Extended Health Benefits Application
(Includes Seniors)
Applicant Information
Surname Given Name(s)Birthdate (d/m/y) HCP # (Health Care Number)
Mailing Address
Home Phone e-mail Address
Employment Status
/Applicant - Demandeur
/Common-Law / Spouse - Conjoint
Are you Employed? / Yes No / Yes NoIf Yes, Name of Employer or Government Department. / /
Employer’s Phone number. / /
Do you have an Insurance Plan? / Yes No
Oui Non / Yes No
Oui Non
If Yes, Name of Plan. / /
See over
Medical Statement (To be completed by physician or community health nurse)
I here by certify that the information given is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.Signature: ______Date: ______
(Applicant, Parent, or Guardian)
Applicant’s Declaration
Employer Statement - To be completed if checked “no” for insurance coverage, disregard if retired
I certify that ______has not opted out of any insurance plan offered through(name of applicant)
employment and that ______does not currently cover any costs towards medical travel,
(name of employer)
airfare, accommodation, meals and/or ground transportation .
Signature (Employer) and Job Title Date
Phone Number
See over for 2nd job information
Return Completed Application to: Nunavut Health Insurance Programs (NHIP) For Office Use Only
Department of Health Create File
Box 889 Add to Manual List
Rankin Inlet, NU X0C 0G0 Letter
See over
Does your insurance plan cover any of the following?
1. A group medical insurance plan.Yes No
If yes, please indicate plan name______
2. A prescription drug planYes No
If yes, please indicate level of coverage______
3. Travel costs for medical reasons Yes No
If yes, does this include meals & accommodation?______
4. Ambulance costs Yes No
If yes, please indicate level of coverage______
5. Dental Benefits Yes No
If yes, please indicate level of coverage______
6. Eyeglass Benefits Yes No
If yes, please indicate level of coverage______
7. Medical Equipment / Supplies
If yes, please indicate level of coverage______
8. A retirement group insurance plan
If yes, please indicate level of coverage & benefits and start date of retirement benefits
9. Is the employee’s spouse & dependents entitled to any benefits? Yes No
If yes, please indicate which benefits______
Medications (include DIN)To be filled out by Physician or Nurse
2ndEmployer Statement - To be completed if checked “no” for insurance coverage, disregard if retired
I certify that ______has not opted out of any insurance plan offered through(name of applicant)
employment and that ______does not currently cover any costs towards medical travel,
(name of employer)
airfare, accommodation, meals and/or ground transportation .
Signature (Employer) and Job Title Date
Phone Number
Phone 867-645-8001 Toll Free 1-800-661-0833 Fax 867-645-8092 e-mail: