Application Analyze Bar Graph Chart Conclusion

Control group Controlled variable Dependent variable Data

Experiment Fact

Field Studies Hypothesis Independent variable Inference Investigation Interpretation Journal

Line Graph Materials list Measurement

M.e.tricSystem. Models

Observation Opinion Prediction P.rocedure Problem

Ref rence materials · Reliable

Replica ble Research Results

ScientificMethod Simulation Survey Tehnology Testable

Trials Valid

howthe experimentrelates to the real world.

toevaluatein detail in order to support valid decision maki ng. data organized on a grid i n the form of bars.

a graphic representation of measurements taken of the dependent variable. theoutcome of the experiment based on the data collected.

thegrou p in the investigation that that remains unchanged. thingsthat are held constant during an experiment.

thefactor that is being measured in the experiment.

set of collected and recorded measurements or observations. an investigation carried out under controlled condition s.

atruth about a subjectmatter that can be supported by evidence. method of investigation for studyi ng plants and animals in thirhabitat. a predicted outcome to an experiment based on the research collected. thepa rtof the_experiment that is changed on purposeto test itseffects. anexplanation based on evidence that is not directly observed.

a scientific study of the natural world using the scientific method.

anexplanation of the data collected in an experiment or observation. a detailed record of data collections including the date and time. data organized on a grid in the form oflines.

adetailedlistofthesuppliesandequipmentusedinaninvestigation. theprocessofdeterminingthesize,lengthorquantityofsomething. NationalSystemof Measurement (i:e.meter,Liter,gram,etc...).

arepresentation of some object or event in the real world. informationgatheredthroughthe.sensesaboutthenaturalworld.

a personal belief or judgment that is not based on proof or certainty. guessi ng the outcome of an experiment before testing begins.

.aa detailed descripion listing all of the steps in an experiment. the question being investigated in an e_xperirnen_t.

sourcesofiformation abouttheproblembeinginvstigated.

a term used to describe the certainty of data or results of an experiment. theability of a scientific investigation to be reproduced by another.

asearch for general knowledge about a specific topic.. a statement that interprets the data.

routine used to guide a science investigation from beginning to end. an imitation of the functioning of a system or process.

questioning a large group of random people about their attitude or beliefs. the use of scientific knowledge and processes to solve practical problems.

aquestion that can be answered through experimenting.

a repeat of an experiment with a new collection of data or observations. having adequate data or observations to support the conclusion.

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Asteroid Axis Cleavage Climate

Condensation Comet Erosion EvaporatioR Fossil Fuels Galaxy Grvity Hemisphere Humidity Igneous rock Inner Planets Light Years luster

Metamorphic rock Mineral


Outer Planets Polar zone Precipitation Revolution Rotation Seasons

Sedimentary rock Soil

Solar system Star

Streak Sun

Temperate zone Tropical zone Waning

Water cycle Water vapor Waxing Weather Weathering

an object much smaller tha n a planet that orbits the Sun. an imagi nary line about which a body rotates.

aproperty used to describe the surfaces of mi nerals as they break apart. the pattern of weather that occurs in a certain location over many years. the process by which water is changed from a gas to a liquid.

objectmade of rock, ice, dust, and gas that revolves around the Sun. the process of moving weathered rock from one place to another. theprocess by which water is changed from a liquid to a gas. ·

nonrenewable resources like coal, oil, and naturalgas.

a large system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.

the force of attraction that pulls bodies towardsthe center of the Earth. one half of Earth.

ameasu re of the amount of water vapor in the air.

·rock formed from the cooling of magma or lava. thesmall, rocky planets having a fewmoons.

a unit of measure used to describe the distance in space.

a property describing a mineral's appearance when it reflects light. rock formed from extreme heat and pressure.

asolid material with its own properties, formed in or on the Earth's crust. anatural object that orbits a planet.

.thelarge,gaseousplanetswith multiplemoon.andringsystems.

a climate zone with very little precipitation and extremely old temperatures. a form of water that falls to the Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

the motion of one object around another object. · the spinning of an object on its axis.

a division of the year into four priodsmarked by changes ir:ithe weather. a type of rock formed from layers of sediment.

. .the top layer .of Earth's surfac.e made of weathered rock and organic matter.


the Sun, planets and objects that orbit the Sun

amass of hot gases that produces its own light energy.

the color of the powder of a mi neral when it is rubbed on a streak plate. a mediu m-sized star at the center of our solar system.

a climate zone characterized by moderate temperatures.

a climate zone near the equator characterized by warm temperatures. when the amount of sunlight reflected on the moon's surface decreases. phase change of water as it moves through the environ ment.

thegas state of water.

when the amountof sunlight reflected on the moon's surface increases. the condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place.

thebreaki ng down of rocks and minerals by wind, rain, snow, etc...


Absorb Attraction Balance

Balanced forces Chemical change Conduct Compass Dissolve Filtration

Force Friction Gas

Graduated cylinder Grams

Insulator Invertebrate Liquid Magnetism Matter


Mechanical energy iyJetric system Milliliter

Mixture Physical change Pitch


Repel Sedimentation Sieving

Solid Solution Speed

State of Matter Temperature Texture Unbalanced forces Volume

Water displacement Weight

to take in and store energy without reflecting it.

themagnetic force that p ulls objects toward each other. theinstrumentused to measure mass.

forcesthat are equal in size yet, opposite i n direction.

achange that alters the composition of a substance altogether. totransmit heat or electricity through a mediu m.

aninstrumentused to m easuredirection.

twoormoresubstancesthataremixedtogethertoformasolution. separatingliquidsfromsolidsbypassingtheliquidthroughafilter. apush or a pull that one object exerts on anotherobject.

a force involving direct contact that slows down motion.

stateof matter that does not have definite volume or definite shape. aninstrument used to measu re volume.

the unit of measu re for mass.

amaterial used to red uce the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound. · an animal without a backbone.

stateof matter that has definite volume, but no definite shape. force of attraction for iron and certain other metals.

anythingthat takes up space and has mass. the amount of matter in an object.

theenergy of motion or poSttion. .

·National System of MeaurmentJikemeter, Liters, and grams. theunit of measure forvolume.

combiningtwo or more substances.

a change that affects the size, color, or shape of a substance.

therelati_vefrequency (high or low) of a S(!Und as perceived by a lisener. to bounce light, sound, or heat off of a surface.


whenparticles in a suspension settle at the bottom of a fluid.

sepa rating fine particles from la rger ones by sifting them through small holes state of matter that has definite shape and definite volume.

amixtu re in which one or more substances are dissolved in another. thedistance traveled in a given amount of time.

formof mptterincluding: a solid, liquid, or a gas. themeasure of heat energy in a substance. .

a physical property of a solid used to describe itssurface.

forcesthat are u nequal in size and may or may not be opposite in direction . the amount of space an object takes u p.

ameasureofthevolumeofanirregularly-shapedobject. themeasure of the force of gravity on anobject.

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Adaptation Behavior Carnivore Characteristic Classify Community

Complete metamorphosisConsumer

Ecosystem Endangered species Endoskeleton Environment Exoskeleton

Extinct species Fertilization Food chain Germination

traitsthat help an organism survive.

aplant or animal reaction that occurs in response to stimuli. meat-eati ng animal.

aquality or trait of an object or organism. togrou p by category based ·on similarities.

populations of different organisms living together in the same area. lifecycle of insects that includesa larval stage.

anorganism that feeds on other pl ants or animals for food. livi ng and nonliving things that interact in an environment. a population of organisms with the risk of becomi ng extinct. an internal support structure of an animal.

conditions in which an organism lives.

a hard outestructure, such as the shell of an insect or crustacean. aspecies that no longer exists.

the process by which the female and male reproductive cells unite.

thetransfer of energy from the Sun through prod ucers and consumers. when plantsbegin to grow from seed to spore or from seed to bud.


Incomplete metamorphosis type of insect development that involves only three stages.


·Life cycle Nutrient Nymph Omnivore Organism Ovary

. Pistil Population Predator Prey Producer Pupa Pollen Pollinate

Reproduction Spedes Spore

characteristics that are passed from parents to their offspring. the-eatingandgrowingstageinthelifecycleofanorganis/TI. testages of an organism' growth and·development.

a substance that an organism needs to survive and grow. aninsect undergoing incomplete meta morphosis.

. animals that eat both meat andplants.


thiffel'l)ale reproductive orgari that produces and contains egg cells.



· type of species living in a specific area. animals h u nt and consu me other animals.

organism that is h unted for food by another organism. anorganism that ma kesits on food.

astageinthelifecycleofaninsectthatoccursbetw·eenlarvaandadult. the fine dust li kepowder that contains the male reproductive cells. · transfer of pollen from the male to the female reproductive structure. theprocess ofmakingmoreorganismsofthesamekind.

. a group of the same kind of organisms.

a seed-like structure that produces a new plant li kea fern or a moss. the male reproductive structure of a flowering plant.