BOS Canada

Application for a Conservation Grant 2010

Application Deadline: 1 April 2010

(for a preformatted copy, go to our BOS CAN download page or email us at )


I. COVER PAGE (please complete all sections on this page)

1. Project Title:

2. Principal Investigator (One, responsible for funds):

3. Is this a student project? Yes: ____ No: ____

If yes, what level? BA/S1: ____ MA/S2: ____ PhD/S3: _____

Discipline: ______

Supervisor: ______

4. Address:






5. Tel: ______Fax: ______

email: ______

6. Institutional Affiliation (university, organization): ______

7. Country where the project will be conducted: ______

8. Proposed project period:

Start date ______End date ______

9. Estimated total cost of project: $ ______

BOS CAN funds requested (max $1,500 CAD): $ ______

Other support (state funding agency, amount granted (or requested, if pending)

Agency: ______$ ______

Agency: ______$ ______

10. Does the project comply with animal welfare regulations in the country in which the project will be conducted? Yes: ______No: ______

11. Have you obtained the necessary research permits in the host country?

Yes: ______Applied, pending: ______

No : ______Not required: ______

12. Provide a 3-line summary of your project:




SECTIONS II through III must not exceed 4 pages, including literature cited (12 pt font, 1.67 cm margins). Describe the project using these sections.

II. ABSTRACT (150-200 words)


1.  Introduction

  1. Background and significance
  2. Specific aims and goals (explain the specific contribution to orangutan conservation)

2.  Methods (complete sections as appropriate)

  1. Study site
  2. Subjects (include sample size)
  3. Procedures
  4. Data Collection
  5. Data analysis
  6. Animal handling (if applicable, give a technical description and justification of procedures that involve immobilization/capture/tissue collection of live animals)

3. Education/Outreach (if applicable)

4. Timetable (outline the dates of project activities, from start to completion)

5. Significance of the Study to Primate Conservation

6. Literature cited (please limited citations to 1 page; 10 pt font acceptable)


1.  Budget (outline major project expenses, e.g., travel/transportation, room, meals, field assistants, equipment, supplies, miscellaneous expenses, etc.)

2.  Justification (provide a brief statement justifying the proposed budget items). If the project budget exceeds the amount requested from BOS Canada, indicate the item(s) to be funded by the BOS CAN Grant and how remaining expenses will be covered (i.e., other sources of funding).


Include information such as educational background, current position, relevant experience, presentations and publications, 2 references (name, address, email). Note: Do not include CVs of co-investigators. Add a second page if needed.

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