School of Social Work
University of Alaska Anchorage
Bachelor of Social Work Program
To be considered for Fall 2018 full admission into the UAA BSW Program and senior field practicum, please submit this signed document along with your Admission Statement and the Field Work Interest Areas document to the UAA School of Social Work no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, October 30, 2017.
Please note that late applications are not accepted.
Name:UAA ID:
Mailing address (street):
Phone numbers:
Home: / Work: / Cell:
UAA email address:
(Please note that we will use this address for all correspondence regarding your admission)
Next of kin / Person to contact in case of emergency:
Mailing address (street):
Are you a first generation college student? (For program accreditation purposes only)
No Yes
Have you ever been convicted of a violation of ANY local, state, federal, Canadian, or international law (other than non-moving motor vehicle violations)?
No Yes
Please note that a conviction does not automatically disqualify an applicant from admission. However, if the answer is “yes,” please provide complete details:
Do you currently have any criminal charges pending against you?
No Yes
If the answer is “yes,” please provide complete details:
Please identify your plan to complete your outstanding GER, general elective, and Social Work courses (including social work electives):
Spring 2018
Summer 2018
Fall 2018
Spring 2019
In submitting this application, I certify to the following:
- The information included in this application, and all attachments,aretrue and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
- All materials included in this application are myown work, unless otherwise noted.
- I have readand agree to follow the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethicsas a condition for admittance and continuation in the BSW Program.
- I have read and understand the 2017-2018 BSW Handbook (available at
- I understand that any false statements or omissions of information that I make in my application or interview may result in denial of admission or termination of admission to the BSWProgram.Further, I understand that if falsification or omission in any part of the application process is discovered after admission to the BSWProgram, it may make me subject to dismissal from the program.
Student Signature / Date
School of Social Work
University of Alaska Anchorage
Bachelor of Social Work Program
Fall 2018
As part of the application to the UAA BSW Program, please complete the Admission Statement questions listed below. This is a very important part of your admission package. Your responses will be evaluated for your ability to communicate professionally, including tone, content, spelling, grammar, and clarity of your written work.
Please submit ashort typewritten response utilizing standard 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and double spacing to address each of the following questions. Please title each response with a restatement of the question:
1.Why have you selected social work as your profession? How do your volunteer, employment, beliefs, and/or life experiences reflect a commitment to social work and how have they helped prepare you for a career in social work? (Limit 1.5 pages)
2.Please discuss your personal strengths and limitations for the practice of social work. (Limit 1 page)
3.What do you consider your personal strengths, needs for growth, and limitations in relation to working with people whose gender, culture, ethnicity, beliefs, disabilities, and/or sexual orientation are different from your own? (Limit 1 page)
4.Please describe a social issue impacting Alaska that you see as especially pressing at this time that you would like to address in your social work practice. Please explain why you chose that issue and describe how you see yourself as a social worker helping to address this important social issue in the future. (Limit 1 page)
5.Respond to this statement: “People get what they deserve in life.” (Limit 1 page)
6.ONLY for those studentsre-applying to the BSW program: Please reflect on the issues that led to your reapplication to the program and discuss how are you better prepared for the program and field work now than the last time you applied? (Limit 3 pages)
School of Social Work
University of Alaska Anchorage
Bachelor of Social Work Program
(BSW/SFP Application)
Fall 2018
Student name:Previous Internship / Field Work Experience (if any):
Agency / Instructor/Supervisor / DatesEmployment: Please identify present and previous employment history, giving approximate dates of employment and job titles. It is not necessary to list all jobs; this list is meant to provide a picture of the variety of experiences you have had to date.
Attaching a resume is optional/acceptable.
If currently employed, please indicate where and how many hours you work per week.Please indicate how your employmentrequirements will allow for you to complete 16 weekly hours of field work and meet the rest of your educational program demands.
Pleasedescribeyour volunteer work, if applicable.
Please identify and describe the social issues, client populations and/or fields of practice that interest you and briefly discuss significant professional and/or career goals that you would like to have considered when arranging for your field placement.
Please identify and describe any special needs, personal issues, limitations, or other considerations that we should consider in order to support you and assure your success as your field placement is being developed.
Please add any additional information about yourself that you feel will contribute to the process of developing your field placement.