Application must be submitted online for Erasmus Exchange Students.
Link for online application
Application Information For Undergraduate Programs
Application Requirements
Qualified Applicants
a) The following students who fulfill the exam requirements of MimarSinan Fine Arts University (please see below) are eligible to apply provided that they have successfully completed their secondary education or are in the last year of their secondary education:
1) International students,
2) those holding Turkish citizenship by birth and renounced their Turkish citizenship, and their children under 18 who are listed in the renouncement document through documenting their certification for rights mentioned in the Turkish Citizenship Law, no: 5901, Item 7, stating that “Anyone born, either in Turkey or abroad, in the marriage of a Turkish mother or father, is a Turkish citizen.”
3) those who hold citizenship of other countries by birth and have gained the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey / those who hold dual-citizenship,
4) those who hold the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey and have completed their high school education in another country, including those who have completed their high school education in a Turkish institution in another country. (Those who have completed their high school education in other country except Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.)
5) those who hold the citizenship of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, who reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and who have completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system, as well as those who have registered and completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010.
b) Applications cannot be accepted from the applicants:
1) Who hold the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey, and have completed their secondary education in Turkey or in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
2) who hold the a citizenship of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (except for those who have completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system in TRNC, and those who have registered and completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010),
3) Who hold a dual citizenship, one of which is a citizenship of the Republic of Turkey by birth, as stated in article (a) item.2 above. (except for those who have completed their high school education in another country other than The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus/ those who have completed their high school education in a Turkish institution in another country other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus),
4) who hold a dual citizenship, one of which is a citizenship of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (except for those who have completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system in TRNC, and those who have registered and completed their secondary education in a GCE AL system abroad between 2005-2010),
5) those who hold a citizenship of the Republic of Turkey or a dual citizenship, one of which is the a citizenship of the Republic of Turkey by birth, as stated in article item.2 above, and who have completed their secondary education at institutions within an embassy or in other foreign institutions in Turkey,
Acceptable Exams
To be eligible to apply to the undergraduate degree programs of MimarSinan Fine Arts University, acceptable examinations and minimum eligibility scores are listed below:
Acceptable International Exams / Forallprograms at theFaculty of ScienceandLetters,Department of City andRegional Planning,
Department of Architecture,
Department of Cinemaand TV,
Programs of VocationalHigherVocational School / Other Programs (of whichAdmission is based on Special TalentExam)
SAT / A minimum total SAT score of 1200
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a minimum total score of 1600. / A minimum total SAT score of 1100
ACT / A minimum score of 24
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a minimum total score of 21 in mathandscience. / A minimum score of 22
GCE (at leastone of which is requiredto be relevanttothe program appliedfor) / A minimum of three A levels. / A minimum of two A levels.
General SecondaryEducationCertificate (Baccalaureate) in Lebanon / A minimum score of 15 / A minimum score of 14
French Baccalaureate / SuccessfulCompletion of French Baccalaureate
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a minimum score of 12. / SuccessfulCompletion of French Baccalaureate
ABITUR / SuccessfulCompletion of the ABITUR
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a maximumoverallgrade of 2 in the ABITUR exam, and a minimum score of 11 out of 15 in thesubjectsrelated. / SuccessfulCompletion of the ABITUR
MATURA / SuccessfulCompletion of MATURA
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a minimum score of 8 out of 10. / SuccessfulCompletion of MATURA
International Baccalaureate / A minimum score of 30 / A minimum score of 28
(General SecondaryEducationCertificate in Jordan) / A minimum score of 90 % in thescientificstream.
Forthedepartment of Mathematics, a minimum score of 90 andfortheotherdepartments at theFaculty of ScienceandLetters, a minimum score of 80 %.
Forthedepartment of City andRegional Planning, a minimum score of 80%. / A minimum score of 80 % in thestreamrelatedtothe program appliedfor.
International ScienceOlympiadsrecognizedandparticipatedby TUBITAK (TheScientificand Technical ResearchCouncil of Turkey). / A gold, silverorbronzemedal / A gold, silverorbronzemedal
StudentSelectionandPlacementExamination (ÖSYS) / Havingobtainedthe minimum scoresforplacementtothe program applied. (tolearnmoreaboutthose minimum scores, candidates can lookfortheones of thepreviousyear.)
Forthedepartment of History, havingobtainedthescorethatcould be maximum %10 belowthe minimum score (which is of thelaststudentacceptedtothe program.) / Forthedepartments of Sculpture, StageCostumeand Design, Photography, CeramicsandGlass Design, TextileandFashion Design, ConservationandRestoration of Artworks, a minimum score of 180 in thestream.
Forthedepartment of interiorarchitecture, a minimum score of 180 in thestream.
Forallthedepartment of StateConservatory, a minimum score of 180 in thestream.
Application Procedure
Required Documents
a.) The original and one copy of the official document of the exam result to be used in application (SAT, ACT, GCE etc.) along with the certified translated copy.
b.) Copy of the identification page of the passport.
c.) Two photographs, colored, and taken in the last 6 months to enable the applicant to be clearly recognized.
d.) The original and one copy of the high school diploma and an Equivalence Letter which is obtained from the Ministry of Education of Turkey or from Turkish Embassies which certify that the diploma is equivalent to a Turkish High School Diploma.
Application Dates and Address:
Applicants are required to submit their completed application documents listed above to the Registrar's Office of the university in person.
Applications sent by post will not be accepted.
Address: Meclis-iMebusanCaddesi No: 24 Fındıklı İstanbul
Application Information For Graduate Programs
Institute of Social Sciences:
General Application Requirements
Applications to graduate programs are accepted in spring and fall semesters each year. Entry requirements for each program may vary. These along with quotas, required documents for each program are announced in May for fall term and in December for spring term on the website. Applicants are highly advised to control these before they apply to the programs. Below only listed general application requirements determined by the Senate and Graduate School in accordance with the recommendations of concerned graduate program committee.
Applicants who would like to apply to any graduate program in the institute of social sciences are required to hold the following criteria:
1.) Bachelor degree from the department determined in entry requirements of relevant programs, (for transfer students, relevancy of bachelor department is not sought for)
2.) A minimum score of 55 in ALES, 610 in GRE, 450 in GMAT in the test content (qualitative, quantitative or equally weighted) required by the relevant program. Programs in Fine Arts and State Conservatory does not require any score in standardized graduate education exams (ALES/GRE/GMAT). For international applicants, the programs in the department of history does not require any graduate exam score either. Please note that ALES certificates are valid for 3 years while GRE/GMAT certificates are valid for 2 years.
3.) For international applicants, successful pass of Turkish Language Proficiency Exam conducted by Ankara University’s TÖMER. Please certification obtained from TMER is valid for 2 years. Completion of undergraduate or graduate level degree in Turkey exempt the applicant from certification of Turkish language proficiency.
4.) A minimum score of 55 in YDS in one of English, German, French or its equivalent in other exams accepted by the inter-university council in Turkey. Unless indicated otherwise, YDS exam certificates issued after September 2005 is valid. For more information, please see OSYM’s website (
5.) For admission of transfer students, an official document indicating applicants’ student certification from the university s/he is transferring from and successful completion of at least one semester (GPA is required to be above 75 for masters and 85 for doctorate degrees.)
Application Procedure
Required Documents
All applicants are required to submit the original and one copy of the following documents:
a.) Undergraduate diploma (if any, masters diploma) or certificate of graduation
For international applicants who have obtained their undergraduate or graduate diplomas abroad are required to have their diplomas translated and certified by the embassy of their native country. For Turkish citizens who have obtained their undergraduate or graduate diplomas abroad are required to obtain YÖK equivalency certificate of their diploma.
b.) Official Transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees
c.) Copy and official translation of the identification page of the passport.
d.) Two photographs, colored, and taken recently.
e.) Certification of graduate exam score (ALES/GRE/GMAT)
f.) Valid and acceptable certification of English qualifying exam (YDS or equivalent)
g.) Valid Certification of Turkish qualifying exam issued by TÖMER/Ankara University
h.) For transfer students, an official document indicating applicants’ student certification from the university s/he is transferring from and successful completion of at least one semester (GPA is required to be above 75 for masters and 85 for doctorate degrees.)
i.) Applicant’s CV
j.) Application form (provided by institute of social sciences)
k.) For applicants who work as university personnel (instructor, expert etc.) at universities outside İstanbul, a document indicating the permission of the rectorate of the university they are working at (regulated by YÖK on 16th of March, 2007, no: 6983). Please note that applicants working as full-time research or teaching assistants at universities outside İstanbul are not allowed to apply to the programs as indicated by the regulation (no:7091-16646) YÖK issued on 29th of July, 1998.
Application Dates and Address:
Applicants are required to submit their completed application documents in person to the address below.
Applications sent by post will not be accepted.
Date and Time:
Address: MSGSÜ SosyalBilimlerEnstitüsüMüdürlüğü 34427 Fındıklı – İSTANBUL Phone: + 90 212 252 16 00 / 4246
Application Information For Graduate Programs
Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences:
General Application Requirements
Applications to graduate programs are accepted in spring and fall semesters each year. Entry requirements for each program may vary. These along with quotas, required documents for each program are announced in May for fall term and in December for spring term on the website. Applicants are highly advised to control these before they apply to the programs. Below only listed general application requirements determined by the Senate and Graduate School in accordance with the recommendations of concerned graduate program committee.
Applicants who would like to apply to any graduate program in the institute of social sciences are required to hold the following criteria:
1.) Bachelor degree from the department determined in entry requirements of relevant programs, (for transfer students, relevancy of bachelor department is not sought for)
2.) A minimum score of 55 in ALES, 610 in GRE, 450 in GMAT in the test content (qualitative, quantitative or equally weighted) required by the relevant program. The applicants who would like to pursue PhD education after undergraduate education are required to hold minimum ALES score of 80. (The programs of Interior Architecture and Mathematics departments do not require any graduate examination score). Please note that ALES certificates are valid for 3 years while GRE/GMAT certificates are valid for 2 years.
3.) For international applicants, successful pass (minimum B1 level) of Turkish Language Proficiency Exam conducted by Ankara University’s TÖMER. Please certification obtained from TÖMER is valid for 2 years. Completion of undergraduate or graduate level degree in Turkey exempt the applicant from certification of Turkish language proficiency.
4.) A minimum score of 30 in YDS in one of English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Persian or its equivalent in other exams accepted by the inter-university council in Turkey (for the programs of the architecture department, minimum score of YDS is required to be 50; for construction engineering, it is 60). The applicants who would like to pursue PhD education after undergraduate education are required to hold minimum YDS score of 55. Please note that YDS is valid for 5 years while TOEFL is valid for 3 years. For more information, please see OSYM’s website (
5.) For admission of transfer students, an official document indicating applicants’ student certification from the university s/he is transferring from and successful completion of at least one semester (GPA is required to be above 75 for masters and 85 for doctorate degrees.)
Application Procedure
Required Documents
All applicants are required to submit the original and one copy of the following documents:
a.) Undergraduate diploma (if any, masters diploma) or certificate of graduation
For international applicants who have obtained their undergraduate or graduate diplomas abroad are required to have their diplomas translated and certified by the embassy of their native country. For Turkish citizens who have obtained their undergraduate or graduate diplomas abroad are required to obtain YÖK equivalency certificate of their diploma.
b.) Official Transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees
c.) Copy and official translation of the identification page of the passport.
d.) Two photographs, colored, and taken recently.
e.) Certification of graduate exam score (ALES/GRE/GMAT)
f.) Valid and acceptable certification of English qualifying exam (YDS or equivalent)
g.) Valid Certification of Turkish qualifying exam issued by TÖMER/Ankara University
h.) For transfer students, an official document indicating applicants’ student certification from the university s/he is transferring from and successful completion of at least one semester (GPA is required to be above 75 for masters and 85 for doctorate degrees.)
i.) Applicant’s CV
j.) Application form (provided by institute of social sciences)
k.) For applicants who work as university personnel (instructor, expert etc.) at universities outside İstanbul, a document indicating the permission of the rectorate of the university they are working at (regulated by YÖK on 16th of March, 2007, no: 6983). Please note that applicants working as full-time research or teaching assistants at universities outside İstanbul are not allowed to apply to the programs as indicated by the regulation (no:7091-16646) YÖK issued on 29th of July, 1998.
The accepted applicants to the programs are required to submit the original and official copy of their diploma on their registration day to the program. The ones who do not complete their undergraduate/masters education till registration day will not be registered to the program.
Application Dates and Address:
Applicants are required to submit their completed application documents in person to the address below.
Applications sent by post will not be accepted.
Date and Time:
Address: MSGSÜ Fen BilimlerEnstitüsüMüdürlüğü 34427 Fındıklı – İSTANBUL
Phone: + 90 212 252 16 00 / 4246