Appendix: Supplementary information
A.1 Additional figures
Figure S1: Distribution of age by gender in sample
Figure S2: Mean acceptance rate (only first item of acceptance scale) and standard errors by decision mode for different importance levels.
Figure S3: Correlations between items used to construct the dependent variable “acceptance”.Cronbach’s α = 0.85.
Acceptance / Acceptance Scale / Item Accept / Item Angry / Item Support / Item Resistance / Item HelplessAgreement / 0.802*** / 1.051*** / 0.856*** / 0.762*** / 0.792*** / 0.549***
0.017 / 0.02 / 0.024 / 0.026 / 0.025 / 0.026
Importance / -0.32*** / -0.185 / -0.366** / -0.44*** / -0.311** / -0.308*
0.103 / 0.161 / 0.16 / 0.161 / 0.156 / 0.174
Direct Democracy / -0.187*** / -0.005 / -0.452*** / 0.301*** / -0.451*** / -0.325
0.013 / 0.019 / 0.02 / 0.021 / 0.021 / 0.023
Direct Democracy × Importance / 0.105*** / 0.089** / 0.115** / 0.119** / 0.106** / 0.096*
0.032 / 0.045 / 0.046 / 0.048 / 0.049 / 0.051
Intercept / 2.061*** / 0.352*** / 3.2*** / -0.614*** / 3.472*** / 3.883***
0.061 / 0.086 / 0.096 / 0.094 / 0.095 / 0.088
N / 1839 / 1839 / 1839 / 1839 / 1839 / 1839
r2_o / 0.653 / 0.618 / 0.55 / 0.456 / 0.52 / 0.311
chi2 / 2496.647 / 3209.431 / 2130.542 / 1213.632 / 1455.753 / 510.529
* p< .1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01
Table 4: Acceptance of a decision as the depended variable with reported coefficients and standard errors in parentheses.Replicating the main result from table 3 with each item of the acceptance score.
A.2 Scenarios
We employed a 3×5×2 factorial design to test for differential acceptance rates ofpolitical decisions, varying the decision-making mechanism, the issue scenario, and a positive versus negative framing of the decision problem. In the following, we will describe the structure of the scenarios, translated from the original German online questionnaire with added emphasis and negative frames given in square brackets. Original scenarios were without emphasis and brackets. In the bold part of the example scenario, we manipulate the decision-making process; in the part in italics, we manipulate the issue of the scenario; and with the square brackets we manipulate the positive/negative framing.
The first issue used in the scenarios was on nuclear power. One example of the scenarios with nuclear power reads as follows:
“Please imagine that after the state election on March 27, 2011, the majority of the Members of Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (of various parties) makes the following decision concerning nuclear power: The state of Rhineland-Palatinate will [will not] campaign for revising the decision concerning longer remaining service lives for nuclear power plants.”
The second issue scenario is about the introduction of a centralized secondary school-leaving examination (instead of a decentralized examination). In this case, the second emphasized text portion in the above decision task was replaced by:
The centralized high-school examination will [will not] be introduced inRhineland-Palatinate.
Topic 3 deals with the introduction of Islamic education in public schools:
Public schools in Rhineland-Palatinate should [should not] offer Islamic religious education in German language.
The differential effects of five decision-making procedures are tested by the following replacements of the first emphasized text portion in the above task. These descriptions correspond to a decision made by (a) a direct-democratic procedure; (b) an expert committee; (c) the party CDU; (d) the party SPD; (e) the majority of parties,i.e., the parliament.
(a) based on a direct-democratic procedure, the following decision is made
(b) a commission of experts is installed, which reaches the following decision
(c) the majority of the members of Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate follow a petition of the Christian-Democratic Party and make the following decision
(d) the majority of the members of Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate follow a petition of the Social-Democratic Party and make the following decision
(e) the majority of the members of Parliament (from diverse parties) makes the following decision