Appendix L Learning & Development Needs: Plan Template

The Learning & Development Needs Plan template is to record during supervision the outcome of any discussion on training and development activity. Guidance notes are overleaf.

(linked to work plan) / L&D Required
e.g. Customer Care Method
e.g. course, guided reading / Date
(planned /undertaken) / Key L&D Objectives / Expected Outcomes (service delivery improvements) / L&D Outcomes*

* Were key L&D objectives met and Expected Outcomes achieved? If 'No', give reasons.

Learning & Development Needs, Plans and outcomes guidance


This template will allow you and your line manager to follow a consistent approach, support both pre and post training and development discussions and ensure that details are recorded. Managers will be able to record expected outcomes and actual outcomes on any particular course, and the difference will indicate the quality of the learning event.Senior managers can then review the overall training and development programme. This will help to improve future training events and make sure that you receive high quality development opportunities. The actual outcome relates to the potential benefits in service delivery. You and your manager will have the opportunity to discuss whether there have been any improvements to practice following any learning and/or development interventions which will help to evaluate the overall benefit for children and families.

Using the template

In order to make sure any learning is linked to service delivery you should first identify the particular objective/s you have to carry out, and, feel you could improve with some additional skill development, knowledge, experience, etc. Identify the learning and development needed and the date it is planned for.Then add the key learning objectives, i.e. what do you want to be able to do following the learning. Finally identify as expected outcomes how you think this will improve service delivery.

After a learning and/or development intervention, identify the actual outcome, were the key objectives achieved as agreed prior to the event?In particular, record if you think you have been able to put your new skills into practice, and they have improved service delivery as you expected and discussed prior to the event? Finally is any further action required? If the course did not meet its objectives you may wish to discuss further development opportunities. Even if the course was excellent you may wish to discuss with your manager how you can most effectively use your new skills and disseminate the learning to others.