Application for an Occupation Lease.
To the Commissioner of Crown lands.
I (state the Christian and surname at full length) residing at ………………..
do hereby make application for a license for the occupation of a certain portion of the
Waste Lands of the Crown in South Australia, a description of which is hereto annexed.
(Signature of the Applicant)
Situation of the run claimed
Estimated extent in square miles
Number and description of cattle upon the run
(SAGG dated 8/1/1846)
Occupation licenses will not be granted until the Commissioner of crown lands is satisfied
that the applicants are in possession of the runs claimed; and if any person, after having
applied for a license for a run, shall fail to take possession of such run for a period of 3 months
after the date of such application, it will be open to any other person to apply for the same:
All applications for occupation licenses will have to be approved by the Commissioner of crown Lands
who will have power to make any alteration in the boundaries of the runs claimed, or to limit the
extent thereof, as he may deem expedient:
Licenses to fell and remove timber growing upon the Waste Lands of the Crown will be granted on
payment of a fee of five pounds.
By his Excellency’s command A M Mundy, Colonial Secretary
The following persons having made application for Occupation Licenses, the descriptions of the runs claimed
now lie at this office for the inspection of any persons concerned:
Surname / Christian name / situation of the Runs / SAGG datealleyn / Francis / the head of the Sturt / 2/4/1846
anderson / Alex. / Hummock Ranges / 9/7/1846
anderson / Alexander / Yorke’s Peninsula, 40 miles from the head of Gulf St Vincent / 20/8/1846
anderson / James / 25 miles to the south of Port Lincoln / 24/9/1846
angas / J H / North and east of the Rhine and Gawler Surveys / 12/2/1846
angas / G F / surrounding a portion of the special surveys on the Rhine and Gawler rivers / 19/2/1846
anstey / G A / on the Gilbert and Wakefield / 19/2/1846
Austin / J & S / Rivoli Bay district / 19/3/1846
bagot / C H / Koonunga / 26/2/1846
bagot / C M / between Mount Arden and Mount Eyre / 5/3/1846
bagot / Christopher Michael / on the left bank of the Murray / 2/4/1846
bagot / Christopher M / left bank of the River Murray / 20/8/1846
baker / John / on the sources of the Reedy Creek and South Rhine / 26/2/1846
baker / James / 1/ west of Reedy Creek, S E district
2/ Saunders Overland Road / 6/8/1846
baker / John / 1/ between the North Rhine & Murray
2/ both sides of the Murray, abt. 5 miles from the junction of the Rhine / 14/5/1846
bates / Michael / Lake Hawdon and Eliza / 9/4/1846
bates / Alfred Henry / 1/ north of Mount Gambier 2/ north bank of Lake Eliza / 9/4/1846
Beevor, Deas & lodwick / head of Gulf St Vincent / 6/8/1846
beilby / J W / adjacent to the eastern boundary of the province, north of the road from Mount Gambier to Portland / 22/1/1846
binnie / John / in the Tatiara country / 26/2/1846
bishop / John / 1/ Pillaworta, Port Lincoln 2/ Boston Island / 12/2/1846
black / Neil / Rivoli Bay district / 26/3/1846
black / Donald / Rivoli Bay district / 26/3/1846
blow / W / Tatiara Creek, joint with J Williamson / 5/2/1846
bowman / John / 1/ Upper Wakefield and Light, near the Flagstaff
2/ Lower part of the Wakefield / 22/1/1846
Bradford / John / on the River Finiss / 26/3/1846
brookes / Richard / River Murray at the boundary of this province, joint with George Tingcombe / 2/7/1846
brown / Archibald & James / 20 miles S E from head of Coorong / 14/5/1846
browne / F H / Port Lincoln district / 22/1/1846
browne / WJ & J H / to the westward of Mount Bryan Range / 12/2/1846
burnet / Charles / on the Rocky River / 19/2/1846
burrage / Wm / On the River Light (joint with Geo. Hoapon) / 22/1/1846
Butler / P / 1/ On the River Light, the North Road passing through it
2/ On the Light Plains
3/ In the Pine Forest, north of the River Gawler
(joint with A W T Grant) / 22/1/1846
butler / Philip / same as A W T Grant (joint application) / 2/4/1846
butler / Gerald Villers / near Guichen Bay / 20/8/1846
Campbell / A / near Mount Remarkable (joint with M Gillies) / 12/3/1846
Campbell / C J F / 1/ The River Hill, 2/ The Reedy Creek / 5/2/1846
castle / Edward / on the eastern bank of the Murray / 26/3/1846
chambers / John / On the River Murray / 12/2/1846
chambers / John / River Murray and Lake Bonney / 23/4/1846
Chirnside / Thomas / 6 miles north from the crossing place of the Reedy Creek / 5/2/1846
Chirnside / Thomas / 15 miles northward of the “Avenue”, county of Grey / 24/9/1846
clay / J F / near Boston Bay, Port Lincoln / 5/3/1846
cock / Alexander / Salt Water Creek between the Bremer and the Murray / 29/10/1846
cole / Josiah / Rivoli Bay District / 12/3/1846
coles / John / the head of the Sturt / 26/2/1846
colville / John & Mathew / near Rivoli Bay / 6/8/1846
colville / John & Mattw. / Rivoli Bay district / 14/5/1846
cook / Archibald / 10 miles S E from the crossing place of the Murray / 19/2/1846
coutts / James / River Murray above Lake Bonney / 9/4/1846
coutts / James / Yorke’s Peninsula, known as the St Vincent Survey / 20/8/1846
curran / Owen / Limestone Range / 9/4/1846
davenport / Samuel / Rivoli Bay / 5/2/1846
dewhurst / James / The Downs, Port Lincoln / 12/2/1846
Dickson / James / 1/ 12 miles S W of Mosquito Creek, S E district
2/ south side Maria Creek / 6/8/1846
disher / John / River Murray, 14 miles above Lake Bonney / 23/4/1846
dutton / F H / counties of Light and Eyre / 19/3/1846
elder / George and A L / around Marble Range, Port Lincoln, joint with W S Peter / 14/5/1846
ellis / John / 1/ Gawler Plains, north and south of the Light
2/ the Hummock Ranges
3/ between the Light and Wakefield
4/ Gawler Plains north and south of the Little Para / 12/3/1846
ellis / John / 1/ East of the Hummock Range between Messrs Hughes and Watts runs 2/ east of the Hummock Range, south of Captain Hughes / 3/9/1846
evans / Henry / 1/ the Murray scrub range 2/ the same / 12/2/1846
field / W G / Wypinga / 5/2/1846
foot / J W / the Murray ranges, east of the Light, and north of Mount Rufus / 5/2/1846
foott / J W / The Barossa Range / 22/1/1846
foott / J W / the Murray Ranges east of the Light and north of Mount Rufus / 12/2/1846
fry / Robert / The Wakefield / 5/2/1846
fry / Robert / Wakefield Plains / 2/7/1846
Gifford / John / on the River Murray, 3 miles above the Wellington Surveys / 19/2/1846
gilbert / Joseph / 1/ N E and E of One tree Hill 2/ Overland Springs and Mt Rufus / 5/2/1846
giles / Thomas / to the east of Lake Albert / 12/3/1846
gillies / M / near Mount Remarkable (joint with A Campbell) / 12/3/1846
Gleeson / Edward Burton / west of the Hutt Special Survey / 18/6/1846
grant / A W T / (joint with P Butler) / 22/1/1846
grant / A W T / 1/ Gawler Plains
2/ north of the lower part of the Wakefield (joint with Philip Butler) / 2/4/1846
green / Robt. / Green Water Hole, above Mount Gambier, joint with Chas. Wilson / 9/4/1846
greig / Benjamin / Coffins Bay, Port Lincoln / 29/10/1846
grote / Francis / north side Lake Alexandrina / 18/6/1846
grote / Francis / Mount Benson, joint with Edwd. Stirling / 9/7/1846
harper / William / 4 miles south of Granite Rocks, on Scotts run, S E district / 20/8/1846
harriot / Andrew / On the Bremer / 12/2/1846
harriot / Andrew / Rivoli Bay district / 19/3/1846
harriott / Andrew / between Lakes Bonney & George / 6/8/1846
hatlett / John / Mount Bryan / 5/2/1846
hawker / C L / 1/ on the Salt Creek, Port Lincoln district
2/ in the New Country, county of Flinders
(joint with H Price) / 12/3/1846
hawker / G C / Bungaree, River Hutt / 5/2/1846
hawker / Geo. Chas. / 15 miles S S W Black Rock Hill / 18/6/1846
hawson / Henry / Lake Wangarri near Port Lincoln / 5/2/1846
hawson / Gregory / county of Flinders / 24/9/1846
hayes / Frederick Chas. / on the Lindesay / 18/6/1846
hayes / Frederick Charles / left bank of the River Murray / 20/8/1846
henty / John / 13 miles N E by E from the eastern bluff of the Bluff Range / 19/2/1846
heyes / F C / on the left bank of the Murray / 26/2/1846
Heywood / Eardley / right bank of the Murray above the NW bend / 26/2/1846
Higgins / Daniel / Tod River, Port Lincoln / 9/4/1846
hoapon / Geo / On the River Light (joint with Wm. Burrage) / 22/1/1846
hope / J & G / Sanders Creek, Rivoli Bay district / 22/1/1846
hope / John / on the Broughton and Rocky Creek / 12/3/1846
hope / G & W / Reedy Creek, north of the Adelaide Road, Rivoli Bay district / 2/7/1846
Hughes / W W / the Hummock Range and Broughton Plains / 12/2/1846
Hughes / HB & B H / on the Rocky River / 26/2/1846
Hughes / J B / Northern bank of River Broughton / 5/2/1846
Hughes / H B & B H / The Rocky River / 5/2/1846
Hughes / H B & B H / on the Rocky River / 26/3/1846
Hughes / Walter Watson / west of Skylligolee Creek / 9/4/1846
Humphrey / James / The Light and Gilbert / 5/2/1846
hunter / James A C / 23 miles NNW of Mount Gambier / 22/1/1846
Hutchinson / Alexander / The Bremer / 12/2/1846
Jacob / William and John / 1/ adjoining the Hutt Special Survey to the eastward
2/ head of Crystal Brook / 2/4/1846
jaensch / C E / western branch of the Onkaparinga / 19/2/1846
jaensch / Christian / 1/ on the Sixth Creek 2/ between the Bremer and Murray / 26/3/1846
jaffray / A / 1/ Right bank of the Murray, 8 miles below Moorunde
2/ Right bank of the Murray, 6 miles north of Moorunde
joint with T Martin / 5/2/1846
Johnson / Joseph / between the runs of Messrs. Stirling, Baker and White / 26/2/1846
Johnson / Archibald / Rivoli bay district / 19/3/1846
Johnson / Archibald / Near Rivoli Bay / 5/2/1846
Johnson / Joseph / near the sources of the Hindmarsh / 19/2/1846
Johnson / Joseph / Princess Royal Copper Mine / 18/6/1846
jones / Henry / Lake Cadnight / 19/2/1846
jones / Richard / 9 miles west of Mount Horrocks / 9/4/1846
jones / Frederick / north side River Murray / 18/6/1846
kelsh / John / the head of the Light / 26/2/1846
Keynes / William / 1/ On the North Rhine
2/ The White Hut Station / 12/2/1846
king / Stephen / 1/ The Hermitage 2/ North Para Plains / 12/2/1846
lang / T G S & W / 1/ the Salt Creek and Coorong
2/ 8 miles west of Lake Mundy / 5/2/1846
lang brothers / Reedy Lagoon, S E district / 6/8/1846
Lawson / Robert / Rivoli Bay district / 26/3/1846
leake / Robert & Edward / 1/ Mount Schanck 2/ N W of Mount Gambier / 6/8/1846
little / John and sons / River Murray / 5/2/1846
logan / James / Gunpowder Creek, three miles from the Burra survey / 26/2/1846
Macarthur / Donald / Limestone Ridge, S E district / 6/8/1846
macdonald / Alexander / Gawler Plains / 5/3/1846
macfarlane / Allan / to the westward of Lake Victoria / 26/2/1846
macfarlane / Duncan / 1 and 2 Rivoli Bay district / 19/3/1846
macfarlane / Duncan / between Lakes Albert and Victoria / 6/8/1846
mackennon / Lachlan & Charles F / 1/ 12 miles N N E Mt Gambier
2/ 23 miles N N E Mt Gambier / 9/4/1846
mackinnon / L & C F / County of Grey, 11 miles E S E from Mount Gambier / 29/10/1846
macredie / Robert / 12 miles N W from Tatiara Creek / 19/2/1846
martin / T / 1/ Right bank of the Murray, 8 miles below Moorunde
2/ Right bank of the Murray, 6 miles north of Moorunde
joint with A Jaffray / 5/2/1846
masters / James / 1/ The River Gilbert 2/ Gawler Plains 3/ sources of the Hindmarsh / 5/2/1846
masters / James / S W by W of Black Rock Hill / 14/5/1846
Mayfield / Thomas / 8 miles north of Mount Graham, Rivoli Bay district / 23/7/1846
Mayfield / Thomas / east of Lake Hawdon Swamp, joint with David Wark / 20/8/1846
mcbean / Lachlan / on the road to Moorunde / 26/2/1846
mcculloch / Alexander / The River Gilbert / 5/2/1846
mcdonald / Donald / Burra Hill, county of Light / 9/4/1846
mcdougall / Dugald / 4 miles south of Granite Rocks on Lawson’s run, S E district / 20/8/1846
mcfarlane / Allan / Tatiara country, S E district / 3/9/1846
mckellar / James / On the River Murray, north east of Lake Bonney / 22/1/1846
mckellar / John / on the right and left banks of the Murray / 5/3/1846
mclean / D & A / Mundoo Island / 19/3/1846
Mcleod / Loudon H / in the Tatiara country / 26/2/1846
mcnichol / J / N N W from Lake Mundy, joint with J Smith / 5/2/1846
Melrose / George / The Rhine / 5/2/1846
Metcalf / Henry / on the Murray / 19/3/1846
Metcalfe / Henry / left bank of the River Murray, above “Thirty nine sections” / 3/9/1846
Mitchell / T N / on the Sixth Creek / 26/2/1846
Mitchell / Walter / Near Rivoli Bay / 5/2/1846
monteith / Thomas F / 10 miles north of the head of the Light / 19/2/1846
monteith / Thomas F / head of the River Light / 4/6/1846
Morphett / John / at the back of the Wellington surveys / 19/2/1846
Murdoch / Margaret / on the falls of the Bremer / 12/3/1846
murray / David Alexander / at the southern extremity of Yorke’s Peninsula, opposite Althorpe’s Island / 20/8/1846
nation / William / Port Lincoln / 29/10/1846
neales / J B / Lake Victoria and the Bremer and Angas rivers / 5/3/1846
newland / Ridgway / on the Gilbert / 12/3/1846
newland / Ridgway / on the Wakefield / 19/2/1846
newland / R F / on the River Light / 26/3/1846
oliver / John / Blind creek, Rivoli Bay district / 23/4/1846
ormerod / George / Mosquito Plains / 23/4/1846
peter / W S / around Marble Range, Port Lincoln,