/ Ministry of
Culture / Application for Determination
under the Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity From Seizure Act
Submit completed application to:
Ministry of Culture
Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
Culture Policy, Programs and Services Division
400 University Avenue, 5th Floor
TorontoON M7A 2R9 / Please read the Guidelines before completing this Application.
Complete the Checklist at the end of this Application. Be sure to attach all necessary documents.
If you have any questions, please contact the Ministry staff person assigned to your request. This person will have been identified in the Ministry’s response to your letter of intent.
Ministry of Culture will make every effort to process your Application within 45 days from the day that the Application is deemed complete, i.e., effective from the day that the Ministry is satisfied that all necessary documents are in order.
1. Applicant Institution Information
Name of organization
Street number and name / Suite/Unit / City / Province
ON / Postal code
Name of Director or CEO / Name of Contact Person
( ) / Fax
( ) / E-mail / Website
Description of applicant institution (art gallery, museum, cultural agency, etc.)
Date of formation / Date of incorporation / Corporation number
Will applicant be the exhibiting institution for the foreign cultural objects?
YesNo / Is there a partner exhibiting institution?
(If objects are to be shown in more than one venue,
information is needed about those other venues.)
Name Partner(s)
2. Foreign Cultural Objects Information (“Objects” are foreign works of art or objects of cultural significance.)
General description of objects / Lender(s) of objects / Confirmed provenance check of objects?
Yes / No
State why objects are of cultural significance
State why objects are of interest and benefit to the people of Ontario
Dates that objects will be in Ontario (shipping in/out)
From / To
3. Exhibition Information
Title and description of exhibition
Exhibition dates
From / To
Statement by Applicant
On behalf of and with the authority of the applicant, I certify that the information given in support of this application is true, correct and complete in every respect.
Name (enter or print) / Title (must be Director or CEO) / Signature / Date
Attachment Checklist for Supplementary Applicant Information
Note: If the most recent of the applicant’s following documents are already on file with the Ministry, they need not be provided with this Application. Please state the appropriate Ministry file number where these documents can be found. / File Number
Most recent annual report
Most recent financial statements (if other than those in annual report)
Attachment Checklist for Supplementary Cultural Objects Information
Complete and signed copies of all loan agreements between applicant and the foreign owner(s) or foreign custodian(s), describing the objects.
If the objects are being brought in by a foreign custodian, complete and signed copies of all agreements between the foreign custodian(s) and the foreign owner(s), authorizing the foreign custodian to bring the works into Ontario.
A signed Statutory Declaration (Appendix A)
A notarised complete list of all objects being brought into Ontario, including the invoice or other identifying number (i.e. object number), as well as the title and description of each work. Include an electronic version (Word format) of this list of objects.

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