Application for Candidacy in Central Indiana Presbytery

1. Name

2. Address

3. Phone (home & work)

4. Email Address

5. Date of Birth

6. Marital Status (Married, Single, Divorced, Remarried, Widower) – if married, for how long

7. Wife’s Name

8. Children’s Names/Ages

9. Home Church (Recommending you as a candidate)

10. Address of Home Church

11.  Phone of Home Church

12.  Are you and your wife members of this church?

13.  If so, for how long?

14. Seminary Training (Completed or Not Completed)

15. Seminary Attended/Attending

16. Degrees Achieved/Degrees Expected

17. Date of Expected Graduation

18. Are you currently under the care of/licensed by another PCA presbytery?

19. If yes, which one?

20. Are you anticipating being ordained in the PCA?

21.  Are you currently an officer in your church?

22.  If yes, which office?

23.  Have you completed a PCA presbytery internship?

24.  If yes, at which church did you do the internship and when was it completed?

The following questions will help us to be better acquainted with you and your family. Please be thorough but concise in your answers.

25. Tell us a little about your life and how you came to Christ.

26.  On what basis do you believe that you are called to the gospel ministry (cf 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1)?

27.  How did your wife come to Christ? How did you meet? Is she supportive of you pursuing the ministry?

28.  Do you have any children (names & ages)? Are they in submission to your authority? Can you say that you rule your own house well?

29.  What is your practice of personal and family devotions?

30.  Have you ever been disciplined by any church or presbytery? If so, what is the current status of that situation?

31.  Have you ever been arrested? Explain.

32.  Have you ever been divorced? Explain.

33.  Do you believe you have a good reputation among people outside the church?

34.  Where did you go to college? Seminary? What former Christian service have you been involved in?

35.  What is the current status of your finances? Are you carrying a large amount of debt? If so, what are your plans for reducing/eliminating it?

36.  Do you make a regular practice of sharing your faith with others? Explain.

37.  Why are you seeking to become a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America?

38.  What are three of your greatest strengths (briefly explain why you think they are strengths)?

39.  What are three of your greatest weaknesses (briefly explain why you think they are weaknesses)?

40. Please provide us with four references (at least one should be a PCA teaching elder, and one should be

a lay-leader, preferably a ruling elder). Please include name, address, phone number and email).

The following questions should be filled out by your spouse (as applicable):

(1)  How do you feel about your husband serving as a minister of the Gospel?

(2)  What gifts and abilities do you see in your husband that uniquely enable him to be a minister?

(3)  Does your husband use those gifts to manage his own household well?