Application for a licence/extension to a provisional licence

to keep a Riding Establishment


The following should accompany this application:

·  Employer Liability Insurance certificate
·  Public Liability Insurance Certificate
·  Proof of Qualifications/Certificates if applicable
·  Plan of Establishment
·  Payment of relevant fee

Personal Details

Full Name: / Private address (or if Body Corporate, the name of Body, and address of registered office)
Registered number (if applicable):
Telephone number:
E-Mails: / Over 18? If not how old are you? (see note 1)
Details of Business:
Name & address of establishment: / Is the establishment operative throughout the year?
□ Yes □ No
If no, when is the establishment operative?
Who will have direct control or management of the establishment?

If that person is the holder of any of the certificates shown opposite, tick against the name(s) of the one(s) held and enclose the certificate(s) with this application.

/ Assistant Instructor’s Certificate of the British
Horse Society ( )
Instructor’s Certificate of the British Horse Society ( )
Fellowship of the British Horse Society ( )
Fellowship of the Institute of the Horse ( )

If that person does not hold one of certificates mentioned above, please give details of his/her experience in the management of horses? (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Is a responsible person living on the establishment’s premises?

□ Yes □ No

If no, what arrangements are there in case of emergency?

Will supervision by a responsible person of the age of 16 years or over be provided at all times while horses from the establishment are used for providing instruction in riding or are let out on hire for riding (except in the case of a horse let out for hire for riding, when the hirer is competent to ride without supervision)? (see note 2)
□ Yes □ No
Are you, or any person who will have control of or management of the Establishment, disqualified for the time being from: / Keeping a riding establishment? □ Yes □ No
Keeping a dog? □ Yes □ No
Keeping a pet shop? □ Yes □ No
Having the custody of animals? □ Yes □ No
Keeping a boarding establishment for animals? □ Yes □ No
Are you the holder of a current insurance policy which:
a) insures you against liability for any injury sustained by those who hire a horse from you for riding
and those who use a horse in the course of receiving from you, for payment, instruction in riding?
b) insures you against liability arising out of such hire or use of horses?
c) insures such hirers or users in respect of any liability which may be incurred by them in respect
of injury to any person caused by, or arising from, such hire or use?
□ Yes □ No
If yes, please enclose a copy of your insurance certificate. If no, please state what steps are being taken to obtain such insurance.
How many horses are kept under the terms of the Act at present? / What is the maximum number of horses you intend to keep under the terms of the Act during the year? (see note 3)
What accommodation is available for :
a) Horses: Stalls:………………………………Boxes:…………………………….
Covered Yard:……………………………………………………………
(please state the dimensions in the case of a yard)
b) Forage & Bedding:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c) Equipment & Saddlery:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(Please provide full plans of your establishment)
Is land available for:
a) Grazing? □ Yes □ No If yes, please state the size:……………………………………………………
b) Instruction or demonstrating riding? □ Yes □ No
If yes, please provide details:…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name, address, and telephone number of your veterinary surgeon (see note 4): / Should your application be successful do you wish your licence to commence:
Immediately? □
On the 1st day of the next calendar year? □
(Do not complete this part of the application form if you are applying to extend a provisional licence)


Before submitting this application form you must agree to meet the following requirements:

-  The application form has been completed by you as the applicant(s) and not a third party;

-  You will be available to attend, in person, any appointment and/or inspection, resulting from the submission of this application, and conducted by an officer of this authority;

-  You will make available any supporting documentation/information required as part of considering this application at the time of any appointment/inspection and provide copies of such documents if required.

-  The details contained in the application form are correct to the best of your knowledge and belief;



1)  Application form fully completed and signed
2)  Suitable plans are attached
3)  Proof of Public Liability and Employers Liability Insurance is attached
4)  Relevant qualifications
5)  Relevant fee is enclosed – see fees and charges on our website for up to date fee level


1 A licence may be granted to an individual over the age of eighteen years or a body corporate.

It will be a condition of any licence granted that the carrying on of the business of a riding establishment shall at no time be left in the charge of any person under 16 years of age.

2 It will be a condition of any licence granted that no horse will be let out on hire for riding or used for providing instruction in riding without supervision by a responsible person of the age of 16 years or over unless (in the case of a horse let out for riding) the holder of the licence is satisfied that the hirer of the horse is competent to ride without supervision.

3 (i) “Horse” includes any mare, gelding, pony, foal, colt, filly or stallion, and also any ass, mule or jennet.

(ii)  The Act regulates riding establishments which let out horses on hire or use them for the purpose of providing, in return for payment, instruction in riding or for the purpose of demonstrating riding.

4  You must be registered with a veterinary surgeon at all times during the currency of any licence granted.

Licensing Section, Legal & Democratic Services, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AH. Telephone (01283) 221000