This Application form is to be used onlybya Distributor (“LDC”) to applyto Hydro One for a Connection Impact Assessment (“CIA”) or Detailed Technical Connection Assessment (“DTCA”) on behalf of a generation proponent connecting to theLDC’sDistribution System. This application is to be accompanied with the LDC’s generation connection application as completed bythe generation proponent,which mustprovide theminimum information requirements listed in Appendix A and, if applicable, Appendices B, C and D of this application form.
Technical Requirements
For technical requirements of Hydro One’s Distributed Generation projects, refer to the “Distributed Generation Technical Interconnection Requirements Interconnections at Voltages 50kV and Below”available at:.
Application Submission Instructions
Please return the completed form, fees and other required documents by mail to:
Hydro One Networks Inc.
Attn: Dx Generation Connections
Generation Connection Application
185 Clegg Road
Markham, OntarioL6G 1B7
Important Notes
- Applicants are cautioned NOT to incur major expenses until Hydro One approves to connect the proposed generation facility.
- All technical submissions (Form B, Single Line Diagrams, etc.) must be signed and sealed by a licensed Ontario Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
- If you are applying for connection of a Load Displacement or Energy Storage facility, the assessment performed by Hydro One is a Detailed Technical Connection Assessment (“DTCA”). For such facilities, the term Connection Impact Assessment (“CIA”) as it appears throughout this Form B shall be interpreted to mean Detailed Technical Connection Assessment (“DTCA”).
- Ifyou have anyquestions please e-mail Hydro One’s BusinessCustomer Centre at or call1-877-447-4412(Option# 2) 8:30 am to5:00 pm Monto Fri).
- All fields beloware mandatory, exceptwhere noted.Incomplete applications maybe returned byHydro One Networks Inc. (“Hydro One”). Failure to provide theminimum information requirementswill result in delays in processing your application.
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B
LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Hydro One Distributed Generation Group | | 1-877-447-4412 (Option 2)
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Section A – Administrative InformationDate:
(mm / dd / yyyy) / mm / dd / yyyy / Application Type:(choose one) / New Application Revision/Rework
Reconnection of an existing generator Simplified CIA
Program Type:
(choose one) / FIT Load Displacement Energy Storage Net Metering
Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) Other (please specify)
1. / Contact Information
Legal Name of LDC:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address Line 1:
Mailing Address Line 2:
Preferred method of communication with Hydro One / E-mail Telephone Mail Fax
Section B – Project Information
1. / Generation Proponent Name:
2. / Project Name:
3. / Energy Source (choose one)
Biomass Solar (PV) Gas Turbine Wind Diesel Engine Water CHP/Cogen
Other (please specify)
4. / Generator Nameplate Capacity: / kW
5. / IESO Contract Number(F-XXXXXX-XXX-XXX-XX)(if applicable):
6. / Connection to Hydro One Transformer Station
Feeder Voltage: / kV / Feeder Designation:
Transformer Station: / LV Bus Designation:
LDC feeder selection conductor information (from TS, or from the territory boundary between the LDC and Hydro One, to the Generator location, including conductor length and type)
7. / Feeder owned entirely by the LDC? / Yes No
8. / Existing Generator Information: / IfanypartoftheLDC’sdistributionsystemthatisdownstreamfromtheaboveTS,includes existingorproposedqueuegenerators,theLDCmustprovidedetailsofthatgenerationin theattachedAppendixB.
9. / LDC Form B: / Pleaseattachonecopyofyour company’s completedFormBassubmittedbyyour generationproponentincludinganEngineer’sstamp. TheFormBmustincludeallthe minimuminformationrequirementsnotedinAppendix“A”.
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Section C – Checklist
10. / Please ensure the following items are completed prior to submission. Your applicationwill not be processed if any part is omitted or incomplete:
□Payment in full including applicable taxes (by cheque* payable to “HydroOne
Networks Inc.”)
□LDC FormB stamped by a Professional Engineer
Single Line Diagram with P. Eng. Stamp
□Listing of existing generation (Appendix B)
□Minimum information for Load Displacement or Energy Storage Facilities (Appendices C or D) (if applicable)
A CIA or DTCA Study Agreement must be included with this application, must be original signed hardcopy document (must not be electronic signature).
*Note: if the payment cheque for the CIA fee is from your customer instead of the LDC, the cheque must be certified.
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Appendix A – LDC Generation Application Minimum Requirements1. / The following sections/items in the LDC Generation Application aremandatory:
a)Project Name
b)FIT Contract Number
c)Project size
d)Project location
e)Single Line Diagram with P. Eng. Stamp
2. / Generation Characteristics – The following items are required:
a)Number of generating units
b)Manufacturer/type or model No.
c)Rated capacity for each unit
d)Rated frequency
e)Generator terminal connection
f)Nominal machine voltage
g)Direct axis subtransient reactance, Xd”
h)Direct axis transient reactance, Xd’
3. / Interface Step-Up transformer characteristics (all items are required)
a)Transformerrating (kVA)
b)Nominal voltage of high voltage winding(kV)
c)Nominal voltage of low voltage winding(kV)
d)Transformer type (single orthree phase)
e)Impedanceson kVA & kV base (R pu, X pu)
f)High voltage winding connection (delta/star)
g)Grounding method of star connected high voltage winding neutral(Solid/ Ungrounded &Impedance -R & Xohms)
h)Low voltage winding connection (delta/star)
i)Grounding method of star connected low voltage winding neutral (Solid/ Ungrounded &Impedance - R &X ohms)
NOTE:The term ‘High Voltage’ refers tothe connection voltage to HydroOne’s distribution system and ‘Low
Voltage’ refers to the generation or any other intermediate voltage.
4. / IntermediateTransformer Characteristics (if there are intermediate transformers (all items are required)
No intermediate transformer (if chosen, parts a. to g. belowareoptional)
a)Transformerrating (kVA)
b)Nominal voltage of high voltage winding(kV)
c)Nominal voltage of low voltage winding(kV)
d)Transformer type (single orthree phase)
e)Impedanceson kVA & kV base (R pu, Xpu)
f)High voltage winding connection (delta/star)
g)Grounding method of star connected highvoltage winding neutral:(Solid, Ungrounded & Impedances –R & Xohms
h)Low voltage winding connection: (delta, star)
i)Grounding method of star connected low voltage winding neutral:
NOTE:The term ‘High Voltage’ refers tothe intermediate voltage that is input to the interface step-up transformer and the ‘Low Voltage’ refers to the generation voltage.
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Appendix B – Existing Generation Listing (Generation > 10kW supplied from the TS) TS()Generator
Name / TS Feeder / Generation
Type / Total Nameplate Capacity / Comments
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Appendix C – Supplemental information for Load Displacement FacilitiesMinimum Generation Output information required for Load Displacement Generation Facilities
Load of Facility (kW) / Load of Facility (kVAR, lead or lag) / Generation Output (kW) / Generation Output (kVAR, lead or lag)
Minimum Load
Maximum Load
Local Distribution Company (LDC) Form B | LDC Individual Generation Assessment Application
Appendix D – Supplemental information for Energy Storage FacilitiesWhat will be the control strategy of the Energy Storage Facility:
Peak Shaving
Description of Control Strategy
When operating as a load
Switch In Time / Switch Out Time / Load kW (peak) / Load kVAR (peak, leading/lagging)
When operating as a generator
Switch In Time / Switch Out Time / Generation kW (peak) / Generation kVAR (peak, leading/lagging)
Dynamic VAR Support
Description of Control Strategy
Switch In Condition / Switch Out Condition / Generation kW (peak) / Generation kVAR (peak, leading/lagging)
Frequency Support
Description of Control Strategy
Switch In Condition / Switch Out Condition / Generation kW (peak) / Generation kVAR (peak, leading/lagging)
Note: Please attach a detailed description of the proposed control mode.
Hydro One reserves the right to modify the control strategy as part of its Detailed Technical Connection Assessment.
HydroOneLDCIndividual Generation Assessment Form(LDCFormB) | Version 7 | April 14, 2016 | Pg1