APPLICATION FOR AUDITION 2018/19: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts - Circus Arts
You are applying for the Performing Arts Diploma. Please ensure you read through the module list found on the New City College Hackney & National Circus website so that you have a thorough understanding regarding the content and contact hours you will have with the National Circus during your time on the course.
This course is run as part of the youth programme at the National Centre for Circus Arts. If you are older than 25 and interested in taking this course, please contact before applying.
Deadline for applications is Friday 27th April 2018
Please note that successful applicants will need to be free for an audition at the National Centre for Circus Arts on Saturday 2nd June 2018.
Completed applications should be returned either by post to:
BTEC Auditions, National Centre for Circus Arts, Coronet Street, N1 6HD
Or emailed to:
Please note we can only accept applications from the UK and other EU/EEA countries.
Your Details
Surname: First Names:
Permanent Home Address:
Home Telephone: Mobile:
Correspondence Address: (if different from above):
Parent/Guardian Details
Surname: First Names:
Home Telephone: Mobile:
Do you have previous experience of Circus? Yes No (Please state)
Please tell us of any experience you have in Performing Arts, Gymnastics, Dance or Circus training. If you do not have any experience in the above, please give details of any other relevant experience.Goals and Aspirations
Please tell us why you have decided to apply for this course and what are you hoping to achieve during it?How will you use any of the skills acquired during this course for your long term goals/plans?
Other Information
How did you find out about this course? You may select all relevant options.
From current/former students (please state who)
From Social Media (please state where)
From another school (please state which)
From the BTEC Open Day
From the press (e.g. newspapers, TV) (please state where)
Another source (please specify)
Have you ever taken a class at the National Centre for Circus Arts? Yes No
(please specify)
Access and Medical Information
Do you have any access or training requirements we need to know about?
Do you have any medical history that we need to know about?
Parent/Guardian Consent (If under 18 years old)
I consent to (student's name) attending an audition for the BTEC Diploma.
Signed (Parent/Guardian signature) ______
Parent/Guardian Name: Date:
Relationship to the applicant