Application-agreement of the young participant (Сompetition “Leader”)
Project information
- Surname, First Name of the head of the group:
- Project title:
Young participant information
- Surname, First Name:
- Date of birth:
- Education (university, date of graduation):
(Students should indicate the year they are presently in and the expected date of graduation) - Title, date, and the institution where PHD degree was received:
(Young participants-PhD Students should give expected title, date, and the institution of the PHD thesis defence) - Primary current affiliation, position:
- Planned primary affiliation for the project duration, position (if different from the current):
- ResearcherID, ORCHID (optional):
(Recommended. These identifiers uniquely identify scientific authors and can be obtained at
and - Publications in foreign scientific journals with an impact-factor higher than 1 and Russian scientific journals with an impact-factor higher than 0.5, starting from January 1, 2014 (maximum 15):
(In English. Please provide titles and the publications' URLs) - Other publications, besides those listed in 10(maximum 10):
(In English. Please provide titles and the publications' URLs) - Other grants (Russian, international, and foreign) within the last 5 years:
(Provide the starting date and the (expected) termination date and specify the role (coordinator or participant) in each project. Example:
RFBR 15-02-00001, 01.2015-12.2017, coordinator) - Pending applications for grants (Russian, international, foreign):
(Provide the potential starting and termination dates and specify the role (coordinator or participant) in each project) - Past primary affiliations:
(Give dates, position, organization. Main affiliations only) - Secondary affiliations and teaching (optional):
- Awards, prizes, other honors (optional):
- Postal address:
- E-mail:
- Phone number:
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and is an exact and accurate translation of the original application in Russian language.