Appendix S1. Examples of Co-Regulations Episodes and Coding of Regulatory and Socioemotional

Appendix S1. Examples of Co-Regulations Episodes and Coding of Regulatory and Socioemotional

Appendix S1. Examples of co-regulations episodes and coding of regulatory and socioemotional interactions

1. 1 Example of high-level content co-regulation episode

It concerns the collaborative determination of the appropriate side dishes to be added to their overall menu from a list previously prepared by the teacher. In order to make the best choice, apprentices have to consider several professional criteria, i.e. colour, season, taste, reference with further ingredients, presence of the same cooking method.

App1: which kind of vegetables? As, now we have white and green

App2: we could add just a little bit of color …

App4: no tomatoes as we have them here, anyway

App1: neither asparagus…

App4: what do you think about the beets?

App3: beets, in my opinion…

App4: no?

App3: do we have them in the list?

App4: they are here

App3: we have tagliatelle

App4: nods

App3: and then after vegetables?

App1: tagliatelle are green

App2: pasta with the vegetable…

App4: eh, but then we have to change it. We can change…

App3: let’s add the gnocchi

App3: yeah, but also with gnocchi it’s ok. The vegetable are ok with rice and cornmeal mush, too

App1: yeah, it’s ok with…

App4: yeas it’s true

App3: …because we have to add the vegetable. .What do we have at disposal? Carrots?

App4: frosted carrots, spinach gratin, stewed savoy cabbage, Occitan tomatoes…

App3: nothing green…no.

App4:something which gives colour, so the carrots or…

App1: carrots

App4: or beet

App4: here we have tomatoes...or what about red cabbage?

App1: we have to add two typologies of vegetables

App3: or the beet and…

App1: and…what about baby onion?

App4: yes, indeed

App3: baby onions yes

App4: they are ok, in my opinion

App1: the carrots, too…

App3: the frosted carrots…but they are frosted, too!

App1: ah damn!!! It’s true!

App4: so, I’d choose baby onions

App1: baby onions

App3: steamed ones, no those are…

App3: boh, we have the bianchetto meat that’s white, too, so…add the beet

App4: otherwise put the braised red cabbage

App1: braised red cabbage and baby onions…

App3: however, that violet beet…, that one…

App4: or those ones [beet] or the red cabbage

App3: …keeping onions, yes…

App4: …it’s ok for me with braised red cabbage, too

App3: …[pointing an imaginary dish and indicating the position of sides dishes they have chosen] the cabbage, the onions and the tagliatelle…yes it could be ok

App4: so, braised red cabbage ad frosted baby onions

1.2 Coding of regulatory and socio-emotional interactions in high-level content co-regulation episode

Turn / Group member / Transcript from high level content co-regulation episode / Regulatory processes / Socio
emotional interactions
1 / App2 / so, here we this was for 10! / Monitoring / group cohesion
2 / App1 / is it???
3 / App2 / eh!
4 / App1 / puts his hands on his face / monitoring
5 / App2 / yes! It has to be adapted and you made a fool of him! / planning
App1 / start deleting the paper he has written…
7 / App3 / so, it’s 3 kilos and 25
8 / App1 / wait! I have to delete everything, now
App3 / indicates the next step on the paper
App3 / ignores what he read / discouraging participation
11 / App3 / do we need it in grams Or not? / planning
clarification question / group cohesion
12 / App1 / you have to leave it in grams / planning
13 / App3 / yes, but how many grams? 3500!
14 / At the meantime App2 writes 3500
15 / App3 / no, 3200!
16 / App1 / no, but have to calculate in grams, you have to do… / planning
17 / App3 / why should I calculate it in grams, sorry? / how question
18 / App1 / because I’ve written it in grams!
Damn If you calculate you have to divide 10 grams by 65 and 325. 325 grams / tent. of explanation
19 / App3 / No, they are 3 kilos / monitoring
20 / App1 / 350 grams seem to be modest…but, no… / monitoring
21 / App3 / no...
22 / App1 / my friend, if you calculate in grams, you cannot get results in kilos, / monitoring
23 / App3 / 0,050
24 / App1 / But it’s obvious! If you calculate 50, 50/10 x 65, the result is 325gramms, which are 3kilos and … / tent. of explanation
25 / App3 / 325g are 3 chili e 2?????? / how question
26 / App1 / Hectograms
27 / App3 / so please…a
28 / App1 / listen to me, “beautiful guy”, you know you come and say…you’re pissing off / discouraging participation
29 / App2 / come back in your hibernation so that we hurry on. / disrespect

2.1 Example of low-level content co-regulation episode

The except below, referring to how to deal with the placement of the post-its and of the pictures on the timeline (Activity 1), is an illustration of such low level content co-regulation episodes.

app3 I’m lucky, my recipe is easy

app2 should we start to put in on the poster?

app3 which method do you have? The sauté method?

app1 check it!

app3 ah, in this way?

app1 how should we do...

app1 yes, it’s not very vertical, I know…

app3 do you put these pictures also?

app1 yes, yes.

1.2 Coding of regulatory and socioemotional interactions in low-level content co-regulation episode

Turn / Group member / Transcript from low level content co-regulation episode / Regulatory processes / Socio
emotional interactions
1 / app1 / so, guys, we can do in this way. Do you have the main dish? Let’s do the main dish and you start to calculate those one. So do the polenta. We prepare corn mush and stew. So, give me the ingredients. / planning / group cohesion (x2)
2 / app2 / pork stew
3 / app1 / yes, pork. And then.
4 / app2 / now we have mix vegetable
5 / app1 / net weight
app2 / 6 and 60
7 / app1 / 6.6 kilos
8 / app3 / 11.60 CHF
9 / app2 / 6.06
10 / app1 / six kilos of stew.
11 / app3 / 11.60 CHF for kilo
12 / app1 / the buying price is15.60. ok. then we have mix vegetable. Would you like we….let’s do celery. How much do you have, in total? / how question / group cohesion
13 / app2 / 1.3
14 / app1 / 1.3 so, we put celery, carrot and onion. Let’s put 100, 3. They are 42 grams / group cohesion
15 / app1 / carrot, onion and you say 50
16 / app3 / it’s 4000
17 / App1 / Shhhhhhhhhhh. One (me) is thinking, is writing and this one speaks so aloud. Two slaps, f...! / disrespect