Appendix S1. Species frequency and morphogroup classification
Species frequency and morphogroup classificationa,b (species occurring > 5 % quadrats in fragmentation study and all species in the taxonomically resolved fencing study)
Morphogroup / Species / Fencing study(n= 61) / Fragmentation study
(n = 52)
Black crust (cyanobacteria and algae, visible as dark soil colouration)c
27.0 / NA
Gel lichens (cyano-lichens, gel-like when wet)c
Collema coccophorum / 27.0 / 42.6
Lempholemma chalazanum. / 17.5
Synalissa symphorea / 6.6
Crustose lichens (crust-like growth, tightly attached to soil)
Aspicilia contorta / 4.8 / 32.8
Diploschistes thunbergianus / 3.2 / 16.4
Lecinora sp aff. / 3.2
Paraporpidia glauca / 3.2
Psora crystallifera / 6.3 / 18.0
Squamulose lichens (scale-like thallus)
Catapyrenium sp. / 8.2
Cladonia sp. / 30.2 / 27.9
Endocarpon pusillum / 11.1
Endocarpon simplicatum / 14.3
Endocarpon sp. / 26.2
Placidium squamulosum / 12.7 / 24.6
Psora decipiens / 3.2 / 21.3
Trapelia crystallifera / 3.2 / +
Foliose lichens (leaf-like, flattened thallus)
Cladia beaugleholei / 6.3 / 9.8
Cladia muelleri / 6.3
Siphula coriacea / 4.8 / 6.6
Xanthoparmelia amphixantha / 22.2 / 21.3
Xanthoparmelia reptans / 27.0 / 11.5
Xanthoparmelia pulla / 6.3 / +
Xanthoparmelia willisii / 7.9
Fruticose lichens (shrub-like, branched thallus)
Cladia aggregata / 7.9 / +
Short mosses (species mean height <15 mm)**
Acaulon integrifolium / 4.8
Aloina sullivaniana / 11.5
Barbula unguiculata / 6.3
Bartramia nothostricta / 1.6
Bryobartramia novae-valesiae
/ 1.6Bryum argenteum / 11.1 / 19.7
Ceratodon purpureus / +
Crossidium geheebii / +
Didymodon torquatus / 50.8 / 55.7
Eccremidium pulchellum / 7.9 / +
Entosthodon subnudus / 23.0
Fissidens megalotis / 38.1 / 32.8
Fissidens taylorii / 9.5 / +
Gemmabryum pachytheca group / 57.1 / 62.3
Gigaspermum repens / 28.6 / 37.7
Goniomitrium acuminatum ssp. enerve / 1.6 / +
Microbryum sp. aff / 1.6
Microbryum davallianum
/ +Microbryum starkeanum
/ 8.2Phascopsis rubicunda / 1.6
Phascum robustum var. crassinervium
/ 6.3Pottia scabrifolia / 1.6
Pottia sp. / 11.5
Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum
/ 9.5 / 14.8Pterygoneurum ovatum / 3.2 / +
Stonea oleaginosa / 11.5
Tetrapterum cylindricum / 4.8
Tortula atrovirens group / 41.3 / 49.2
Tall mosses (species mean height >15 mm)
Barbula calycina / 46.0 / 29.5
Campylopus introflexus / 3.2 / +
Pseudocrossidium crinitum / 41.3 / 14.8
Rosulabryum campylothecium / 17.5 / 13.1
Rosulabryum capillare / 20.6 / 11.5
Syntrichia antarctica
/ 42.9 / 9.8Triquetrella papillata / 69.8 / 23.0
Thallose liverworts (strap-like, flattened thallus)
Riccia limbata / 17.5 / 16.4
Riccia sp. / 7.9 / 16.4
Riccia spongiosula / 1.6
Leafy liverworts (leafy plants)
Cephaloziella exiflora / 1.6 / 6.6
Fossombronia sp. / 6.3 / 16.4
aTaxa confidently identified to species level in the fragmentation study and recorded with a frequency 5 % across quadrats are noted (+)
bNomenclature generally follows Klazenga (2013) for mosses, McCarthy (2006) for liverworts and McCarthy (2013) and J. Elix (pers. comm.) for lichens.
cBlack crust (cyanobacterial crust) and gel lichen morphogroups were not recorded and mosses were recorded as one morphogroup (moss) in the fragmentation study