Applicant Check List for Solar PV Panel Installations
Requirements for Permit Submittal
(a)What is the system KW rating? ______
(b)Solar Installer Company ______
(c)Is this an inter-tie or stand alone system? (Circle one)
(d)Is this an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) system? (i.e., battery back-up)
(e)If yes, give the number, size and location of the batteries.______
(f)If panels are rooftop mounted, what is the existing roofing material?
(g)If rooftop mounted, how many layers and what types of existing roofing do
you have under the panels?______
(h)Provide a roof plan and a framing cross-section showing roof slope, size,
spacing, span and direction of existing rafters. Note: If rafters are over-spanned, provide framing details for proposed rafter strengthening. A building permit is required for any new framing.
(i)Indicate style, diameter, length of embedment of bolts (i.e., 5/16” lags with
Minimum of 3” embedment into framing)______
(j)Indicate number of bolts per panel (or alternately, sq. ft. of panel per bolt)
(k)Provide a simple plot plan showing property line locations, approximate
Location of all structures, the location(s) of the panel installations and the
main service location.
(l)Provide manufacturer’s specification sheets on all components including but not limited to inverters and panels, which include the make, model, listing, size, weight, etc.
(m)Provide a single line drawing of the electrical installation which includes following information: PV panel layout, PV power source short circuit current rating, conductor size, type, locations and lengths of runs, wiring methods, grounding points, inverter location, disconnect locations, battery locations (if applicable), point of connection to the existing electrical system. Include the existing service size and number of meters.
(n)Specify the locations of all equipment and disconnects (i.e., located on exterior face of west wall of building and any interior locations of equipment.
(o)Where the weight of the equipment cannot be supported on the existing roof (paragraph h) or a tilt-up system is used, we require an engineer’s letter certifying that the structure being used to anchor the solar array will endure the additional stressed created for live and dead loads and stressed created by the tilt-up system catching wind (90 mph). Minimum roof and wind loads requirements.
(p)The applicant will verify with the Park City Planning Department that the proposed complies with an Zoning, Planned Development Districts, Historic Districts and required HOA approvals or deed restrictions.
(q)Please review proposal with Rock Mountain Power for the solar incentive program ( or 1-866-344-9802. Incentives are based upon complying with their requirements for pre-installation inspection and post-installation installation.
(r)Provide a warning sign at the main electrical disconnect to the building that solar panels are provide supplemental voltage.
I ______have read the above information and acknowledge that all the required documents have been provided.
- Electrical permit application for flush mounted photovoltaic systems: Building and Electrical permit for tilt-up photovoltaic systems.
▪ Plumbing vent termination is not allowed to remain under solar installations. Vent termination must be relocated (and possibly resized) or an air admittance valve may be utilized in accordance with the International Plumbing Code (IPC) and/or International Residential code (IRC)