschoolsthat meet the following eligibility criteria may apply for IGP:
a)Have not received the IGP Grant
b)Have participated in not more than oneIGPfrom 2014 – 2016
c)Can commit 2 ECDA-certified preschool teachers for the full duration of the IGP. This includes the training programme and2 project sharing sessions
d)Can achieve the key objectives of the project
e)Able to co-pay 5% of the total approved expenditure
f)Able to fully support their teachersthroughout the implementation of the IGP
Preschools will be informed of the application outcome[1]by February2017.Successful preschools will be provided with the details of the IGP Grant breakdown and approved amount relevant to their projectwhen they confirm their participation.
Please sendvia email ur completedApplication Form for Innovation Guidance Project 2017 (Annex A). We will only consider type-written and completed forms submitted within the deadline. Application closes on 13January 2017.Late submissions will not be accepted.
Please send yourqueries to
Application Form for Innovation Guidance Project
(Application should be type-written and all fields should be completed and sent in word document)
- Details of Preschool
Preschool name / Click here to enter text.
Type of preschool / Choose an item. /
Preschooladdress / Click here to enter text. /
Name of preschoolprincipal/supervisor / Click here to enter text.
Contact email / Click here to enter text.
Contact numbers / (O)Click here to enter text.
(Hp)Click here to enter text.
Has your preschool participated in an Innovation Guidance Project in 2014-2016? / Choose an item. /
If yes, please state the year(s) and project title(s). / Year(s):Choose an item.
Project Title 1: Click here to enter text.
Project Title 2 (if applicable):Click here to enter text.
Innovation Guidance Project (in order of interest) / Please rank 3 projectsin order of interest,with1 – being most interested and 3 - being least interested.
Rank / Title of Innovation Guidance Project
Rank / Stories Around Us
Rank / Singapore Little Treasures (SLT)@ The Peranakan Museum
Rank / Our City in a Garden
Rank / Make Every Drop Counts
Rank / Creative Curious Tinkers
Rank / Magnetism
Rank / The Earth We Share
Rank / Simple Machines
Rank / Kindness Starts with Me
Rank / Learning Goes Wild @ Singapore Zoo & Jurong Bird Park
Rank / Learning Goes Wild @ River Safari & Night Safari
- Details of Nominated ECDA-Certified Teachers for IGP2017
Note: All participating preschools must nominate 2 ECDA-certified teachers for the project
Please indicate if your participating teacher is a PDP(T) participant.
Full Name of Teacher 1 / Click here to enter text. /
NRIC/Fin number / Click here to enter text. /
LON status / Click here to enter text. /
Teaching level in 2017 / Click here to enter text. /
Email address / Click here to enter text. /
Mobile number / Click here to enter text. /
PDP (T) participant / Choose an item. /
Full Name of Teacher 2 / Click here to enter text. /
NRIC/Fin number / Click here to enter text. /
LON status / Click here to enter text. /
Teaching level in 2017 / Click here to enter text. /
Email address / Click here to enter text. /
Mobile number / Click here to enter text. /
PDP (T) participant / Choose an item. /
- Please Answer All Questions
a. / Please state why your preschool is keen to participate in IGP.
Click here to enter text.
b. / How will the centre leader support the preschool teachers to commit to the entire duration of the project?
Click here to enter text.
Submitted by:Click here to enter text.
Designation: Click here to enter text.Date: Click here to enter text.
[1]All decisions by ECDA are final